Free Lucid Induction CD "Download"

I agree. It took me some time to mix it together and find all the stuff I wanted. I was putting it off for ever.

This one has been affective for me when I wake up around 3-4 AM then play it when I go back to bed. That fist sleep period your just too tired and relaxed to concentrate. I think all the elements work pretty well and it defintely can get you to dream land!


Thanks Phoenelai!!

No problem, glad I could share something with the fellow lucid folks!


so i haven’t download it yet, Still %30 but i want to know the feedback from the Phoe’s CD.
Have helped you to get lucid?

I would really like to download and try it, but I do not dare to. What about your bandwidth - 30MB multiplied with a lot of downloads - that can be expensive… So I would like to ask if it does cost you anything or not ?

why do you not dare to?

IM sure if it was a virus someone would have realized taht by now and said something.

Cause I do not want to raise his bill due to too much traffic…

oh okey dokie

has anyone tried it?if you have could you post feedback

I dont think it would cause a traffic cost issue. We have plenty of bandwidth so feel free. It’s an mp3 I made on my machine which I scan daily, so virus free!



Well, I plan to use it tonight. But eben over a cable modem, it still takes a bit to download. Thanks for taking the time to compile all that info, phoenelai! I hope several ppl will post with positive results tomorrow, even if I don’t. :content:

downloading now :cool_laugh: lol

im at 4.11 mb out of 34.4 mb done!

15% YAY Lol. :content:

What, my DSL is actually good for something?

I was done in a few minutes :content:

mine finished like 30 mins ago

i listened to the whole thing.

I’m just glad I could contribute something to my fellow lucid dreamers out there. Again, which works me and and your good with WILDS; play this around 3-4 in the morning with your ententions set to go lucid. I bet you walk right into the dream!

If you play it at the beginning of the night you’ll probably just snooze hard.

Stay Lucid!


Well, I slept like crap last night, just like the other night… I think it’s because I’m sick. The CD sounded like it would work, though. Although, it might help if it were my voice, i don’t know. Anybody have success?

Thankyou for that input. It was invaluable.

So far i’ve only listened to it when going to bed which i found relaxing, but i’ll have to try it after waking up like suggested.

Sounds promising :smile: I’m definitely going to try it out. Would be so awesome if it really helped! :smile:

Congrats and thanks phoenelai!! :thumbs: :happy:

Did you know that this EXACTLY SAME file is available at

I wasnt able to test that site because I was at work. It stated it was adult content so I couldnt enter. What does that site have to do with lucid dreaming?

I created the file so they must have downloaded and posted shortly after I did. It’s okay though, I wanted to share it!
