S.H.A.R.M.(Great software program!!)

How does one force a viewpoint? With a gun? He has his own mind.He has his own free will.No matter what I say it wont change that.

When it comes to hypnosis and lucid dreaming IT WILL.
Any hint or mention of danger or fear is very destructive when it comes to this path.There is a thing called “suggestion.” Look it up.
That post alone just prevented hundreds of people from ever having a lucid dream through hypnosis,because now in the back of their minds
they are thinking “danger” and can’t concentrate.
But hey,thanks.

Cautious? Why? Please tell me what you’re afraid of.What’s the worst case scenario…?:scared:

You have a lucid dream?
You don’t have a lucid dream?
it might be when used very wrong, but that goes with most things


No it’s never dangerous no matter how it’s used.
It is impossible for hypnosis to be used for any wrong
purpose.It’s not brainwashing.
Why don’t you do some research before you post!?
There is nothing to be afraid of.Nothing.
The only thing that is dangerous is fear and the misinformed
people who spread it.
Let religion have all the fear.That’s were it begins and should end.
Lets not add it to this path.

You think my mind is clogged with absurd conclusions drawn long time before i came here?

And my point is not about drugs, plants, drinks or food or anything else. Hypnosis can be dangerous when misused, so i’m cautious around that area because, should i do anything wrong at all, it may just backfire me with severe consequences.

Hypnosis when correctly used, is safe and effective, yes, but i’m just cautious either way, as to not stumble into somehting i dunno a thing about.

Hypnosis can be dangerous when misused?
Do the research.
The only thing you’re right about is the fact that you don’t know anything about

Please show me where you got your information from about
Hypnosis being dangerous.I can’t seem to find anything any where from any reputable source that states that Hypnosis
can be dangerous if not used correctly.
Forget reputable!!
I can’t find ANY information that states that.
So what is it…?
Do you just make up stuff to prove your point?

Your way of writing looks agressive to me. Thats why I asked you to relax and not force it. Informing people is very good and I commend you for that, but do it in a more friendly way. If you dont agree, remember that I’m a mod and you are not. lol :smile:.

A small example of your agressive style:

You misinterpret what I say. I say I can understand if some people arent like you, and have reservations (in general). I say respect people as they are. I am aware that this might lead to less succes in hypnosis! However who are we to force a change in people’s attitude, we can only provide information in a friendly way, and hope it sticks.

So, would you please quit your accusations. I know very well about suggestion, and I am 100% sure its not true that 100’s of people will be stuck from LDing forever because of what I write.

Of course ordinarily there is nothing wrong with self hypnosis, I did not claim otherwise. It is just that your idea that it can never be harmful is just not true. If people who are mentally unstable use selfhypnosis to make themselves believe all kinds of lies for example, thats dangerous. But let’s not force this issue any furher. I fully agree that self hypnosis is a wonderful technique that can aid almost anyone in gaining lucid dreams! Dangers are very few and for people with a stable mind non-existant. I hope you are happy now?

Oh and just search on the internet on “hypnosis + danger”. They will agree with me, for example: here and here and here.

To conclude I wish to say that this post (or the previous one) is not intended as a personal attack on you, which I hope you realise by now. Have a nice day.

A moderator huh?
You wouldn’t be so tough without that
badge!!! :wink:

But you have a good point and very informative links.
You’re right maybe I am being a tad bit aggresive.
My apologies to you and Mr.White.

Any future posts by me will be nice,sweat and
devoid of any personality and individuality. :eek:

I will even change my name to Mr.NiceRobot.

I am so happy right now! No other brainwave program has worked so far. I’ve installed SHARM and then opened the first meditation file. I played it, waiting for something to happen until BAM! My vision turns completely dark. I couldn’t really get anything to happen after that except I felt like I was spinning for a few seconds. It seemed to take a lot longer than 8 minutes to get out of the experience, though. That was really cool and I’ll try it again tomorrow.

I think I will hack the program and share it illegally. :tongue:

It’s time this thread was deleted, it’s clearly someone trying to push his own product. Someone who just “finds” something doesn’t continually try and push it down your throat unless he stands to gain something from it.

But as said if you don’t fully understand what you are doing during self hypnosis accidents can happen, it can be dangerous. Hypnosis was something I covered in psychology, while most of the time the dangerous are so minimal they aren’t worth mentioning, but under extreme circumstances could be.

I may give an example later, but right now it’s time for bed.

Does anybody know of ANY POSSIBLE way to use this on a MAC? I don’t care how illegal or risky (as long as it’s free)!

Please help!

quote=“Dark Matter”]I think I will hack the program and share it illegally. :tongue:
It’s time this thread was deleted, it’s clearly someone trying to push his own product. Someone who just “finds” something doesn’t continually try and push it down your throat unless he stands to gain something from it.
But as said if you don’t fully understand what you are doing during self hypnosis accidents can happen, it can be dangerous. Hypnosis was something I covered in psychology, while most of the time the dangerous are so minimal they aren’t worth mentioning, but under extreme circumstances could be.
I may give an example later, but right now it’s time for bed.

No it’s not.You’re wrong.Trust me I know.

Then why are you?

Like what? Doing it under water?
Or how about in a mine field?

Hypnosis accidents? That is the silliest thing I ever heard.
This is just what educated people tell the uneducated
so they can charge them money for something they can get
for free.The system is run by fear.Based on fear."Only I can administer this and so fourth."Hypnosis isn’t brain surgery.It isn’t even that powerful of a tool.It’s basically just a form of meditation(which people have been doing by themselves for thousands of years until science came along and put their label on it)mixed with affirmations.If you make a mistake you just don’t get results.That’s all.You don’t go insane.Hypnosis is as safe as watching T.V.

Tried the short nap preset, nothing happened, i was awake all the time…but the lector has voice like Neo :smile:

Downloading… May try it out later.

I tried hypnosis once before with no result. However, I will give the benefit of the doubt and assume I didn’t know what I was doing/how to meditate/whatever.

Has anyone had any success with this S.H.A.R.M. program in helping to induce lucid dreams ? I downloaded the trial version and exerimented with it a bit, but found the trial version to be very limited and hard to really learn much about the program with. What a shame to have such a locked down trial version. One limitation I did find with it by reading the manual is that the maximum session length you can create is only 60 minutes, which is fairly worthless if you are trying to create a lucid dreaming CD which would need to be at least 90 minutes long. The sound files also seem kind of crappy with only a couple of water files.

I think I’ll just stick with using proven programs like Brainwave Generator, Goldwave, and Multisequence that I am able to test adequately before purchasing, unless someone other than a guest has had success with this program.

If anyone is interested in a program like SHARM for purposes of self hypnosis, there is a free source code program called Virtual Hypnotist that a person can download and use for free, which sort of makes the SHARM program a waste of money.

Okay, i’m now worried. i moved the wave all the way down to 0.0 (minimum). What does that do? is that okay?

Someone explain SHARM me. (Like you would to a dumb).

What am i supposed to do with it?!

If you try to generate binaural beats with 0 hz, you would get the source sound, unaltered. It wouldn’t generate any brainwaves, it would just be listening to the original sound.

I tried one. It only went halfway when I went to look at it, though. But my eyes suddenly started moving all by themselves! In weird pattterns! It was pretty cool.

Did not woek here :sad:

It seems that there are various questions, myths, and assumptions of hypnotists, and people who can not hypnotise. Is there a topic about hypnotism hosted by ld4all.com?

i think i have seen one a few months ago :cool: a forum search would probably reveal it.

It actually sounds dangerous…
