Sleep....I don't need it?

moved from lounge :moogle:
Well, I’m trying to get to the bottom of a life long condition(situation?)…basically for 20 years I’ve almost never felt tired or sleepy…exhusted yes, but never tired with the exception of certain situations(certain signal cues and cars tend to do the job)…

Going to sleep generally is very strange as I almost never feel the need to sleep. However that’s not the weird part…

I’m always high energy 24/7! Even after days of no sleep!! I can go days and I barely feel the urge to sleep and almost NEVER experience any negative effects becuase of it…Even if I eat no food at all or stick to a strickly simple diet(which I do now, which has little if any sugars or caffiene), it doesn’t effect my energy levels!

At first I thought insomnia, but since I don’t feel any negative effects from lack of sleep, I wonder if I merely have a very efficient body that require very little sleep?

When I do sleep, I can go for 8-10 hours, if I get woken up before then, I’m usually tired and groggy for a bit and and then I’m back to high energy me 4 or so hours later. If I miss a night of sleep entirely, I feel little of it usually. I can work out, party, dance, etc. without any negative consequence…I think I actually gain energy…

The only thing I can say is: “How lucky of you”

I get that alot…hopefully I just have an extremely efficient body…I figure I can make money off that somehow!

Sleep is for the weak…I just had to say that sorry.

Some people do require less sleep…or it could be some sort of chemical/hormonal imbalance, but if it’s not negative then I really have nothing to say…

No sleep means no dreams…

Girby could not live like that . :sad:

wow this seems extraordinary, i have never heard of a humanbeing that dont need sleep… this is truly amazing :smile:
i have heard of ppl almost dieing after a week without sleep :happy:
i once tried to stay awake for 3 days… i sat in the sofa and fell asleep without any chance of keeping my eyes open…

The guy who holds the world record sound likes me…on the 11th day it was expected to see him struggling when they awarded him for beating the world record…suspringsly…he showed no signs or extreme tiredness…and was upbeat apparently…

I’ve been thinking of trying an experiment since I have a week and a half off. I want to try to say up for atleast 4 or 5 days. I read you can halucinate and hear voices.

I started to get a nice buzz last time I stay upped over 2 days…was pretty nice actually…


Same here, I had a buzz. It felt really good. But being tired felt bad. I’ve only stayed up for 2 days, and it sucks. If I do go to sleep I’ll sleep for 15 more hours if I stay up for days.

Can’t say I can go for long periods without sleep. But I have gone for long periods on little sleep. I don’t seem to need to sleep very long, or very often. I actually sleep much more than I need to, because I like to dream.

One of these days I should do a test to find out how much sleep I actually need everyday. It’s probably only a couple of hours.

you’l mis too many dreams:p

As far as I know, the average human should have 8 hours of sleep.

Well I’m totally different… need my sleep badly and I feel sleep deprivation very soon. I envy you, there’s a lot of stuff I want to do in waking life and I usually only go to bed because I have to. If I had the choice, I would never go to bed; but in that case, I would never have found this lucid dreaming stuff which is awesome off course :wink:

if i were you (or anyone who doesnt need sleep) i would be careful cause its very dangerous not to sleep, it damages the brain. That is sometimes why drugusers get a damage brain, cause they wont sleep…its not because of the drugs (speed)
I´m in a similar situation, i dont need to eat; if i´m caught up in my work or whatever i do i forget about eating, first i get a bit hungry then it goes away. I wont have mood swings, become tired or any changes. And that can be dangerous so sometime when i realized i havnt eaten the entire day i just have to force myself to eat…i guess some people would love to have that “problem” but it is actually quite annoying!

I CAn’t last whithout food!


No, When I sleep…I sleep normally…it’s just trying to manually make yourself sleep is…hard…it’s far easier for me to stay up 48+ hours than to try to attempt sleep for example…I rarely do that given there isn’t much to do during the early morning hours…unless your 21. :content: