how do YOU meditate?

So you don’t think laying down to meditate is a problem? That’s how I prefer it too but everything always says No you need to be sitting up with your back straight etc… I end up worrying about how I’m sitting or just uncomfortable.

In my opinion, I don’t think it matters which position you are in. Sometimes I’ll do it sitting straight up, but mostly laying down. It just depends on what makes me more comfortable at the time.

Some say it matters but personaly whichever position I am in I still get the same outcome as in a differant position. But thats just me, and maybe i’m wierd.
I’m sure everyone can agree however that you won’t be very succesful if your moving around alot and repositioning trying to get comfortable the whole time.

So try it “your” way first, and see if it works for you. If not then experiment untill you feel happy with the results. Hope this helped. :smile:

Yes it did :smile: Thanks for responding. (I was doing it anyway but hard to defend when I don’t know much about it)

Im basically new at this. Meditation seems to be a great thing to learn how to do. It seems that meditation can be very simple to do or very complex. Depends on your view of it. What I would like to do is find a place that can train me on the proper ways to meditate because there are so many ways to meditate. Maybe I dont even need to get trained on meditation maybe all I need to do is just relax and meditate.

I had this same thought Nice Dream and found a couple of yoga places but they are expensive. There’s some good meditative techniques on the web. I found the twin hearts technique and a few others but I started with books. Maybe when I have the money to spare I’ll do the yoga but books are good for now

It’s a good question and one i always felt silly for not really not really knowing. It’s so simple that it seems like there must be there to it - reading this thread has been very helpful, so thankyou everyone.

In the past i have been known to use the very popular “lying down and falling asleep” method…

Ahhh yes, me too. One of m favorites actually

Yeah, I was wondering /how/ to meditate…Yeah, just give me some methods I could use in bed before sleep…

The answer is here

That looks like a great topic but the thing is I would rather go to a class on meditation than to learn over the web site. Maybe the web site is enough to learn but im not sure. Im going to take a look at the site though Fadem. Thanks for posting the site.

To Shortcuts of Lucidity! :razz: Well, shortcut…

Long-term zazen is said to cause LDs. (There was some stuff about it on the dutch forum if I remember correctly :razz: )

I’d be glad if anyone could recommend any good books on the subject.

Meditation means single pointed focus of consciousness. The subject of this can be anything, from an object, a feeling, your breath, a thought, even nothing (as in Zen). So do whatever you feel suits you and start meditating on it for as long as you are comfortable. You can increase the amount of time in meditation as you see fit once you get more experienced.

I can meditate so far until I can’t remember was posistion my body was in when I started. Somtimes I start thinking, “Hey, shit, this is cool!” thusly coming out of focus and screwing up my meditation…I’ve done /that/ three times already…
nyway, I haven’t read up on meditation and was just wondering what i’m supposed to be feeling…

I figure If I meditate when I wake or before I sleep, it would help me with lucid dreams, because most of the lucid dream method /are/ just focussing on one thought or suggestion, cough cough Meditation cough cough

CZChilla, there was already an existing topic about how to meditate. I merged yours with it.

Okay. All you’re supposed to do is sit still in complete silence for, say, ten minutes a day, witha straight back (straight back chair, laying down). Then, once you’re comfortable, you being to think about anything that can truly give you a feeling of peace. For me that thing is nature, more specifically snow, trees, and wind. I’m also fond of cosmic entities like galaxies and active black holes. but mostly I open a window in my -OH, and rain. I love rain. Anyway, I usually just open a window and listen to the wind, or the trees, or anything that’s natural…

Wakes topic from 3 year hibernation :ebil:

So… I tried meditating today, but I didn’t truly feel peaceful. I had been meditating for 20 minutes. (Woah it didn’t feel like 20 minutes! Felt like 5!)

Great find, Mew! :grin:

reads through topic

Thanks. Looked meditation up on the search bar, and bingo!

Now… can you help me with my question?


Edit: tonight I’ll be meditating.