The BIG Suneye Topic - part II

FiXato posted a link to download the suneye file a few pages back, but it’s hard to see it. So I’m posting it again :grin: …

plus, I suggest you DO NOT sign up for the yahoo group… it is getting flooded by a spambot…
I’ve been getting all these ‘Dating-website’ emails from the SuneyeGuy groupmailinglist…so I left the yahoo group…

Where to find Method 2?


IVe been readin this stuff and its real exciting and all, but the third eye medatation thing, Ive been doin that every night for as long as I can remember. It helps me get to sleep. I had no Idea it was helpfull for this kinda thing. So I already got one part of the technique mastered.

I need to try this method again. When I was first trying it a couple of years ago I had some success, then it suddenly stopped producing any results. And where is Method II? Wherever I originally got the other files from didn’t have it.

By Jove, that’s the zip file I made two years ago. The “Quick Note” file in there is totally useless. I don’t know why I included it.

Where should I look for “Third eye”?

Heh nice pic :grin: Though the actual center of the Third Eye is connected with a gland in the middle of your head, you have to concentrate on the point a little bit higher than the spot exactly between your eyebrows; furthermore don’t concentrate on the skin, but a little bit beneath it. On your pic the right spot would be between 4 and 6 but a little more towards the eye. But you’ll usually feel the right spot on your own, when you concentrate on the area for some time :smile:

Very interesting, I’ll certainly try this method, since I really want to learn WILD.

Thanks for the info!


Oooooh… I’ll try this tommorrow

Wait, where do I download the full method? with the relax file and overcoming fears file? blinks The website isn’t working soooooo… could someone e-mai it to me?

Ca somebody explain how you do this metod and what it is?

i have to be a yahoo member

hi guys sorry to ask this and since all teh sites arnt working, could ne 1 please send em the files to thank you much appreciated.

i have also tried to download the files from all of the links posted…but no luck. always something wrong, be it the file couldnt be extraced because of error or that i wasnt a member of a group on yahoo. can anyone send me the file to do suneye at my e-mail plz.

It seems that the link given few post above works:
Didn’t you try it?


It says the file is corrupted or invalid


That’s curious, I tried it once, and I got the error message. Then I downloaded a second time, and it worked… :confused:

HOLY POOT! This is a LOT to read. I’ll have to hurry with my homework and eventually tell my results.

jeez like im gonna have time to red all that let alone remember it before i go to bed