the BIG Remembering Dreams Topic

i go through phases of dreaming. I dream for a few days and then for a week or two i forget about the motivation of dream recall so i write a stick note somewhere where i visit each day before i go to bed >> above my pillow


I have a similar problem that I don’t want to disturb my husband when I awake from a dream. I have (somehow) taught myself to write in the dark. I don’t write the whole dream down - just enough keywords to recall in the morning. I always keep a pen and paper on the table next to my bed.
The writing is a bit scribbly, and I use the glow from my alarm clock to make sure I am not writing over what I have written before.
Doing this means that I have a lot better recall than trying to remember everything when I wake up.

:cool: Nothing works so good for dreamrecall as strong coffee smell.

Sensing smell is not blocked by dreaming or deep sleep.
So i tested awsome strong coffee smell in a totally air closed bedroom.
I put a coffee machine next to my bed…2 hours before waking it makes coffee, awfully strong coffee lol…and it has a strong effect on dream recall…i had an average of 2 dreams i can remember…now they are 6 i can remember. Weak point of this experiment is that the machine makes noise lol. Its based on the idea that drug dealers use coffee powder to block drug dogs from smelling the coke. So it has to have a strong signalling power for smell senses. I tried and indeed it is true!


wow i’ll have to try the coffee thing…


Can using this…

…every night help you remember your dreams? I heard that it did. Also, is using it every night bad or something?

I dont Know. I never could Remember My Dreams Until I started Reading And Knowing About them. Now everything Comes Pretty Natural For me. I can Remember Almost Every Dream, Every Night.

Heres a Simple Tip to Remembering Some dreams, Usually When I wake Up In the Middle of the Night, Ive had a Dream, So Instead of going Back to bed I record On my Voice Recorder, then thats All.

Hi everyone !

I just started a dream journal, but I can only recall some fragments of dreams I had just before waking up.

Is there anything I can do to remember what I dreamed about during the night ?

Well fdoyon thats a start!
You have to start somewhere :wink:
Still even with fragments its important to write them down.
Let us know how you do in some time, if the dream fragments get longer.


Just out of curiosity, how do you record your dreams? What sort of format do you use? I have found a whole bunch of different formats around the internet and in some of the dream workbooks that I have read, and I’m just a little curious about what works the best for everyone regarding dream recall.


I read this on :

“During the course of the night, you have many different dreams–at least one per REM period of sleep. The brain seems to erase the previous dream during the intermediate stages between REM periods. Thus, to remember your dreams, you will need to wake up during the REM period.”

Is this true ?

Yes, but not always im my experience. Sometimes i do remember dreams from earlier REM periods (or that’s what i htink), but that’s kinda very hard.

or maybe you remember parts from non rem sleep dreams.


waitwait Jeff, I thought your dreams are only during the REM periods of sleep?? Is that right? Then how can you remember when you aren’t dreaming?

A while ago scientist believed that dreams only occur in REM periods, but that isn´t right.
Right is that more dreams occur in REM, and that those ones are usually longer/more vivid.It should be harder to get lucid in non-REM


oh so thats why people can do WILD without WBTB… thanks!

Since waking up during REM helps remembering dreams, I would figure preferably towards the END of the cycles… can someone clear up for me… do REM periods BEGIN every 90 mins, i.e.: 1.5 hrs (past bedtime), 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, or do those times hit in the middle or end of the period somehow? would it be better to add on 15-20 mins after those times to allow for some dreaming? (of course this would also depend on calculating time of falling asleep just right)… arg! im confused… i realize this probably varies from person to person too, but does anyone have a good idea of how it works, what is typical?


Infection0…science has proven that we also dream in non rem sleep :smile:
But almost noboy remembers those…they are harder to remember!


Hmmm… I rarely remember my dreams. Can keeping a dream diary improve my dream recall even if I don’t have anything to write down?

:smile: How would u use your dream diary then if you dont write or typ?


Raba, i think it can since the fact alone that you keep a yournal works positive on dream recall, since you will be probably more motivated to remember your dreams. And sometimes you just dont remember anything, but that happens to the best :smile:… (on weed probably… hehe)