What is the most boring dream you've ever had?

I had a few awful boring dreams where I was writing code.

Worst thing was I just kept rewriting the same boring things with slight differences. I remember saying to myself “I’m done with this! Stop thinking about it!”

I think it was a view into a repetitive problem-solving thought process that I wasn’t supposed to see, because in both cases I woke up in the morning knowing exactly what was wrong with the program I was writing, and sat down and rewrote much of it entirely in a very short time.

in the days before I could drive, I had many boring dreams of driving on a non-descript highway for the whole dream.

Nowadays, I get the same dream over and over again: I’m stuck in a dull maze-like mansion, I have to get out.

My most boring dream was when i dreamed an entire day. I went through my usual monotonus day, only to wake up and realize that it was a dream after I checked the date. Or did someone change my clock?

Ooh, I just remembered an even worse one - one week when I played minesweeper a lot, I kept having dreams about playing minesweeper, except that the games just went on and on and on without winning or losing… grrr, that was incredibly dull, lol.

dreams about chatting are boring for me and I had ones where I am repeatedly climbing the beach never actually getting off it

I agree with Stormthunder, it’s the general atmosphere and mood in the dream rather than the events themselves, that decide whether it’s a boring dream or not. You can say the same thing for waking life as well, by the way.

As for boring dreams, at least among the dreams I remember I haven’t had many of them.

I really laughed when I read this - very cool dream! :gni:

One of the most boring dreams I remember was my first LD ever! I´m not kidding! That was years ago and I didn´t know about this whole stuff here and what is possible in a LD. I was in this castle doing nothing special and suddenly I knew I was dreaming. I was very exited but I just didn´t know what to do! Isn´t that sad? So I just walked up a corridor in this castle up and down all the time without knowing what to do. Today of course I know thousands of things which I can do in a LD, but back then… I just don´t know why this happend. But until I had my first “real” LD I was scared that this would happen again.
Thats kind of embarassing to me… my first LD one of my most boring dreams ever… :cry:

I`ve had one while chopping wood.

Ended in 1/2 an hour but was boring

I think that the reason i had the chess dream is because at the time I went a lot to a nice café and played chess for hours but that wasn’t boring at all but in a dream it can

Chess is fun !

yes but im telling you, not when you’re dreaming


Think that’s boring, i was talking about LD to a friend and she said that a friend of hers realises he’s LD’ing then goes outside in the dream and mows the lawn. :happy:

Prolly gets up and mows the lawn later that day too, haha.
Rock on!

watching a leaf fall to the ground… that dream lasted for about 4 seconds

ok just the same day eariler before I was sleeping I had spent all day long (literally) studying this history book and memorizing all the anwers to the test for my final.

That night I go to bed and all I dream about all night is studying that stupid history book. I’d wake up find out it was only a dream, go back to sleep, and it would start all over again.

maybe not boring but hella scarey. :eek:

how can a four second dream be boring :tongue:
/me wouldn’t have time to get bored…

but dreaming about still studying your history book after doing so in RL all day! I would have hated to have that dream :eek:

you know what Svavarg, i wish i could tell you. I don’t believe i’ve EVER had a boring dream. Mine are usually suspenseful or at least entertaining, amusing in some way or another.
i don’t really try to have boring dreams! lol!
Too bad about yours tho, chess is boring, blah!

My most boring dream was a few years ago. A tennis ball rolled off of my kitchen table and I woke up… :neutral:

Last night I had a dream that I was counting out an infinite pile of change on my desk and putting it into a very, very large jar. like the size of a five-gallon water cooler. This jar must’ve had over $100 in it.

In RL, I realized it was a dream. A little late for LD :sad:

My most boring dream was one where I was in chemistry class with one of my friends, and then suddenly realized I didn’t have to take it.