Imagining other people's dream

I had this idea when I was at a topic about our favorite DC and started imagining the scenes, much like a vizualisation, of the DC’s and dreams they had with those particular DC’s, then i wondered: if we start reading other people’s journals and imagining those scenes, wouldn’t this be good for something? anyway, it would enhance creativity at least, i think…

In the book “Lucid Dreams in 30 days”, the first day thing to do is too pay attention on people you see on the streets and telling yourself that everybody dreams, and if i remember correctly, you should imagine what kind of dream that particular person has…

So, what you guys think? Can it be good for something? What?

I like to read other dream journals. It helps me develop a broader understanding of dreams.

I want to be more flexible in my thinking and when I read other dream journals I am amazed at the diversity.

Also I like to read about how different people become lucid and what they do when they are lucid. :smile: