New Technique!

Right. It’s different from regular Rc’s. It’s a technique, not a check.

It takes work, and it’s more reliable than RC’s.

Also when you do it in a dream it feels better. Because after all those times of not breathing through your nose, then when you finally do your like, HOLY CRAP I’M IN A DREAM! YAY!, kinda feeling.

It really is a great technique. I’m glad I came around it.

This seems like a good technique, I’m going to use it and keep trying WILD and VILD.

BTW, I’ve chosen metal.

ive chosen something electronic,
randomman plugs nose and tries to breathe

Ugh, metal is way too common in my house, I’m dying of asphixiation, I’m going to use green as well.

I would actually call that a combo of a tech and dreamsigns. Dreamsigns are recurring things that appear in your dreams that are supposed to make you realize you’re dreaming when you notice them. :content:

This sounds almost identical to the Critical Reflective technique, it’s still a reality check, all that your doing is performing it for common events, not strange events. Incidentally, common events are also dreamsigns (for me :wink: )

Only one RC? That sounds like a mistake to me… I’d personally use at least three.

Sure Surreal. Use three. It’ll just take longer. I provide advice that you pick your most reliable so you can start lucid dreaming using this method in a matter of 3 days or less. I’m doing it every night!!! =D

The WELD is my favorite!!!

Seems like a good idea…
Im picking green too =P

edit: I’ve already did 20 RC’s since when I first posted this XP!

My RC’s, more often then not, don’t work - which is why I prefer to use lots. My most reliable one is the clock RC, which works roughly 80% of the time. After that is the nose breathing one (which I use if there is no clock) which works roughly 50% of the time.

U mean, in ur dream when u shut ur nose, u can;t actually breathe IRL?! that’s frigging scary @_@!

I’m sure, I don’t know, but I’m SURE that your RC skill will actually increase with this tech. Try to do just one, and after a while it doesn’t improve. Use many.

I’d still call it just a regular RC -technique, just using a smarter tricker - just like it should be.

But still it IS a technique, and not a RC.

Oh yea in your dreams you can breathe through your nose plugged :tongue:

I do an RC when ever I enter or exit an interior.Any interior! Home,car,boat,etc.
I don’t see the point in doing RCs when something strange happens.
Because that’s rare.

Espcially in a dream :tongue:

LOL! Just the opposite! In dreams, you can breathe through your plugged nose! :rofl: I have about 90% good results with this RC.

Arrgghh school started again yesterday and I forgot that my school’s colour is, you guessed it, green, we have green diarys, green jumpers, green folders etc I think I’m learning not to need as much air (Then again when I am in deep thought I sometimes forget to breath.)

Surreal: “After that is the nose breathing one (which I use if there is no clock) which works roughly 50% of the time.”

I was thinking like… how come it doesn’t work… In a dream u can always breath through ur nose. My reasoning was; if it fails, u can’t breath through ur nose, nor do u breath IRL. XP

It’s not really a problem. :smile: I was just laughing when thinking about the number of dead LD’ers this RC would cause if they couldn’t breathe IRL… :wink: