School dreams...

I graduated about 11 years ago, and I still have vivid dreams about being in school. Last night I had a dream that we had all my class mates (class of 93) went back to school to take a final exsame. We were all outside in the stadium taking the exame. I remmber I got up, and was saying to my class mates that we would never see each other again. I felt sad, and one of my friends said…“Dont worry David, change is a part of life, but you will never be alone” I felt good after hearing this. Next we were all walking home, and we got lost, my friend tells me. To put a diffrent colored of gum on each of my ears, and it will help me to know my dirrection. I said lets go into the woods, but my friends said no, because it would be better to stick to the roads. It was a good dream, one of those I was proud to put in my DJ. It allways feels good to visit with old friends even if it is just in dreams. I think thats what my friend ment when he said that I will never be alone. I wish I could of been Lucid.

:content: I like school dreams too. Seeing all my friends from HS or MS is fun. IRL, I haven’t seen too many except when I go back to my home town. A lot of them stayed and are raising their own families there.

I like that :smile:

A big percentage of mine take place at school with the people i knew then and people I’ve met since. I often feel quite happy and relaxed in these dreams which makes me realise how much i miss the security of that environment.

Yeah I often dream of ppl from highschool too, although it has been 8 years since I finished it … and I dont see any of these fellows anymore IRL. These dreams are totally random and most often do not involve school situations. I Guess a bit of nostalgia? hehe…

Hah I am still in HS and I have those dreams. I guess I can look forward to them being with me for a long time. Its odd, when I am in school I dont have any type of dreams related to school. But during summer break I always seem to have dreams about school. It probably sticks in our minds so much because they are good years good memorys ALOT of memorys. alot of dream material :cool_laugh: