Third person perspective in LD's

I always, ALWAYS dream in the third person. I can see myself, but from someone elses eyes. Am I odd?

I think you are. :wink: As for me, it happens very rarely and doesn’t last a long time when it happens.

My dreams this past week have been weird, I had 0 control over what I did, it was as if I was behind a screen watching my dreams. I had no control over my actions.

In the past I did not mind this but this week it has been especially cumbersome because I’m trying to WILD.

My dream recall is no problem but in my dreams it’s like I’m distant and in no control. In fact, in one dream I was in control of my thoughts but not my actions.

It was a nightmare, for lack of a better word. I was dreaming, I was lucid because I said in my mind “I’m dreaming.” But I had no control, I could remember commenting to my self and it was like I was watching a movie.

I considered this a lucid dream because I was aware that I was dreaming, but I couldn’t do anything.

so… you think its remote viewing? (looking at the post’s subject title).

Its not. Not directly anyway.

Get your control back by telling yourself its your dreams, and youa re in control.
We do sometimes have dreams that we see from the 3rd person… but usually its not the case

if this happens again next time try close your eyes and not see any of it… then open them but tell yourself where u want to be…

Your not saying your dreams, 100% of the time are viewed in the 3rd person? (from an outside view)?


Hm Garlic, most people associate “remote viewing” with telepathy and external sensory perception, and I don’t see anything of this in your report so I suppose you mean something else - 3d person perspective? If so, maybe better change the title because it’s confusing and will lead to many “this is not remote viewing”-remarks :tongue:

I merged this post into an existing topic about dreaming in the third person perspective.

I recently had a 3rd person viewing dream. it’s in my DJ. Except that I wasn’t a character in the dream. Well, I was but not technically.

I noticed recently that all my LD’s were in a sort of third person view point! I only realised this after the dream- as at the time this felt completely natural.

I think part of the reason i have low control in LD’s is due to this- because its like im not expieriencing things like I do in RL and am not seeing things first hand.

Has anyone else had this and is there anyway of getting first person viewpoint in LD’s as i beleive this would help me.

I have had first person view in ND’s so i’m confused :confused:

Mostly I have dreams in first person, but sometimes I have them in 3rd person. Both can…
I personally never had LD’s in 3rd person view, but I know some members here have had it.

When I’m doing WILD I walk down the stairs, but I have that often in 3rd person view and I want to change that to first view. I correct my self all the time. Someone told me that you should turn around. So then you’re looking at the stairs and you have first person view. Maybe you could something like that too…


read it again, he means he’s had 3rd person ND’s but not 3rd person LD’s. :wink:

Yes, that’s exactly what she means. :wink:

oops, my apologies!

The first LD I had started off as a ND in third person. When my lucidity increased it turned into first person. Then when it decreased again it went back into third before waking up.

Well that must be a pointer towards my low control then! :sad:
Iv never had much control in an LD.

I hope you’ll find some tips in the thread in which I merged yours. I think it’s possible to enter a first person perspective dream from a 3r person perspective, but I never tried cause I haven’t this problem.

The first solution which comes into my mind is to try to move: run, fly, move your arms, etc. The second solution is identifying yourself into a dream character: if you find it too hard, you can also “merge” with a DC, just with willpower.

Almost every ND I have is in 3rd person. Whenever its in 1st person thats my only chance at getting lucid. In 3rd person I just see whats happening and I get it but it’s like I have no thoughts so can’t think “This is wierd, I must be dreaming.”

I had an lucid one in 3 person today.

Or im not sure whether it was lucid , im not sure if i just awoke or not .
Suddenly i just thought “Maybe im dreaming ?” And felt both dreambody and the real body , It was like the player screen in tibia , in both grafics and perspective

Topic merged

Hey everyone. I’m new here, although I have been reading about LD’s for several weeks. I have tried several times without any success (although I’m not expecting it), and have been logging my dreams faithfully.

I have a question…more often than not, I dream in the third person watching myself, or at times I’m merely an observer (the dream does not include me at all). Also, my dreams are very non-linear and free associative. Is this common? Will it have an effect on my ability to gain lucidity from a first person perspective?

Thanks. I’m looking forward to my time on!

I have those kind of dreams too, but I haven’t been lucid yet. I don’t think it has much to do with lucidity, as some people (like us :grin: simply seem to have more “movie-style” dreams. In more “action-filled” dreams, I usually have a 3rd person view at least for a time. Last time, for example, I was beating skeleton things and vampires, and for a time I could see from the 3rd person.

EDIT: Almost forgot! WELCOME! Have a metaphoric cookie!