What is suppose to happen Dec 21, 2012...

[b]Well the religious fundamentalist and the military industrial complex of the world will play up on the end of the world, armeggedon thing, to bolster their own membership support and coffers; but we who honor the dreamtime know that there is no beginning and no end, only dreaming.

Maybe it is an end to mechanical time. John Jenkins, in his research says that this has already happened in 1999, and if we look, with the growth of the internet, dream groups, and people coming together to shift the paradigm, maybe the shift in consciousness is gaining momentum.

Yes, 2001 A Space Oddessy and we got 911. So much for the old paradigm hanging on with its cat claws.

I believe that this time, Dec. 21, 2012, symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of planetary consciousness and lucid awareness.

That day is a Crystal Day, Blue Crystal Hand, Kin 207. It is a Blue Resonant Storm year, 7th year in the Red Moon 13 year wave cycle. I was born in a Red Moon cycle, 53 years ago.

13 x 13 = 52

This new year, Yellow Cosmic Seed, kin 104, ends a 13 year cycle which started Yellow Magnetic Seed, Kin 144, 1993. This is when the 13 Moon Peace Calendar Change began, officially.

These 13 year cycles are key.

As a matter of fact this is the 130 year anniversary of a great dreaming pioneer, Carl Jung, who was born July 26, 1875, White Cosmic Wizard, Kin 234. He was in the 13 year White Wizard cycle that began July 26, 1863, towards the end of the Great Civil War in the United States.

13 year cycles:
Red Moon
White Wizard
Yellow Seed
Blue Storm

Carl Jung’s collective 52 years cycle began July 26, 1850 and went up till July 25, 1902.

July 26, 1889 began the 13 year cycle of the rise of metaphysics, Yellow Magnetic Seed (planted and harvesting new ideas), the Chicago World’s Fair, which Tesla displayed his robotic submarine. 1904 Aleister Crowley channeled the Book of the Law, which ushered in the New Aeon, a new 52 year cycle that begin with a 13 year Red Moon cycle of purification.

Just to show some ways we can use the 13 year cycle to predict and review the greater 52 year cycles, and the science of time.

So actually this next 52 year cycle in the Dreamspell will be July 26, 2006 to July 25, 2058. This cycle will end on the day out of time, Yellow Cosmic Star, Kin 208.

I believe we will be using the Dreamspell world-wide, the Gregorian calendar will be a thing of the past, and the science and dynamics of the Law of Time will be understood to a much greater degree.

I’ve seen the last 50 years building towards this.

52 was a very sacred number in the Mayan system.


Has the Mayan Calender been 100% accurate thus far?

Well definitely more accurate than the Gregorian calendar, that is for sure. :grin:

What is your Solar Seal?

A really good reference is from the Dec/Jan 2005 of The Mountain Astrologer, an article called “The Long and Short of the Mayan Calendar” by Bruce Scofield. Though he doesn’t agree with Jose Arguelles Dreamspell, he does introduce and does a good job at the mathematics of the Mayans, which is pretty impressive. Like Jenkins (except a different date), Scofield says that the 12/21/2012 date is when our Solar System lines up with the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy, and that the Mayans mapped this our aeons ago.

Mathematically the Mayans were unsurpassed and they weren’t even using computers.


That’s interesting, I heard someone said somewhere that that date is when we enter “the 4th dimension” I have NO idea what that means. any help, and is it any good?

What I want to see is where all of the crazy fools, who thought the world would end on Jan 1 2000 and spent thousands of dollars on food and equipment, are now, and ask them if they feel stupid. That would be funny. :razz:

lol, that’s horrible.

What is that, and how can I find out what mine is?

galactichardwarestore.com/ca … ulator.php

are great spots for finding your solar seal/galactic signature

more information about solar seals and galactic signatures, or dreamspell in general, can be found in the dreamspell forum on ld4all, on my site or on reality failure’s site

I am a Red Magnet Serpent

Red Magnetic Serpent, Serpent Power, that is some powerful stuff.

Kundalini and Caduceus. Serpent energy is about survival and instinct.

I am Red Self-existing Dragon. So in a way, we are kin.

Dec. 19, 2012 will be Red Overtone Serpent, Kin 105, btw.[/b]

Here’s the vision of a Mayan priest about 2012: sacredroad.org/article.php?s … query=2012

I know what’s going to happen!

England will host the Olympics :tongue:.

Maybe that would bring around the end of days…

Yeah, who’d have thought the Mayans could have predicted something so small as the olympics.

But seriously, I don’t see why just because the Mayans predicted something it gives it any more credibility than if I say that I predict the worlds gonna end in 2050.

  1. Although they could be seen as a primitive race sacrificing their children, their priests had developped a very complex cosmological system. Scientists are only beginning to grasp its accuracy and understand its possible implications. Their system of cyclical calendars is even said to be more precise than our Gregorian system. Although veiled with mythology, they discovered the precession of the earth axis, the movements of other planets, and even the movement of the sun’s path throughout the galaxy.

  2. Based upon this system, they made long-term predictions. Thus they discovered that the Long Count would end in 2012. As seen within their magical context, this date was interpreted as being the date of a major transformation (they didn’t predict the world was going to be destroyed; only that the world as we know it would end and a new era would begin).

  3. Most of Mayan cosmology and rituals had a correlation with the predicted 2012 events. This alone stresses how much the Mayans believed in this date and their whole cosmology.

  4. As seen from computer models, there will a rare alignment on the winter solstice of 2012 in which the earth-sun path exactly aligns with the galactic plane (this only happens once in roughly 13000 years).

So whether or not you believe this prophecy, they did predict a rare alignment somewhere in a still vague future. The glasses through which you see this alignment fully depends on your own view. Mayans wore the glasses of some sort of mystical transformation. Scientists are wearing the glasses of facts=truth vs mythology=illusions. All in all I think the effects of 2012 will also highly depend on which glasses you’re wearing. If there will be a greener consciousness throughout the globe afterwards, Mayans would say “see! we told you so”, while scientists or others will say “it was just a logical evolution, the result of a series of shifting perspectives going on mainly since the Industrial Evolution.”

Ok. It is said the world is going to end in 2006(bible code) 2012 (bible code and maya calender) “At the end of this century” (a group of demons in a woman’s body)

Anyways I don’t know which ones right. I really don’t care. All I know is: I want to have kids, and become old.

My thoughts on the mayas, have you noticed that in the textbooks it says they just totally disapeared? Sounds strange. I think that’s were the alien theory came into play. :help:

Redifin: again, you seem to believe the Mayans predicted the end of this world in the sense of “the destruction of this world”. If you say this to a modern Mayan priest, they’ll get very angry :smile: The only thing they were talking about was an end of this world in the sense of a transformation. No one has to die because of that.

Personally, I don’t think the aliens caused their disappearance (note, they didn’t disappear completely, as their descendants are still alive and are still practicing many of the old Mayan rituals (not the bloody ones though)). It has probably to do with extreme drought due to El Nino activity and the related climate changes. At least that’s what scientists are currently thinking.

Scientist aren’t always right :tongue: Really at all. They were wrong on fossils. Evolution, and the creation. If you want proof I’ll post it.

    Even though to mostly everyone on this site, truth isn't truth.

I didn’t say scientists had the answers. I said this is their current hypothesis. They have some scientific proof to back it up. Where’s your proof of alien influences?
About evolution, we’ve had our load of evolution vs creationism discussions… Just search around in the Cloud.

The “end of a cycle” thing is the most correct one in my view. In The Da Vinci code (yes i know most of that book is bs)i believe it said that in 2012 a cycle would end and that a new millenium of the aquarius would start (aquarius represent knowledge, truth) and that the millenium that ended was devoted mainly to religion…