AltarNatioN: Biospheric Congress Australia

The Dreamspell / 13 Moon Calendar is all about the envisioning of life in the “New Time”… As a result, the calendar tends to be more than just a calendar, and rather a framework by which all kinds of different cooperative, creative gatherings align themselves in unity with one another.

Here’s one we are having in Australia…

Another Yourself invites you to an interactive gathering for the exploration of new frontiers & cross-pollination bee-tween Planetary Artists.

Biospheric Congress for Planetary Renewal

Hanging Rock Community Hall, Williams Rd,
BarkersVale, Northern NSW, Australia
Blue Night Bioregion

Blue Planetary Night, Yellow Spectral Seed, Red Crystal Serpent
Resonant Moon Alpha 12, Limi 13 & Silio 14 - Yellow Cosmic Seed Year

January 21st, 22nd & 23rd 2006

Camping & Communal Kitchen, bring what you’d love to find
(…whole foods, snacks, plates, cutlery, donation, information, altar-art, poetry, toys, instruments, heart, mind, body, soul…)
