is this like totally nasty or would a guy find this funny?

It depends, he might be expecting something or he might be think you’re a bit strange after doing such an action.

Condoms also make great water ballons. (But people get really angry when you hit them).

that’s a funny idea, a water balloon fight with condoms,
he he. yeah well i wouldn’t mind if they took it like that , niether would my couisn lol, but I just don’t want them to think we are freaks for doing it u know?

Is that all you want from them? Cause that’s all you’re gonna get if that’s the way you play it…No offense intended but I still think you should at least make 'em work for it…

Yeah… if you gave that to me… I would be like thinking…“hmmmmmm shes easy…” and the most you might get from me is a one night stand…

If thats what your after… then go for it. But I would be pretty careful giving out those sorts of signals… cause you are giving a really confusing signal otherwise, and you mind find yourself in a whole heap of heavy that you don’t want.

Guys are bastards… I know cause thats what I am!(of course I am only speaking for myself here… wouldn’t want to offend any of the fine upstanding gentlemen in this forum… Im talking about those ‘other’ guys!) :shy:

I think you’re idea would make it seem like you’re comming on a little strong. I mean, I would probably run away in fear upon getting this :content:
Talking, telling jokes, laughing together, that’s how you get someone’s attention.

yeah lol, no that’s not all I want from him, I honestly can’t say that for my cousin, i think that’s all she wants lol. No really I really like this guy and he has a sense of humor so I just thought it would be funny, but idk I think you guys have me talked out of it now lol. thanks for giving your opinions, otherwise I most likely would have done it lol.

I’d certainly feel irritated…

I’d laugh. Most guys would.

It’s toliet humour. Boys like toliet humour :wink:. Oh - and especially English boys :tongue:.

'I 'av always adirmed you English for your humour. To us, the toliet is a practial and useful utility. To you English, ‘owever, it is a basis of an entire civlilisation!’

Ah, I love Blackadder :content:.

lol :content:

It’d be a great way to know the guy more. You might know a lot depending on the way he reacts.

I understand you want a bf, and want one now. Everybodys been there. (except me im a guy.) I care or at least I want to seem like I do. It is funny in a way, but they guy will actually be convinced you want to do it.

This is bad actually.
Most guys usually get confused if they get sex right away, and almost always get dependent on a girl for it.

If they are not emotionally mature it can also escalate into more arguments for some reason also.

Try to go for a more meaningful relationship.
The condom will only make him think about sex.

Course then again, it might not be all that bad to do it and see what happens (to learn from it), however your reputation might suffer.

if a woman were to do that to me, i would be a little creeped out by it and most likely label her a tramp.

It wouldn’t impress me, and it comes off as trashy.

Okay young lady… Uhm… this is where the mother in me steps in.

Are you nuts?! Why on God’s green earth would you think that’s even remotely funny?!

There have to be other more tactful ways of you getting their admiration. Your posts indicate that you are a fun, smart and great person.

On a non-mother level… don’t do it. IMO, taping your number to an unopened condom is like putting a welcome mat out there for a bad reputation, depending on the maturity of these guys.

I sure as hell would not mind it. I would be happy for any attention from a girl, which sadly never happens in my life.

Ok, of course you wouldn’t mind it, but really you guys, if a girl did that to you, once you got over the shock, what assumptions would you make, would you see the comic in front of you, or something else, or has it just been my experience that men ususally don’t see the person in front of them if they happen to be female unless lightening stikes them or something at the same time…no offense…but you just don’t see much respect for women nowadays and most girls don’t really understand how guys think…we think about flirting and such in a totally different way IMHO…
I’ve discussed this subject with a few men and they always say that if a girl is flirting it means they wanna do something…And if they themselves are flirting then that’s what they are looking for…ugh…what a disappointment that was when I heard that, where the hell is the romance for you guys?..Do the guys on this forum agree with what I’ve been told or am I just unluckily surrounded by pigs?

I don’t know, Anam. I think guys and girls are more similar than most people would like to believe. And only a scant few of each are still willing to pursue this aging concept of “romance”. It’s just not the way people are assembled these days, and our modern lifestyles are primarily based on getting whatever we want as soon as we can have it. It’s true, a lot of guys seem much more obsessed with sex than the average female, but I’m convinced that the only difference here is subtlety. Don’t get me wrong, though, I’m not saying we’re all completely incapable of showing emotional attachment without also implying that we’re ultimately seeking a physical relationship… the former just seems to be more common on both sides than may be evident right away.

If a girl gave me an unopened condom with her phone number on it… what the hell am I supposed to think? I mean, what else could it mean, if not that she’s directly proposing a sexual encounter? Depending on the guy, he may realize that you’re just joking, and that you’re only trying to show that you want to get to know him better… but most guys are going to quickly jump to a very different conclusion in their one-track minds. Then again, maybe all you want is a brief sexual relationship, and if that’s the case, you’ve definitely found a very fast way to make it happen. But if you want something more, or longer laster, ditch this overly-suggestive idea and concentrate more on appealing to his personality, not to his… uh, other side. :smile:

Atheist wrote:

Nicely stated.

I would be offended if anyone did that to me.

Knowing girls id take it partly as a joke but partly considered it a proposition.As a joke- kinda not too funny but not offendive too.If it was meant as a proposition - why not?:slight_smile:

Atheist you are spot on with that post!

The condom idea is a simple joke in my view and would definately make me laugh but yeah it would be a surprise at the same time.

Maybe it depends on where this takes place - if it’s in a night club with loads of guys and gals and someone gives you a condom and their number at the same time then it’s surely a proposition? (especially if alcohol is involved)

I think it depends how you act when you give it them - if your giving it them with a certain ‘look’ then it’s an offer but if you laugh it off I’m sure they will too.

Be funny if they handed you the condom back and said on your bike lol…

anyway I think you should do it and report back here ASAP

I dare ya