Why we dream

I duno where i heard this, buti was just sitting here thinking about dreams and i remember someone telling me this once
Someone told me that the reason we dream is because are mind needs to process all the information it recieves during the course of the day…and I started thinking that kinda made sense because if you only get 5 hours of sleep you cant think straight in school because your mind couldnt do all its processing so its overwhelmed

then i kept thinking and i was thinking about how like newborns are supposed to get like 18 hours of sleep and 5 year old are suppsoed to get like 11 hours and 10year olds are supposed to get 9 hours and 16 year olds are supposed to get 8 hours (none of these numbers are exact…im just using them as an example)…well that also makes sense because youger children have less developed minds so it takes longer for them to process the information so they need more sleep

does n e one have n e thoughts on this topic?

I guess that would make sense… I think so. Of course I never get that much, 'cept on weekends. :tongue: Even when I was little I barely got any sleep, which is probably why I’m so messed up today. :razz:

This is also why intelligent people need less sleep.

You are mostly right on that; the dream is just our mind processing information constantly, and we just perceive it as a dream. I heard that a study was held somewhere and it was discovered that if you don’t get sleep your brain gets out of control and you start getting crazy. That’s because we have to let the brain organize itself so it can work.

I think babies need more sleep because their experiences are more intense, since its all new. Like, Jeez I just saw a new person besides Mum…woah big change!!! So you sleep a lot to process that, then it goes on, and you get used to seeing new people.And new food, and scenery and interaction etc etc. It wears u out as a baby, and u need more time to process this crazy new stuff,woah whats this thing that makes rattly noises when I hit it???Hey this thing is cool, its attached to me, and i put it in my mouth…oooooh a thumb!!! but as it becomes more repeated, and more normal, u need less time to process. I think adults need less sleep cos they are more experienced with this world.

What you say is just one side of it all.And theres a lot of sides here.
Indeed one of the roles of sleep is to have a safe place to practice difficult situations,accustom to them,work them out…etc.Animals who need less time under their parents supervision have less REM.
Then u have sciencist who say that sleep is needed just for rest and dreams are random brain cells impulses.
And you have psychological point of view where dreams are to heal our psyche.
You have spiritual view which says that its when our soul runs free.
And many others
Pick one- all of them are true so far.