Strugges with 'Growing Up.'

The lessons I’ve learned over the past five years:

  1. Try to avoid taking things seriously.
  2. Sometimes you can’t keep people from doing stupid stuff, and in those situations it’s sometimes best to just distance yourself.
  3. Sex, drugs, and fitting in are all highly overrated.
  4. High school is a breeding ground for stupidity.
  5. People in power are likely to abuse that power.
  6. Never compromise when it comes to your dreams.
  7. Always think before you act.
  8. The importance of self-confidence and logical thinking cannot be overstressed.
  9. Never let anyone pressure you into doing anything.
  10. Sometimes you have to let people be scumbags. <-- still learning this one

Yeah :yes: I pretty much knew all this–I’m Huey :happy: “flying my own plane and walking past people…” :good:

Good stuff for people to know, though, TANK :yes:

I know what you eman , though it not botters me THAT much.

I really hate grown ups looking at me , and somewhat , feel “bigger” or “more worth” .

Though I ahve whiskers and my body could pass for a 20-30 eyar old :wink:

I dont feel like a chicld .

I dont feel like an adult , and hope I never will feel as one :wink:

Like C.S. Lewis wrote in Narnia.

Why are the dumbest childs most childish and the dumbest grown ups most grown up ? (freely translated from norwegian :wink: )

but I geuss this is a topic for the cloud

i have learned that life is harsh… im only 17 years old and im uber depressed… i have no happines in my life, i have the worst self confidence that i could ever have had, and its weird, cause i have no reason to have bad confidence, im fit, and i dont have a pizza face or smth like that… but something is just making me depressed and life sucks atm :sad:

:lol: That could not be more true. :content:

As for fitting in, somehow that doesn’t concern me so much. Perhaps it comes from being made fun of in middle school - now that things are better, that isn’t important to me. :yay:

Yeah, I know what you mean, I’ve been dealing with off and on battles of super-depression ever since this school year started. But I’m just like whatever. I’ve grown a lot over this year. Just realizing that the people I thought were so great weren’t and that they were just immature and not worth being around. I don’t think I’ve changed or ever will, but I will grow, become more independent, and realize that I’m cool on my own. And I don’t need tons of “friends” to define me. But then again, I know I have a lot of harshness just waiting in the future, but I’m going to try and stall that as much as I can. :sad:

I agree on all accounts. :beer:

Find good friends for life. Befriend those who have no friends. You will find that while you may feel more confident or you may have the desire to hang out with the “cool or popular kids”, they know nothing about the great feeling one gets when being totally yourself. Everyone of those “cool or popular” kids are role playing. They are acting their part. They are not being themselves. I’ve learned this time and time again in myself and in others. When I get angry or upset at something or someone, I usually find myself role-playing the situation, because in reality if I think about what I am upset about, it’s not a big deal at all and like it was already stated, avoid taking things seriously.

I am a testament to what I have shared just now. I have befriended the most widely disliked (but not hated or made fun of) guy in school. He (Andy) who is an experienced lucid dreamer is the best inspiration for my lucid dreaming, EVER. The day I befriended Andy was also the day I befriended the girl with a physical disfiguration, she (Laura) had 0 friends. Everyone just felt sorry for her. Now the three of us, Andy, Laura, and I always hang out at school. Because of our friendship, Andy and I have given Laura confidence where she had none before. Every day is pretty great.

[color=indigo]The only two things I’ve noticed as I’ve grown, especially over the past two years or so, is how much perspective and understanding I believe I’ve achieved (which is sure to grow even more), and opinions I’ve formed on stuff I never thought I’d even care about.

Don’t conform to labels of being “grown-up” or not. I’ll probably be like a kid in many ways for the rest of my life. Don’t let society change anything about you, whether it pretains to being adult or not.[/color]

I felt I’ve grown and learnt quite abit. I learnt be slightly more extroverted, I can pick friends, and the biggest of all, I’ve gotten over my depression without the use of drugs because I’ve found self worth and meaning.

1.Everything is relative therefore rules dont apply unless you like them.
2.Know who you are and be it-in thought,in words and in act(doing things like imaginary “perfect me” helps)
3.Be good and respect people.
4.Everything changes- get used to it,dont attach too much.
5.Treat life egoistic way but know that it means doing and expressing things from the heart(dont buy flowers cuz its said so-do it cuz you want it).
6.Pleasures are not sins
7.Dont harm others.

Does anyone agree with me? :eh:

AGREE WITH ME!!! :happy:


maybe if you had something we could agree with… :sly:


look. What is there to agree with? You are just talking about yourself. :hmmm:

Ok, fine. I agree that some think you rushed your life a bit. :wink:


:eek: Petter, you’re 16 and look 30? That’s pretty scary.

What I’ve learned so far:

  1. Life gets SO much better after high school. Hang in there.
  2. No matter how depressed you may feel one day, you will be feeling much better soon.
  3. Take every opportunity you can as soon as it comes up - don’t wait, or you’ll miss it!
  4. Earn your parents’ trust and don’t abuse it. The same goes for your friends.
  5. Put friendships and family before your own wants. The former lasts a lot longer.

Heh, growing up is weird… it’s a very weird experience, to me at least. It’s confusing. Sometimes I almost feel old (yes I know, it’s ridiculous) but when I think about the times I looked up to 12 year olds and compare it to now… how tiny they are lol, it just feels like it all happens a little too fast. And it just keeps going faster and faster…

And I have no idea what I’m going to do after our swedish “Gymnasium” (kinda like high school in the US). I know what I want to be, but I have no idea if I can make it and how to get there, and the more I know about the life after gymnasiet the more confused I seem to get lol. Plus, this is the time of my life, I have the greatest teachers, and I finally have the greatest friends one could ever wish for, and in only one year it’s all going to be over…? (I graduate in one year).

On the other hand, it’s kinda cool too. People treat you different the older you are… suddenly I can talk to teachers in a different way, more like equals, and people seem to get more straightforward with you. They start seeing you like a person, rather than like nothing more than a kid. Although I still have a lot of growing up left to do lol.

But I dunno, sometimes I wish that I was still 6 years old, and that I would stay 6 forever. That was a good time for me. :slight_smile:

This is a very interesting topic, I think about this sort of stuff alot, like things I might one day teach my child(when I have one).

Be prepared for everything to change alot, especially yourself. I almost can’t believe how much I changed over my teenage years, I’m pretty much a completely different person than I was 5 years ago.

This could just be me, but one thing I notice more and more, is how small things mean less and less as time goes on. There was a time where I would worry about everything so much, but nowadays I really couldn’t care less. I’ve learnt to simply accept that things are they way they are, and rather than worrying about things its better just to laugh at them. Don’t take life too seriously.

Also, although its cliche to say it, time really does start going by faster and faster. Life is short, do as much as you can.

I have earned my parents trust and never abused it.

Its iving me a tad more freedom , and 1 more thing.

And excellent agrument when we comes in arguments :grin:

30 years is probable to take it to long , but I do have a body that would say some ore years than i actually am … :confused: