Teeth falling out

i remember having dreams where i’m clenching my jaws so tight that i felt my teeth were going to break off from my gums. it was pretty scary. for some reason i haven’t had those ever since i got braces. so i don’t know if it was symbolic of my life’s situation at that time or that i just really hated my teeth or what. haha

I just had a dream a couple days ago about my teeth. I was looking in the mirror and noticed that a few of my bottom teeth were loose. My gums were almost melting and I was trying very hard to reposition my teeth, pissed off that my orthodontist didn’t do a better job with my cemented-in retainer. I blame my various gum surgeries, braces, and retainer ordeals for all my funky teeth dreams.

Yay, another Tolle fan. I love Power of Now. It’s like my Bible. (Although I don’t carry it around with me. . .)

I agree with the domino effect, I see one come out, or feel one loose, and then all of em start!

(First post in about 9 months. Does anyone remember me? I haven’t been posting but I’ve still been reading the forums a little.)

Has anyone else here had one of those dreams where all your teeth fall out? I had my second this morning.

I kept asking all the dream characters, “hey, do you think this is one of those dreams where all your teeth fall out?” but they told me it wasn’t.

And the teeth had redness inside them. They were white, but they had a sort of bloody red in the middle, the way a pearl has that pearly glow, except it was an unpleasant red rather than pretty pearliness.

And almost everyone I’ve told this dream to tells me that “I’m sure that means something, but I’ve forgotten it”. so if anyone has any ideas on that, I’d like to hear them.


I used to have those all the time.

Funny I should come across this thread. My mom used to say that when you dreampt of falling teeth it meant someone was going to die.

If the tooth you lost didn’t hurt at all, then it was someone you knew of.
If the tooth you lost was painful, then an acquaintance is going to die.
If you were bleeding when the tooth fell off, then it was a family member or someone close.

My mom has a meaning for everything. She’s really superstitious too.

I think dreams of teeth-loss (often) is about communication. I’ve olny dreamt that I’ve lost a tooth once. I was very puzzled when I woke and and so i told my brother about it. he said that it’s a very common thing to dream about. He also said that he’d read that it’s supposed to mean that the dreamer has (feelings of) communication problems.

I did at once feel that that was true, as I, at the time, was in a situation where I really did feel that I had problems communicating with people around me.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

For the last 2 or so years i’ve been having this odd dream every so often. maybe about once a month… maybe less.

The place is always different, time is always different, but the same thing always happens. i start losing my teeth. in my dream i’ll be walking with my parents talking, or through the halls at school, sitting in class, or just sitting in my room by myself, and my teeth will start to fall out.

Usually i’ll wake up after they fall out or sometime shortly thereafter. Sometimes in my dream people will stare at me… others not. i’m not sure if that makes a difference. but if someone could please clear this up i’d be grateful i’ve been trying to find out for awhile now.

doug, i merged your post to an earlier topic. I hope you find the answers here :smile:

This is an ancient European translation. When you dream of teeth, it means you or somebody in your family will die.

If that was true, I wouldn’t have any family members left. The fact that an ancient interpretation of this exist, proves it has been a common dream theme through history. :cool: We are attached to our teeth, it would be miserable without them, but teeth are the only body part which can just fall off.

Maybe it’s wrong. Who knows. I dreamt of teeth before and nobody died in my family.

when i think of this…i think “the fly”

I had many teeth falling dreams.

In general, things you see in a dream are meaningful. And sometimes they have universal meaning because human experiences are alike. But teeth falling is not one of those symbols.

Teeth falling is common because nerves under the teeth are proportionally dense, very sensitive, and really close to the brain. Any pressure or tension you get at your jaw or teeth is notible to the brain even when you are sleeping. Close your eyes for a moment and tally the sensations you feel from your body. Do you distinctly feel tension near your teeth or jaw? When you are asleep, sensation from other parts of the body are blocked by sleep paralysis. But the sensations from the jaw are not completely gone.

The primary cause of teeth falling in dreams is neurological. It has no more meaning than your brain reflecting those sensation in a dream, especially when you sleep face down, like what I do many times.

And once they start falling they don’t stop. It dominos because it is caused by a real stimulus. The more you are aware of it, the more you feel it in the dream. The only time it stopped was when a dream character stopped it for me.

Dreaming of losing my teeth always means that I feel lost with low self-esteem. Example: I failed an exam and that night I dreamt that my teeth began to crack and just fell apart on my hands.

So for me, it always represents my self-esteem.

I`ve never ever dreamt of loosing teeth !
I got so suprised when I saw how normal this is !

Once I lost ALL my teeth, they just fell off.

I lost my front-teeth also some years ago…But they didn’t want to go! They stuck in the flesh and I couldn’t get them out, well they were hanging out of my mouth, but off!!

I lost my teeth in a fight…ONE punch in the face, only lost one tooth, though. The others…well, they somehow disappeared!!

:grin: <— Let them be like THIS, oh dear sub-consciousness!!

How! I also had some falling teeth dreams, it must mean something. Sometimes this dream is like being in the bed and feeling it with the tongue, then I start to think why it falled and when. Most of the times I fell guilty of it dunno why. Then when wake up, I feel really much better for having all the teeth and remember everything. So this is one more “standard dream” it must mean something. :smile:
Also, my teeth never falled after neither before one of those dreams, I my concern about teeth was never present. I had some lightly rotten teeth but I allways treated of them. I started to try to interpret this dreams recently and here is my theory:
A concern (any other thing than teeth) that you allready thougth it whould be important. Your subconscious have been “working” on it and finaly called your atention that “something isn’t right, wake up!”.
I’m still wondering about it.

But I think Estok is right and I have SP many times.

man I hate those dreams…I usually have about two of them a year where I am looking in the mirror and to my horror one or both of my front teeth are lose. If I wiggle them they fall out usually in large numbers and when I look back into the mirror I am missing ALOT of teeth. Every time I have one of those dreams it scares the crap out of me because I keep my teeth meticuliously clean and as white as possible. :grin:

I never had losing teeth dream.
Maybe because I never had problem with my teeth IRL.