2012 - NOT THE END!

Excerpt from wikipedia, Maya Calendar entry:

End of the world?

The turn of the great cycle is conjectured to have been of great significance to the Maya, but does not necessarily mark the end of the world. According to the Popol Vuh, a sacred book of the Maya, they were living in the fourth world. The Popol Vuh describes the first three worlds that the gods failed in making and the creation of the successful fourth world where men were placed. The Maya believed that the fourth world would end in catastrophe and the fifth and final world would be created that would signal the end of mankind.

The last creation ended on a long count of Another will occur on December 21, 2012, and it has been discussed in many New Age articles and books that this will be the end of this creation or something else entirely. However, the Maya abbreviated their long counts to just the last five vigesimal places. There were an infinitely larger number of units that were usually not shown. When the larger units were shown (notably on a monument from Coba), it is expressed as, where the larger units are evidently supposed to be 13s in all larger places. In this age we are only approaching, and the larger places are nowhere near the 13s that would match the end of the last creation.

This is confirmed by a date from Palenque, which projects forward in time to, which will occur on October 13, 4772. The Classic Period Maya obviously did not believe that the end of this age would occur in 2012. There will be a Baktun ending in 2012, a significant event being the end of a 400 year period, but not the end of the age.

So you see, we’re not all going to die, or ascend for that matter… :sad:

Speculate people!

Well, as far as I’ve always understood it, 2012 never was supposed to be the end of the world. It was supposed to be a time of change or something, however I don’t expect anything to happen.

I believe the world will end in August 2038. Don’t ask me why, because it was tons of evidence, research of many religions, and scientific comet patterns, world life, and craters on the moon. It’ll take me forever to write that essay again. So don’t ask, just realize that all my research pointed to August 2038. So when your old and crippled, watch out for the end. :tongue:

Remember Redifin, people can abuse the name of science. Just because someone claims their study is scientific doesn’t neccesarily make it so (or right, for that matter).

Case in point - the Flat Earth Society, who use ‘science’ to prove that the Earth is actually flat.

2012 is thought to some to be a time wherein common peoples will ascend spiritually into higher plains and begin to discover the limitless powers of the subconscious and superconscious mind, allthewhile guided by select higher forms of the higher plains.

Sounds real nice, doesn’t it. I’m undecided when in comes to 2012; I have no idea or opinion on the subject. I’ll just wait and see what happens…

I didn’t mean science. I put Religion, not only that but many religions in my post. Also History, and Predictions, and blah blah blah. Not science.

Agreed, not the end of the world but the beggining of a new spirutal awareness. A conciousness that delves deeper then our shallow minds allow at the present. Changes are happening as we speek, just have to be aware of them and embrace them. The skeptic is always the one left behind.

Imagine a world that is a collective one, where thoughts are not wasted but used for the greater good and not for personal gain; spirituality that connects all faiths and one an other; as we are Gods in Amnesia, just have to unlock the inner to prepare for the coming over 2000 years of the light.

I agree that it is not the end of the world, but simply a change in energy patterns. Humans have also been abusing certain patterns, so I think we will need to find alternative energy sources by 2012.

I also feel that there is a general spiritual shift. I also have been awakened, and I feel that I will receive full Enlightenment on the White Solar Mirror day of this year

There are forces at work, and I think we will see many joys and pains in the years to come.

I also agree with Nacur in that we are Gods who have forgotton our own powers.

Well there is the possiblity that the mayas just guesed (or did LSD) and that there is no evidecnce of annytything special at all hapeninmg on 2012.

Why do so many people believe this piece of crap anyways?? It has never ever been proven that anyone can see the future. The evidence is against it! We were gonna have a world war with nukes in 1999 according to translations of nostradomus, but what happened when 1999 arrived? They changed the translation into a later date… And then in 2003 according to other fanatics, the planet X was going to cross earths orbit and cause major floods and so on, so that only half safe places would be some certain areas in the arctic regions… What happened?? nothing… and some sites changed the date and others just vanished or died and still have the countdown stopped at 2003.

There have been so many people claiming to see the future, but not a single one of them has been right yet, other than when it comes to small chances of hitting right by guessing wildly, which happen on a rare occasion.

All you people do is quote some txts found in some fanatics books or the internet. Dont trust anything you read, but instead think for yourself.

I was under the impression that the people who believe this stuff are people who intuited it, or merely sheep who followed it.

I think your rant pertains to the sheep. And yes, there are more false prophecies than correct ones.

Thomas, attacking others for not believing in something you believe is exactky the reason that we have the troubles the world faces today. Fine, you do not have to agree, believe or even think along a greater spiritual path then your own confortable square that makes you feel secure.

If you are into a little reading there is a book on the market called “Saved by the light” written by Dannion Brinkley. It is about a near death experience that he had in the mid 70’s where in the he was saw visions of the present then world to visions up until the no more notorious date of “2012”. Here published 117 visions that he had seen after he awoke from this 28 minute death in the morgue. By 1998 95 of these visions had happend.

Go to Dannion’s website

html code doesn’t work on the forum use BBCode (code corrected :smile: )

I have nothing against in belief in something, but i have alot against blind faith. If you have experienced something yourself that makes you believe what you do, then i wont argue.

My post might have been bit harsh though, as i am in a really bad mood today and that sometimes shows on my writing.

Are the planets really suppose to lineup, or is that rumor?

Weel personaly i have something against beliving that the world will end at a specific date becaus its stupid and it interferes with my plans for world dommination.

been looking into this topic since reading “The mystery of the chrystal skulls” back in 2001 (ish), and though i too went through a “oh no, how can we come to terms with this great terminus”, i realise now that it really is just an interesting intersection in space and time. i think much of the apocalyptic musings comes from limited understanding of a sort of cross pollination of cultural myths and beliefs. namely, the vasts misunderstandings, misinterpretations of the christian bibles, especially the whole fire n brimstone revelations kablooie ending. that and the whole “timewave zero” speak of Terrence Mckenna’s only added to the situation. not to mention the year 2000 scares, and then the further added weight revealed to a broader than esoteric group (avoiding saying “exoteric”, 'cos still alot of people still think that CNN or BBC is the world) when the mix ups in the calendar back in like 1200s or 1300s, a king decided to knock of 12 years of the calender to account for the discovery of that 1/4 day each year. yeah, that brings it up to 2012. also, this mash of cultural knowledge, myth and speculation carries with it historical knowledge that the maya knew from their knowledge of astrology and calendrics, basically thier excellently accurate map of the universe they knew that foriegners would come and “wipe them out”. knowing this, from a predominantly christian societie’s view with all its misgivings, many ask “then why didn’t they stop it” or presume that they we’re doomed to such a fate. such speculation is oh too easy with hindsight, a veritable cornerstone of judo-xristian and other religions. they forget in making such suppositions or questions that the mayans had a very very different view of life and death, and that it was not something to be feared (nor SHOULD it be for christians if christians actually understood the teachings of their own religion)… anyways… its known to many (or at least to those who are capable of believing/accepting) that the souls of those who were killed then have disperesed globaly (and further i speculate) often carrying with them either physical traits of their respective tribes or memories, abilities, other connections. such an event would never have been avoided by them, for they knew and understood, at least among some, the importance of this proliferation of souls (for lack of a better term) to assist in a global unity, a collectivism that goes way beyond that mere term. ahem… sorry, got a little carried away with that tangent.

i’m not trying to downplay the very serious shifts we must all participate in to avoid catastrophies of our own creation. but concluding it (end of world) to be so as fact and unavoidable is nothing more than projecting that future thus increasing it’s probability, lest you really can manage to not think of blue elephants when told not to think of blue elephants… are you thinking of blue elephants? hehe, i bet you are, or at least will in the next few seconds. its the same with people crying “apocalypse”, “armageddon”, “end of the world”. we create our own reality, and we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. indeed, it would be wise to tell many christians (and anyone else waiting for “the one” savior) to look within, for a part of their god is in themselves as part of that creation, and so “jesus” their savior is already here! whoowhee! that should be a weight of their minds. lol

here’s the news. 2012, december 21, 11:11 am GMT (correct me if i got the time wrong) IS the end of the world. here’s the rest of the news. so is now. That’s right, the world just ended. so was a few seconds ago, so will be in a few seconds time, and a few minutes… indeed, every concievable measure of time, is yet another “end of the world”… AS WE KNOW IT. yeah. thats change baby. :smile:

so, 2012… is it like Terrence Mc says, a date that shares the same ressonance frequency as the “big bang”, creation of a universe? indeed perhaps so. quite a spectacular event… to watch a big big clock tick over. what would be the celebration greeting? Happy New Time? because Happy New Baktun is too small and unknown to many.

ever see that episode of star trek next gen where the enterprise gets stuck in a sheet of 2 dimensional beings? hehe, ever wonder that some of us may be “3D” beings drifting down a vastly greater multidimensional entity/being/space/machine/existance/misdescribeable? 4d? 5d? 44d?! :wink:

okok… so anyone still think its like the total anihilation type end of world? fine. think it. don’t stress it. if it is, it sounds fairly blip, zoom, zip, blam, instant all gone together. so it’s easy to live with. and if it’s not… oh what more joy! various methods of astrology who’s predictions in all their vageries do suggest that the years roughly 2015 to 2025, are gonna be reeeeaally groovy. and i don’t mean we’ll be stuck in a groove. i mean hippies will be lappin it up in their kinda paradise. hehe. yeah uhh… and the “dominators”… watch out. you been pushing the universe a little too hard… it may push back.

still… it might be nice to know what our neighbours are up to a little more. just for a some more peace fo mind. its a big big family we’re reaching out to as we prepare to leave the cradle again. :smile:

right… as nice as it is to waffle about this stuff to a somewhat interested and receptive croud… i’ll make give you all some time off from me now. :smile: thanks for reading.

love light n joy to yas. as ever.