What is suppose to happen Dec 21, 2012...

Oh, and if you watch the X-Files you’ll see it’s the 22nd of Decemeber, 2012 that you have to worry about… Not the 21st.

My aunt seems to think the world is going to end… she believes a lot of that kinda stuff. I sure hope not! :bored:

I’m going to agree with Tomas. They were just too lazy to write anymore! :tongue:

yeah, probably. I don’t know so much of this “maya calender”. They made everyday different?, how it is going to end?, why it doesn’t repeat like our calender?

I agree… they probably ran out of ideas. Or maybe thier empire ended and they didn’t have time to go on. Maybe we’re all crazy and the mayans weren’t real… they were just some crazy illusion and it’s all a twisted conspiricy! gasp That’d suck if it was the end though. Der… I wouldn’t be able to have kids by then. That sucks! I totally wanted to have a kid or two! Oh well.

mmm…I dont think anyone has to worry, I’ve learned that no prediction is right (Example: Y2K). And don’t start talking about Nostradamus…

^ totally agrees

Maybe the calendar is actually Cyclical after all :tongue:

I have yet to find a true end of the world theory. Since we’re still here…

I have never heard a end of world date that I believed and I still haven’t… But I do think something will happen on that date, just not the end. I have my reasons.

No matter how many people say they don’t think anything of it, I’m sure a lot of people will be turning on the news to see if aliens have landed etc…

I think there was research done said that possibly the magnetic forces on the planet could start working in the opposite direction close to that day… something like that.

That’s nothing to worry about. It’s happened plenty of times before.

Change of polarity is a reocurring event that happens every 200k years. except this time, we are 500k years late in change of polarity. On top of that, change of polarity is a process which takes a few hundred years. Actually, polarity is allready changing since about… +/- 1600 AD. So I don’t think that would happen @ 2012. IMO They were just to lazy to continue their calendar =D!

Since the Mayans came up with the idea, perhaps a reasonable explanation can be found within the Mayan cosmological system? Check out the work of John Major Jenkins. Here’s a little essay.

As far as I know, the Mayan calander doesn’t end on that date, it was just predicted that the world would come into a new ‘phase’ of existence. This has been misinterpreted as the end of the world by tonnes of historians and new hage people over the years.

My personal opinion…nothing big is going to happen, just another day in the life of me :smile:

While I am sure there are any number of reasons why the Mayans stopped their calendar at 2012 I highly doubt that laziness is among them.

Yeah, if they were lazy, why going through all the trouble of constructing such a remarkably exact cosmological system in the first place? It must have taken many decades to measure the rate of precession with such high accuracy. I’d call that awe-inspiring dedication, not laziness…

2001: A Space Odyssey, anyone?

December 21st 2012, is the Winter Solstice in 2012. This is the enddate of what is known as a great cycle in the Mayan Calendar. A cycle of 13 baktuns, each of 144,000 days each, that in turn create a 5125-year cycle coming to a close in 2012.

The Mayan calendar is indeed cyclical. 2012 represents not only the closure of a 5125-year cycle, but of a 26,000 year cycle, and an even larger 104,000 year cycle. This should be of at least some interest to all of us!

The years around 2012, are generally understood to be associated with a major transformation/shift of planetary consciousness. We already see this taking form, in the growth of a dreaming culture, that is just beginning here online through ld4all.

I think Mystic provided some cool info, in that article from John Major Jenkins!


[b]Well the religious fundamentalist and the military industrial complex of the world will play up on the end of the world, armeggedon thing, to bolster their own membership support and coffers; but we who honor the dreamtime know that there is no beginning and no end, only dreaming.

Maybe it is an end to mechanical time. John Jenkins, in his research says that this has already happened in 1999, and if we look, with the growth of the internet, dream groups, and people coming together to shift the paradigm, maybe the shift in consciousness is gaining momentum.

Yes, 2001 A Space Oddessy and we got 911. So much for the old paradigm hanging on with its cat claws.

I believe that this time, Dec. 21, 2012, symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of planetary consciousness and lucid awareness.

That day is a Crystal Day, Blue Crystal Hand, Kin 207. It is a Blue Resonant Storm year, 7th year in the Red Moon 13 year wave cycle. I was born in a Red Moon cycle, 53 years ago.

13 x 13 = 52

This new year, Yellow Cosmic Seed, kin 104, ends a 13 year cycle which started Yellow Magnetic Seed, Kin 144, 1993. This is when the 13 Moon Peace Calendar Change began, officially.

These 13 year cycles are key.

As a matter of fact this is the 130 year anniversary of a great dreaming pioneer, Carl Jung, who was born July 26, 1875, White Cosmic Wizard, Kin 234. He was in the 13 year White Wizard cycle that began July 26, 1863, towards the end of the Great Civil War in the United States.

13 year cycles:
Red Moon
White Wizard
Yellow Seed
Blue Storm

Carl Jung’s collective 52 years cycle began July 26, 1850 and went up till July 25, 1902.

July 26, 1889 began the 13 year cycle of the rise of metaphysics, Yellow Magnetic Seed (planted and harvesting new ideas), the Chicago World’s Fair, which Tesla displayed his robotic submarine. 1904 Aleister Crowley channeled the Book of the Law, which ushered in the New Aeon, a new 52 year cycle that begin with a 13 year Red Moon cycle of purification.

Just to show some ways we can use the 13 year cycle to predict and review the greater 52 year cycles, and the science of time.

So actually this next 52 year cycle in the Dreamspell will be July 26, 2006 to July 25, 2058. This cycle will end on the day out of time, Yellow Cosmic Star, Kin 208.

I believe we will be using the Dreamspell world-wide, the Gregorian calendar will be a thing of the past, and the science and dynamics of the Law of Time will be understood to a much greater degree.

I’ve seen the last 50 years building towards this.

52 was a very sacred number in the Mayan system.


Has the Mayan Calender been 100% accurate thus far?