Whos succesfully had sex

The last two nights for no reason I’m having dreams that I have sex,and I have peaked in them…I love dreams :grin:

Any time I dream of sex and such I often realize I’m lucid (because I absain from it). I then usually go do something else. So no, never actually done it.

Since you don’t do it in real life, why not enjoy it in a dream? Experience it without really experiencing it :content:

…nah, it makes me a bit uncomfortable. I’d rather just grope a bit and get on with the dream :tongue:

lol… I like that. Groping is good. A man on the go :tongue:

Sex is something you can have in your waking life. Flying is something you can’t.

how about having sex while flying? thats something you cant do in realy life

“thankyou for choosing to fly with lucid eirways(get it?)…there is no eiroplane around you at this moment in time…the exits are here here here and everywhere else…lucid eirways would like to take this this opportunity to tell you about some of the things we have to offer…while flying with lucid eirways you will find no annoying babies, snoring or grumpy passengers,horrible food or high pitched voiced hostesses telling you where the door you just came in through is, you will also find that if you would like to join the mile high club…you can do so without the muller gay guy knocking on the toilet door”

I want to!
But im still trying to go lucid!
after im done i will learn to fly then that will propally be next. :tongue:

Two of my only 3 LDs have been about sex, and I woke up both times mid-way. I wouldn’t have minded waking up though if I had actually wanted to use them for sex, God dammit I wanted to fly first time! Luckily I achieved a limited flight in my third LD last week though. :smile:

Ah, how quickly sex can turn to be your enemy in LDs…

kissing is usually the only thing in my dreams that ever feels good sadly

i can’t have dream sex, maybe becuase i’m a virgin so i don’t know what sex is like… but since i’ve seen a lot of movies and had plenty of sex with … my hand… i should be able to at least get the general idea of how to convince myself i’m realistically having sex

sometimes it can feel very good but it still never gives me a proper orgasm like i’d have in real life… and if it does i wake up during muscle contractions and nothing happens.


lol…sorry…that was just amusing. sex with…my hand…
oh it cracked me up!

Irvine’s still waiting for me…
mmmm, he’s waiting, behins my bedroom door, wearing a bright red pair of boxers, silk, and a night robe to match, wide open, and he’s leaning on my door frame when the door pens, with his hat on…(just made a mental image so I can get to it faster :sleep: :dream: :nodnodwinkwink: )

sigh I wish my LD’s would hurry up and last longer…

Gotta love the dream sex, lol.

I had an LD where I was having sex with this woman, then she disappeared and I kept trying to summon her back. I think i was quoted as saying, “This is my dream damnit, get back here!”

Needless to say, it did not reach orgasm. So far my non-lucid sex dreams have been better: I don’t screw them up. lol

Thanks for reminding me of another point…I’ve had non-lucid dream sex loads of times…being really sad and all…and it’s good, it feels almost real lol, but I cant finish luicd sex cos it wakes me up, or makes me FA every minute, which is even more annoying than waking up!! DAMMIT! But how come you can do it non-lucidly?

Ive yet to have good sex in any dream. But oral sex is incredible in LDS

About the kissing part, I am glad I am not the only one who experinced that. There have been dreams where just kissing is the most senual, erotic, and intense thing I have ever did. It topped some real-life romatic encounters. I have dreamed about someone I never met before but I am so emotionally connected to them while dreaming. When I wake up I have to take a few minutes to convice myself that person only exsisited in my mind. :cry:

no need to be sorry!

and as for LD vs normal sex… i think if you can’t have sex lucid, it means your mind doesn’t want you having sex, so you should give up and try something else.

when i first mastered lucid dreaming (well… as in i was able to do it a lot) all i would ever do… over and over again… is try to have sex with this girl that i had a bad relationship with…

and i’d just have so many endless false awakenings and horrible realism

i think it’s a way of your mind telling you to just let it go

but if i try to have sex with just random clearly undreal characters… it’s usually intereference free…

and it’s the first time i’ve thought about that… your mind telling you to let it go, stop obsessing with these girls you like.


you mean my head might not want me to shag Irvy…sexy silky Irvy!!!
I can’t let it go!!!
Stupid brain!!!
shakes fist at head and glares upwards with glowing red eyes

I have not had any problems with this. Sex felt very real and intense. You have to make sure your dream is very stable and try not to get too excited.

Ain’t had it.