WILDing, am I getting anywhere near a LD?

Moved from the First Steps to Lucidity. Questions about induction techniques are better located in the Quest for Lucidity forum.

I’ve been trying out the WILD tech for a while.

I get vibrations in random parts of my body, I also see a black tunnel, that has a white streak passing through it.

The problem is when I try to stay still, I get this itch somewhere on my body, and I can’t resist :scream: . And my mouth/jaw is numbed totally.

What I want to know is,
Am I getting anywhere near a successful WILD?

It sounds to me like you are in fact close to becoming Lucid, and although I have never become lucid during the past week when doing my WILDs, i have come very close lately, and I am positive of that.

Im guesing your talking about the tingling sensation in a spesific part of a body? That means your getting close. A good teqnique i read about, is to breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 2, then exhale for 4 seconds and imagine your floating up. Actually feel it, dont try and physically make yourself move up, just imagine yourself moveing up on every exhaling breath. It does work, and also you can do the same with yourself moving down, but I read that moving up works better, and I personnaly think its easier. Also if nothing is happening for a while, then you might want to focus on you Chakra, or Third eye. This, which I had no idea of existence also works well sometimes. To find your third eye, place your finger between your eyebrows, move it 3 inches straight out from your face, then look and focus on the tip of your finger, and then while still focusing on the finger close your eyes so you will still be focusingh on the same spot with your eyes closed. When ive been WILD ing, sometimes i focus on my Chakra, when i cant seem to further along the WILD process, and most of the times nothing happens. But sometimes, the darkness see with my eyes closed, almost expands, is the best way to describe it, when i did that last, that was the closest I got to having a LD. Well i hope these teqniques can help you a little bit. And also with the itches, Im sure everyone can relate, bvut ive found that if you scratch one, youll just get another, immediately, and another,and another, ect. So i just try to put it out of my mind, and I try not to think about it. Anyway, good luck!

I know what you mean, Tenebrae. I’ve had very few LD’s so far but during every single WILD attempt I’ve noticed the darkness in front of my eyes sort of expanding, taking on a 3-Dimensional aspect, if you will.

Your not THAT close to a LD…I’m sorry, but there is good news! You are taking steps. The next step is your body “Detaching” or when things go quiet and numb. Then HI. That’s when your getting close to a LD.

WOW I had almost the EXACT same experience last night. It was my first try at doing this. I never did any of the remembering excercises at all. But I did experience something close to what you were describing. I had an itch though and then I scratched it…and as stated by Tenebrae I kept getting a new one. Then I tried a second time but then my dog (who sleeps in my bed) jumped off the bed and there was a big thud and usually that is my alarm to wake up in the morning to let him out to go do his buisiness so he woke me up…oh well.