The Shakti device and other mind machines

Not really I don’t expect much going into each session so if something happens its a good thing If it doesnt I’m not disappointed .Ill try that session you said next week .I also use monroe Cd’s and brain wave mind voyage Cd’s also .I don’t know using all these programs will interfere with one another .I doubt it .

It does say on the site that you should be in absolute silence and without any other mind machine in order to recieve the full benefits. Appearently the other mind machines will cause your brain to be active on different levels and it wont work properly. It says that just relaxing and letting your mind wander would be the best thing to do, I think of it as relaxing my mind and making it more open to anything that happens.

I don’t use them while I’m using the coil . And i do let my mind wonder .Ill keep trying Thanks keep posting

I’ll try te temporal area with a 40 mhz signal. I’ll post my results for sure.

still curious how many of you have given up using the device and how many of you are still using it :smile:
So cpuld you please dump some stats? :tongue:

Aight, had my friend david do a session for one hour over the frontal lobes. Used the modulated 40hz and hippocampal/amygdalla in synch.

He experienced an out of body experience in which he went to the moon while doing the session. He also reported the “most intense dreams of his life” the night after.

Oh, uhh, I will probably be using this thing regularly for as long as we have electricity and the planet is still functional. I myself have sorta reached a point both spiritually and mmentally where I dont feel the need to do too many sessions. I think through the sessions I have done I have sorta learned to keep my amygdala and hippocampal active out of conscious will.

In my opinion this technology is revolutionary, and it should be used in schools and such in order to bring peoples minds actively in control so they can learn more properly. I find that taking notes now, im in college, is basically pointless and actually kinda hinders my ability to understand everything being said. Its like my memory is now a powerhouse and all I need to do is trust that itll work, and it works.

Used the modulated 40hz and hippocampal/amygdalla in synch. I tried this signal over the frontal lobes for 30min each ,I really felt at times i was having a very good meditation but not any affects like you or your friend has gotten from it .

All I can really say is let go. I told my friend before he did it that all it did was relax you, so he just relaxed, let go of meditating and was just there. thats what he said at least.

I dont think he had a full blown OBE, but he did have a very interesting experience. He has also reported having very vivid dreams lately.

He did the same signal over the temprals with no noticable effects, but again with the dreams. Then he did the same as before with the temprals and had a very deep session. I think the frontal lobes give you the most noticabe effects.

I cannot say what it is that is giving me good effects. I wish I could just test my set up on you or vice versa to see if there is something different going on.

ill keep on trying .One thing I have notice when you put your coils on how are you putting them on maybe i’m doing something wrong .Say I’m putting them on the frontal lobes tell me how you put yours on exactly where the taped ones go and Lt Rt
R Rt or L Lt on both

Basically, it requires that you have one taped and one non taped because of the positive/negativeness of magnets. I usually do it as follows:
R Rt

“Used the modulated 40hz and hippocampal/amygdalla in synch”

Sorry I don’t get it…

How to you do two audio setups during the same session ?

If you have to get up and change the audio setup, it can ruin your experience.

thanks for your precision :smile:

Well, I would suggest having someone else doing it for you. I have done it by myself but I dont think I felt the full effects from having to get up and all.

I have done this session to others who have had very interesting experiences. I just need to get one of them to do the same for me and than Ill be able to tell how intense exactly this session is.

my current regimen : I do a session every 72 hours. The sound level is one notch below the maximum and the settings still the same.

Nothing yet to report. Maybe dreams are a little bit more vivids but I am not sure.

I am afraid I am stubborn to the Shakti helmet.

Scam police is here :smile: Time for statistics once again !
So, excluding Azurescen, has anyone got any results ?

Have been so busy the last couple of weeks I have not been using it, I will start back up after the holiday, I got a tingling sensation in hands and feet but lasted about 10 sec from one session ive probably done 8 sessions total. Keep posting

Areet, so it’s summer and y’all hangin’ by the pool & the BBQ, or are you SLEEPING?? :astral: Not to mention are you dreaming? :wow:

Azurescen, you started this thread with a visualization light device as well. How’s that going along? I’d be interested in that, and if you could pls PM me the addy, or post the proper name here so I can look it up, I would be very thankful! :ok:

As I’ve now finished reading S LeBarge’s Exploring the world of LD I understand that training ones visualization techniques is rather important.

Anyways, been some time since this thread was active, and I would want to ask if any had more experience? :balloon:

I´m from Brazil and I have been used Shakti but I dont feel anything. I dont know why. I have been tried 30 min temporal lobes followed and 30 minutes frontal lobes, with amygdaloid and hippocampal signal. Iwas in contact with . I think my setup is ok.
What can I do ?
Please help me!

put it on ebay :grin:

What happened to this thread?

So, as Azurescen was the only one to post positive affirmations, we are to assume that this thread and Shakti Device was a hoax?

One would like to believe, but… the truth is ‘still’ out there…

Was Azurescen’s IP researched against the Seller of the Shakti device’s IP?

this Azuresen quote was what raised the red flags for me: "has given a better dream recall, improved memory recall, luck or as I like to think skill with the ladies(lol), more sensative senses, and an overall good outlook on life. "

I havent used the thing in months I really didnt get anything out of it .But I didnt use it that much .Its just collecting dust .Ive been doing dna activation thats taking my meditaion time up.