What's the holon with the person above you?

Have you noticed how you act differently around other persons? How you would have one friend you always laugh around with, another you always have deep conversations with, and another friend you can just hang around with and don’t need to say anything?

A holon is the combined energy of a group. To put it simply. More about holon, see this topic.

I thought this would be a neat way to learn more about holon, so therefore this game.

Person 1 posts his kin number and kin. Person 2 also puts his kin number and kin, and calculates the holon with person 1.

To calculate the holon: add the kin numbers. If the number is higher than 260 substract 260. The number you have is the kin number of the holon. I always peek in the profile kin option to see which kin is that number.

for example:

Q: I’m kin 244: yellow planetery seed [kin=244]
wolf: ( :grin: ) I’m kin 230: white solar dog, [kin=230]
since Q is kin 244 and I’m kin 230 our holon is244+230=474 | 474-260=214 White Rhythmic Wizard [kin=214]

I organize in order to enchant
Balancing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the rhythmic tone of equality
I am guided by my own power doubled

If you already have calculated the holon between you and the person above you, calculate the holon with you and the first person above you that you haven’t calculate the holon from. Or, calculate the holon of all group members above you until your last post. Be creative :wink:

The purpose of this is to understand more of the holon :smile:


so: I’m kin 244, yellow planetary seed. [kin=244]

I am Kin 73: [kin=73] Red Galactic Skywalker

add this to Yellow planetary seed, and subtract 260, you get 57.

[kin=57] - Red Overtone Earth.

Not sure how to interpret this though.

Here is the poem for it anyway:

I empower in order to evolve
Commanding synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of life force

I am Kin 93… [kin=93] Red Lunar Skywalker

and Xazlael is Kin 73 [kin=73] Red Galactic Skywalker

Together we make Kin 166 [kin=166] White Planetary World-Bridger

White Planetary World-Bridger
I perfect in order to equalize
producing opportunity
I seal the door of death
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of timelessness

Very cool…

How I understand is, that if you and xazlael work togehter, you will act on the world-bridger energy. So the poem for worldbridger is how you are with each other.

Ilum is kin 93 [kin=93] Red Galactic Skywalker
I’m kin 244 [kin=244] Yellow Planetary Seed

our holon is kin 77 [kin=77] Red Crystal Earth

I dedicate in order to evolve
Universalizing synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of universal water
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

/me thinks posting the poems would be good to help understand the holons :wink:

lol, hint taken :content:
goes edit

but… where do you find the poem with a kin number? do you have a link? :smile:

The Book of Kin

The Book of Kin [word document] showing all 260 kin, and their affirmation poems. A very handy little resource.


myself and pasQuale:

Kin 123: Blue Rhythmic Night

Kin 244: Yellow Planetary Seed

= 367 ( - 260)
= 107

Kin 107: Blue Electric Hand

The HAND is the power of healing, accomplishment. The ELECTRIC tone represents the quality of bonding, linking. I think of electricity flowing through a completed circuit. I think this is especiallly appropriate when you consider the way our forums, LD4ALL and Sea Life operate together…

I had a very interesting dream, where I was actually able to feel into the holonomic energy bond between myself and a very close friend. It felt like the coming together of our mutual light vibrations.


thanks for the link nick! :happy:

edit: I like your explanation :smile:

our poem:
I activate in order to know
Bonding healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of magic
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

Me and Nick now…

Nick is Kin 123: Blue Rythmic Night [kin=123]

I’m Kin 93: Red Lunar Skywalker [kin=93]

123+93= 216 which is Yellow Galactic Warrior [kin=216]

Yellow Galactic Warrior

I harmonize in order to question
Modeling fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of universal fire

and… if we add Q to the mix who is 244: Yellow Plantary Seed [kin=244]

we become… 200: Yellow Overtone Sun [kin=200]

I empower in order to enlighten
Commanding life
I seal the matrix of universal fire
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of elegance

Iluminada is 93, Red Lunar Skywalker

I am 259, Blue Crystal Storm

The sum is 92, Yellow Magnetic Human [kin=92]

I unify in order to influence
Attracting wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

Siiw is 259, Blue Crystal Storm
I am 132, Yellow Lunar Human

I unify in order to play
Attracting illusion
I seal the process of magic
With the magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

Inch is 132, Yellow Lunar Human. [kin=132]
I am 230, White Solor Dog. [kin=230]
Sum is 102, White Spectral Wind. [kin=102]

I dissolve in order to communicate
Releasing breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled

i am 178

wolf is: 230

we are 408 minus 260=
we are a white solar wind. yay.

I think I got it now…

Waterstarrainbow is:
Kin 178
White Solar Mirror

I am:
Kin 209
Red Magnetic Moon

Our holon is:
Kin 127
Blue Planetary Hand

I perfect in order to know
Producing healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of vision

I’m curious about something that was mentioned in the other holon thread. Someone mentioned adding the tones and seals rather than the kin number. I can understand adding the tones… but how does one go about adding the seals?

Seals can be seen as numbers, too - just numerate them from 1 to 20 or from 0 to 19. Adding tones and seals gives in fact the same results that adding kin numbers, everyone just chooses the more comfortable way (I add tones and seals separately, just because I rarely know kin numbers for sure and because I prefer small numbers, which don’t need big calculations…)

Should I do Al or ilana? Eh, I’ll do both. :grin:

For Al it’s…

[kin=179] Kin 179: BLUE PLANETARY STORM
I perfect in order to catalyze
Producing energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of accomplishment

And ilana’s…

[kin=22] Kin 22: WHITE SOLAR WIND
I pulse in order to communicate
Realizing breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of endlessness
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

I wanted to ask… How did you know what the Hand and Electric tone represented? Where’d you get it? It’d be interesting to see how each tries to make sense of the holon they came up with…

Blue Planetary Storm… That explains a lot on how we go about with each other. (jk actually)

I am kin 107, Blue electric Hand [kin=107]
Wolf is kin 230, White Solor Dog. [kin=230]
Our holon is 107+230-260=77 [kin=77]

Red Crystal Earth
I dedicate in order to evolve
Universalizing synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of universal water
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

I am kin 107, Blue electric Hand [kin=107]
Alvin is kin 209, Red Magnetic Moon [kin=209]
Our holon is 107+209-260=56 [kin=56]

Yellow Self-Existing Warriot
I define in order to question
Measuring fearlessness
I seal the output of intelligence
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of free will

BlackAngel is 107 [kin=107]
/me is 132 [kin=132]
Total is 239

[kin=239] Kin 239: BLUE OVERTONE STORM
I empower in order to catalyze
Commanding energy
I seal the matrix of self-generation
With the overtone tone of radiance
I am guided by the power of accomplishment
I am a galactic activation portal enter me