The Pulsar Geometry of the Wavespell

The 13 Moon Calendar measures several cycles of time, in addition to the seven day week. One of these is called the “Wavespell”, and describes a cycle of 13 days, where each day represents a stage of creation.

The Wavespell is the form constant of fourth-dimensional time. The geometry of fourth-dimensional time is called pulsar geometry. The pulsar geometry binds and connects different stages of the Wavespell together, informing the 3rd dimensional order.

Each of the “13 tones” that define the stages of the Wavespell are a function of one of four pulsars.

4th Dimensional Time Pulsar

  1. Magnetic (Unify, Purpose, Attract)
  2. Overtone (Empower, Command, Radiance)
  3. Solar (Pulse, Realise, Intention)
  4. Cosmic (Endure, Transcend, Presence)

1st Dimensional Life Pulsar
2. Lunar (Polarise, Stabilise, Challenge)
6. Rhythmic (Organise, Balance, Equality)
10. Planetary (Perfect, Produce, Manifestation)

2nd Dimensional Sense Pulsar
3. Electric (Activate, Bond, Service)
7. Resonant (Channel, Inspire, Attunement)
11. Spectral (Dissolve, Release, Liberation)

3rd Dimensional Mind Pulsar
4. Self-Existing (Define, Measure, Form)
8. Galactic (Harmonise, Model, Integrity)
12. Crystal (Dedicate, Universalise, Cooperation)


As a Blue Rhythmic Night, I am part of the first-dimensional life pulsar. Where does your signature fit in the pulsar geometry of the wavespell?


hey nick, thanks for posting this :happy:

I’m also part of the first-dimensional life pulsar, being yellow planetary seed.

Is there meaning to these things as well? Time, life, sense mind?


I’m part of the third dimensional mind pulsar, being Galactic.