Interesting point of view

I was checking as I do weekly, and I ran into a specially interesting postcard. First, because it’s different from any other I’ve seen there. Second because it’s a point of view most of us know. Check it out Here

It has an interesting message, Rodrigo. The way the colors are blended in the background also give it a dizzy and dreamlike look.

Hey i liked that.

A very nice dream like art and a anti-Drug ad!

Its a image blending with alternated exposure brushing!

That’s such a beautiful post card :smile:.

I really like Postsecret, I try to check it as often as I can, but I often forget… I think they got a really nice thing going there.

Yeah me too :happy: I check every sunday/monday, as soon as I remember. (Updates are every sunday, I believe)

Yeah, it’s every sunday. I need to write a post-it reminding me to check it!

I read this one story there (that I for some reason can’t forget) about how someone got inspired and made a postcard, but instead of sending it in, they left it at a store, and then they saw how someone came along, picked up their card, read it and put it in their bag to save it. That story touched me. :smile:

Again, a postcard mentions dreams. However, this time it isn’t as positive as the last. While we can see a good side of it with the happiness of the dreams, there’s the sadness and lack of hope of the reality. Make your own conclusions: Link

I would advise any Christians not to bother clicking the link :moogle:

[Rodrigo Edit] I think my point may have been slightly misunderstood o_o; I accidentally made it look like I said there was no God. I never meant that, in case anyone understood it :smile:.[/Rodrigo Edit]