what is the 1st dream you remember?

I was a toddler. not really able to communicate my thoughts, but I was grasping speech (Yes, I can remember pre speech days) and I had a dream where my mom took me to this carnival that looked a lot like the San Antonio Zoo, and I was wathcing this tiger dance on a barrel and when I looked up to my mom to give her that “this makes your baby happy” smile, she was gone. I started crying, and a really big fat lady (like cartoonishly impossibly fat) came over to me and threw me into a tree so I could look for my mom. by then, mom woke me up because I was screaming in RL, and that’s the first dream I remember. It was also the night I remmebr my mother trying to explain what had happened.
I’m currently trying to get her onto this board since she can go lucid too on an everynight basis practically. She never looked into it though, she thought everyone could do it.

My earliest dream I remember was a nightmare :smile: . I fell into my Grandmothers grave because it was left open. I “knew” I would be trapped there forever. The cemetery was on an island. The ship that I came from (It was an old sailing ship) was ship wrecked by a giant octopus. I also remember a big sign board in the cemetery.

For some reason my whole life I’ve associated that cemetery when Enya’s music. Must have been playing while I dreamt that dream. So music by Enya always has a dieing feeling to it for me.

My earliest dream I remember was when I was like four/five. I had a dream that me and my old best friend, Kelly, were swinging on a swingset while our parents were talking on the back porch. In front of us a giant crab appeared. Kelly and I jumped off the swings and ran towards our parents. I reached my parents first and they didnt believe me that there was a crab. I turned around and watched my friend being grabbed by the crab’s claw and being dragged toward the crab’s mouth. I screamed and woke up.
When I looked to the side of my bed, I saw this thing that looked like a crab, so I screamed and ran to my parent’s room. It was my first dream/nightmare I can remember.

I don’t remember how old I was but I was very little. It was something about Darth Vader and Barney. It was something like the Barney kids were being turned tot he dark side. Then there was something about KISS and aliens.

Hello, this is my first post… and the first dream i can remember was a nightmare. Ive had it last year, and in my early ages.

I remember i was looking out the curtains, i opened them, Mickey Mouse was at my door knocking. When he was done knocking he just stared at me, it was very scary. :cry: Especially when i was only 3 :help:

The first dream I remember happened when I was about four or five - not sure exactly.

In the dream, I was a gallant knight in shining armour that was riding on horseback to save a princess who was locked in a tower. And it was at night time, with lots of pretty stars in the sky. Fairytale stuff, really, but I can’t say the content of my dreams has changed all that much even now, lol! :content:

The first dream I remember involves being attacked by a huge spider but Mickey Mouse came in my room and chased it away. Then he gave me Gatorade :slight_smile:

I don’t know what my age was at the time (I got the memory span of about 2 goldfish) but my first dream involved me and what appeared to be a giant pink-reddish demon walking by a lake. The bastard then pushed me in and ran off.

I was only about 8
I dreamed I was floating on my back on a winding river in this beautiful avenue of trees, all the leaves falling into the water, and when they hit the water they blossomed into these pink lily things.
I remember floating along, making up a song as I floated. I cant remember it now, only the line “the water carried me far, where all the leaves were flowers”
and I was singing that.
Weird how you remember something like that

The First LD I remember and the only one I have ever had is I was running so fast that I began to fly, Its was then I realized I was lucid, I was so excited , the fealing so real I woke up. I hope to have many more :smile:

The first dream I can recall was when I was a little kid, maybe 3 or 4, not sure, maybe I was 5.
Anyways, I was in my pyjamas holding onto my old teddy bear walking through a dark rainforest. I walked for a few minutes through the mist, untill I came upon a big green beetle sitting on a large green leaf. The thing must’ve been 5 or 6 inches across! Very big bug :content:
I watched it for a while untill the dream faded way.
Thats the very first dream I can recall. :smile:

The first dream I remember is when I was 6 or 7 or something. It’s a dream that has repeat a many times. I can still see it very good, what it was like. The dream goes like this, everytime a little bit different.

The school was over and we should go home. But there was a man on a motor. He was chasing after kids. He wants to eat them or something like that. We (my sister, a friend of her, a friend of my and I) were walking trough the street where my school is.[but I never walked to my house] And than the man cames. We have to hide so we’re gonna run and go into a house. There lives another friend of mine and we have to hide. I go behind curtains (very little, you can’t hide behind it, you’re still visseble than, but I hide behind it) And the man came in but he didn’t saw us.
Once, I have been hiding in a waste-paper basket :confused:.
The man had never got us in all my dreams :smile:

I think I was about four years old… I dreamt I was sitting i the kindergarden, playing in a sandbox or something. Then my grandmother appears, saying “You will die tomorrow”. Weird dream…

that’s an odd dream for a little child to have. Had you lost a family pet or relative around that time?

The first dream I remember was about dying too. I won’t get real into it but I must have been about 5, and I dreamt that I had not listened to my mother and touched something poisonous and I just kept telling everybody "I don’t want to die " over and over…My best friend’s baby brother had just died from SIDS right before that…Man, I can’t believe I still remember that!

Not that I can remember, no…

The first dream I remember was when I was about 5. I lived in a cabin on a prairie all by myself. My best friend was a grocer who’s shop stood all by itself on the prairie about 2 miles away. I walked there often, he was an old grandfatherly type and very kind. His shop was the kind you would expect to see in the early 1900s. One day he gave me the present of a large glass jar (the type people use for soring flour or cookies) that was half filled with Orange Tang and had one of those miniature footballs in it.

The next day when I went to visit him, he was gone. In his place was a mean looking Chinese Sherrif. It was a funny picture because the man was wearing a blue police uniform, but he had one of those really long skinny moustaches, was mostly bald and a ponytail. He was quite scary. He told me my friend had been taken away and would never come back.

I’ve thought of that dream often over the years, though I don’t know why, it doesn’t seem very signifigant. Oddly enough, I had the exact same dream in 6th grade then again at around 24.

The first dream I can remember is when I were about 8.
I were sleeping in my mom’s bed, and something like a “shower monster” appeared with shower arms and legs and head, it was spitting water in all directions, and it grabed my leg and I was fighting not to fall into the monster arms…pretty weird.

I still remember my first dream ever, I was probably about 2 or 3 and I was in my toilet and for some reason I started to eat my own poop, I know i disgusting but that’s what I did. Then my parents came in and saw the mess and started to clean me up. I don’t remember anything else and I don’t know if I want to :bored:

:lol: yuck :tongue:
Welcome to LD4all Latinoralph :wave: you may like to introduce yourself to everyone in the gathering inour sticky “hi I’m new here topic” :grin: