The Church Of The Flying Spaghetti Monster

Site… has… such a… horrible layout! :cry:

I can’t stand to look at that much text all in one place without something to grab my attention. (one of my many reasons I like LD4all) You guys can sum it up for me, okay? :shy:

To answer your question, I would suggest going here to study the history and mythos behind Flying Spaghetti Monsterism (also known as Pastafarianism) before signing up. You should do some research so you know full well what you are getting into.

flying spaghetti monster?..what?

WTF!!! Flying Spaghetti Monster! This can’t be for real… :rofl:

It’s a joke :wink:. A way to opose the teaching of ID in schools and have a laugh at the same time.

i hope the flying spaghetti monster never touches me with it’s noodly appendage… :help:

All hail this flying Spagetti monster :bow:

May his delicious will be enforced in the Kansas State Schoolboard…

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go laugh now :tongue:

Wow, I’m in :mrgreen: !

The pirate thing is especially deep :om: .

It will only get deeper as global warming melts the icecaps.

Yes, His divine plan is becoming clear now. When 99% of the world is covered by ocean, pirates (the swashbuckling variety, not the mp3 downloading variety) will once again rule the seas!

:lmao: :rofl: :happy:

‘Tis true, matey. Be it known that true pirates be carryin’ a cutlass. Aye.

Yar, this pirate be carrying an iPod, yaaarrrr…


Wow. What a great satirist the author of that website isnt. :neutral:

To balance things, check out for all your satirical anti-Darwin needs.

I’m afraid the Spagetti Monster one was a better designed website (sorry for the quip :wink: )

So I don’t exactly get what they’re poking fun of, the pictures seemed to illustrate the sillyness of humans evolving from monkeys (which isn’t how it goes anyway…they shoud have photoshop’d in an astralopithicus head :tongue: ) but then when I clicked on the pictures to read I just saw a bunch of HTML…but this is more computer stuff than ID stuff anyways, I’m just being a nerd :content:

[quipMode] Of course you won’t get it, you’re a Darwinist. :lmao: [/quipMode]

Ofcourse, because I know man did not evolve from a ‘photoshoped ape’ :wink:

If us Darwinists don’t get it then why did you post the link? :tongue:

Any “worshipers” of The Flying Spaghetti Monster out there?

Just so you think we aren’t totally insane…It’s not actually a religion…it has a purpose. To keep religion from being taught as a science in schools. We mostly like to play around with it though. Lots of fun. :smile:

I’m not alone! I’m glad to see there are some pastafarians here. :tongue:

Yay!! I am so happy i’m not alone. :razz:

I thought everyone would think I was weird for posting it. lol