New Technique!

Ugh, metal is way too common in my house, I’m dying of asphixiation, I’m going to use green as well.

I would actually call that a combo of a tech and dreamsigns. Dreamsigns are recurring things that appear in your dreams that are supposed to make you realize you’re dreaming when you notice them. :content:

This sounds almost identical to the Critical Reflective technique, it’s still a reality check, all that your doing is performing it for common events, not strange events. Incidentally, common events are also dreamsigns (for me :wink: )

Only one RC? That sounds like a mistake to me… I’d personally use at least three.

Sure Surreal. Use three. It’ll just take longer. I provide advice that you pick your most reliable so you can start lucid dreaming using this method in a matter of 3 days or less. I’m doing it every night!!! =D

The WELD is my favorite!!!

Seems like a good idea…
Im picking green too =P

edit: I’ve already did 20 RC’s since when I first posted this XP!

My RC’s, more often then not, don’t work - which is why I prefer to use lots. My most reliable one is the clock RC, which works roughly 80% of the time. After that is the nose breathing one (which I use if there is no clock) which works roughly 50% of the time.

U mean, in ur dream when u shut ur nose, u can;t actually breathe IRL?! that’s frigging scary @_@!

I’m sure, I don’t know, but I’m SURE that your RC skill will actually increase with this tech. Try to do just one, and after a while it doesn’t improve. Use many.

I’d still call it just a regular RC -technique, just using a smarter tricker - just like it should be.

But still it IS a technique, and not a RC.

Oh yea in your dreams you can breathe through your nose plugged :tongue:

I do an RC when ever I enter or exit an interior.Any interior! Home,car,boat,etc.
I don’t see the point in doing RCs when something strange happens.
Because that’s rare.

Espcially in a dream :tongue:

LOL! Just the opposite! In dreams, you can breathe through your plugged nose! :rofl: I have about 90% good results with this RC.

Arrgghh school started again yesterday and I forgot that my school’s colour is, you guessed it, green, we have green diarys, green jumpers, green folders etc I think I’m learning not to need as much air (Then again when I am in deep thought I sometimes forget to breath.)

Surreal: “After that is the nose breathing one (which I use if there is no clock) which works roughly 50% of the time.”

I was thinking like… how come it doesn’t work… In a dream u can always breath through ur nose. My reasoning was; if it fails, u can’t breath through ur nose, nor do u breath IRL. XP

It’s not really a problem. :smile: I was just laughing when thinking about the number of dead LD’ers this RC would cause if they couldn’t breathe IRL… :wink:

Another good RC is jumping and water and seeing if you can breathe! It works for me all the time 100% on the money!

In my dream I did the nose RC and thought I was doing it wrong because I could breathe! I kept pinching tighter and tighter, but I still felt as if a tiny bit of air was going through. Funny thing, I woke up nasaly. :razz:

Quote Sureal: “My RC’s, more often then not, don’t work - which is why I prefer to use lots. My most reliable one is the clock RC, which works roughly 80% of the time. After that is the nose breathing one (which I use if there is no clock) which works roughly 50% of the time.”

Gee, the nose RC always works for me :confused: