Foil Induced Lucidity Method (was an April Fools)

LOL :rofl: … exactly what i was thinking…

I tried all three last nights and was succesful with WILD my first REM of each night.

did you WILD right when you went to bed?

:cool_laugh: Yup! The tinfoil kept me conscious all the way to the REM period 85 minutes later.

Are you kidding us ??? :neutral:

C’mon, don’t leave us waiting :smile: We’re really interested in this !!! :help: :shy: :confused: :eh: :neutral: :cool_laugh: :grin: :peek: :bored: :eek:

It was april first when Darxide posted that it kept him consious…

Do you think Darxide prepared his April Fools ten days in advance? :grin:

ummmh, yes? or maybe he just thought it would be a good idea to trick people into that it works since he had already made a topic? or maybe it’s not a joke at all?


:smile: Yup, and last night I tried something really random that my naturopathic grandma suggested… It seemed to make my lucid dreams from the FILM method more intense and realistic. You’re gonna laugh but rubbing pickle juice under neath your nose seems to help. It helps you remain more conscious along with the effects from the tin foil. For all ye nay sayers, give it a try and see what you think!

Believe it or not I have been having sooo many lucid dreams from this method ever scince I finally sucked up my pride and just tried it!

For those who noticed, that’s why I have not been motivated to visit the forums much anymore, don’t think I really need em’.

I have had a 99% success rate with the FILM method and I feel confident that now that I have my grandma’s input it’s a 100% success rate every night!

But my words are babble to those who are too prideful to just give this a shot. I could care less if you don’t do it, because I will - and that’s all that matters.

For all of you who just laugh at me and are too lazy to try it, it’s your fault and proves to your disadvantage.

For those of you who are open minded, you just stumbled across the most accurate lucid dreaming technique scince the Tibetan Bhuddist’s lost methods.


wow are you kidding?? if this really does work it prob wouldn’t for me, i wouldn’t be able to fall asleep :sad: :sad:.

You would be surprised… When this all began I had the same thoughts.

i dunno…I’m a bit of an insomniac.

Well, suit yourself then. Nobody can make you do anything.

And yet, you have not revealed from where you read about this method first…

Can you give the name of the book, or link from internet from where you read about that method?

And let’s not forget about the producer … what brand do you think the tibetans have used? :cool_laugh: :grin: :happy: :wink: :cool: :neutral: :eh: :eek: :roll: :happy: :colgate: :gni: :mrgreen_hat: :mrgreen_hat: :doublegrin: :thumbs:


This method works so great! Like I said before, I took the fact that the tibetans used to use the application of pressure during sleep to induce lucidity. I gotta run though, my dad’s being weird again. Do it if you really want magnificent results. Don’t do it if you want to spend the rest of your life wondering how it would have gone - and missing out on such great results.

I took the fact that Darxide is re-incarnation of an ancient Tibetian, because we have no other source than his word of mouth :content:

I’m gotta run too, because Sandman is waiting, so i have no time to ask third time about the source.

Sorry, but unanswered scepticism leads to sarcasm sometimes :neutral:

I think I’m willing to give it a shot.