Looking in mirrors

Staring in mirrors should help you with morphing, or even cloning :smile:

Mirrors are great in dreams and have often made me lucid.
I look different in a dream mirror (more hair mainly!). One thing I have noticed sometimes which amuses me at the time is a kind of delay in the movement of my reflection. For instance if I make a face in a dream mirror it can take my reflection up to a second to respond with the same face. I guess this is down to my brain working overtime to duplicate the information, but it can be quite funny.

In lucid dreams, very funny things happen when I’m looking in a mirror. Sometimes, my reflect doesn’t look like me, it’s blond-haired, or it plays at making faces. Or I don’t see a reflect, but something different happen in the mirror. Once, there was a gorilla into the mirror, and it tried to pass through the glass to enter my dream world. :smile:

I think its because you expect it. My reflection moves along pretty well I think, and dont underestimate the power of our minds :smile:.

When I look in the mirror in my dreams I can see different me’s all the time. It could be a difference in my hair, mostly hair and my lips.

But when you’re ld’ng… You can do whatever. You should try jumping through it or pulling a Matrix.

Whenever I look in the mirror in a dream, my image always corresponds to me exactly. It hardly ever resembles myself in real life, but this is because in the dream I don’t resemble myself in real life appearance-wise, so this is how the mirror reflects it. Either that, or I’m wearing outrageous punk outfits, etc. :content:

Last night I had some LD’s so I set out to test this again, my image looked rather like myself IRL and corresponded exactly to my movements in the dream! …

Xetrov: Yeah, I’ve tested that a couple of times. With the same results :smile:.

I guess it just comes down to how you expect your dream mirrors to behave.

Does anyone here know the actual logic of lucid dreaming? Like why can we jump throug a mirror, or why does our hand get distorted? I know it’s a ll in our minds, but why does the mind allow us to not be able to turn off the light, for example?

It’s always confused me, a little.

Contact people who knows about that, generally scientists working on this to recieve info about that one. :content:

Jumping through a mirror is easy, since you can do most of this stuff in a dream as long as you believe you can. About distorted hands and especially light switch issues, check this thread for a similar discussion.

Or, if you’re too lazy to check out that thread:

  • Dreams are based of expectations. You’ve been told you’ll have distorted hands - and so you do.
    You’ve been told light switches won’t work - and so they don’t.
    You’ve been told DC’s refuse to accept it’s a dream - and so they don’t.

Personnally, I haven’t had any of those ‘problems’ (my hands are fine, lightbulbs generally work and DC’s will happily accept it’s a dream - I quite often get them to teach me how to use my powers).


Yes, well…

I only realised that this was based on expectations after I tried the lightbulb and it worked. I then rememberd that they weren’t meant to work… and it didn’t.

At any rate, it’s hard getting over the myth :wink:. They work, but quite often don’t work ‘properly’ (eg. giving out a single, concnetrated beam of light).

hello alll…im new here…and i didnt know about lucing stuff before…and i had these weird dreams…and there was this weird thing…

i looked in the mirror and i saw myself bald…(i have dreadlocks) i looked at myself and i said to myself…shit i look gay :happy:

Hi Supersonic! Welcome to the forum! :wave:
You’re a “natural” lucid dreamer? You can anwer “yes” to this poll then: Are you a natural? :wink:

light switches work after a few tries for me :smile: … i agree, it’s totally based on expectations.
I tried to change my appearance in front of a mirror. I ended up with a face like a vampire in Buffy the Vampir Slayer :razz: but i gotta say, it seems to me my reflection is a being of its own and is only trying to mimic me…

It’s perhaps our own understanding of the IRL mirror phenomenon. Until we are about 1 year and a half old, we don’t realize that the people in the mirrors are reflections.

I agree with whoever said the whole mirrors and light switches thing is based mostly on expectations, but I also think that IRL, light switches work of their own accord. You simply flip them. In dreams, however, your mind has to do all the work, flip the switch and turn on the light. The mind has to recreate how the world works in a dream, which is why many things aren’t as they should be… your brain did it wrong. It messes up because we don’t think about such things–light switches, how many fingers we have, how mirrors work, etc–24 hours a day. Once we become lucid, however, our conscious brain can remember how things work–or, if you want, you can recreate things in a totally different manner.

Ah, how I love to ramble.

I have real trouble in my ld’s when I look into mirrors.

I just can’t focus right on my reflection, or my reflection looks distorted.
Anyone else have trouble with mirrors too?