Why did my LD do this?

I was watching T.V. and I noticed that I was dozing off and waking up every couple seconds. So I realized it would be an easy WILD. I counted to two and then I felt some mediocre vibrations around my body and then entered the dream. It was really short and began with me looking at the inside of a box made out of the sheets of my bed. I noticed a little wood fire on my dresser through the sheets, and then I saw a light on the floor through the sheets to my right. Then I said, I Am Dreaming!. But when I tried to look around my eyes moved sluggishly and I could barely move my head.

My question is: Why did my sheets block the view?(maybe I am almost ready for LDing.)
And why couldn’t I move my eyes and head to look around?(Maybe same as other Question)

Hi TheCurveBall!

I think your questions were rather hard to answer. IMO, there is a state in which the dream images can hardly appear. Generally, you just find yourself in a black or grey void. Sometimes, you are in a empty room. Thus I think this box made of sheets was something like that.

I don’t have any answer about your difficulties to move your eyes or your head. I suppose it won’t happen in another LD. Anyway, congrats on your WILD! :clap:

Some problems may occur during dreams. Once, I couldn’t see with one of my eyes… Other time I couldn’t hear with my right ear. Hmmm… But all of these problems removed after a while.