LD terms in your language

lol good you translated wolb too :lmao:

sirius black is a member too petter :smile:

Ok time to teach you some dutch :grin:

Wolf - Wolf (Wolb - Wolb :tongue:)
BlackAngel - Zwarte Engel
DreamAddict - DroomVerslaafde
Josh Redstone - Josh Roodsteen
holy reality - Heilige Realiteit
TimeLess_Soul - Tijdloze Ziel
Dark Matter - Donkere Materie
fear - angst
Inch - ehm. Inch too :tongue:
The Nameless One - Hij Zonder Naam
stranger - vreemdeling
sirius)(black - sirius)(zwart
sleepy - slaperig
worm - worm
The Golden King of Avalon - De Gouden Koning van Avalon
spacecheese - ruimtekaas


Wow, cool idea, i totally wanna know more about that… :happy:

LD - Rêve Lucide ( RL )
RC - [i]Test de réalité /i
FA - [i]Faux eveil /i
WILD - [i]Endormissement conscient /i
OBE - [i]Experience Hors du Corps /i

Wolf - Loup
BlackAngel - Ange noir
DreamAddict - Accro aux rêves
Josh Redstone - Josh Pierre Rouge
holy reality - Realité sacrée
TimeLess_Soul - Ame sans fin
Dark Matter - Matière Noire
fear - Peur
Inch - Pouce
The Nameless One - L’innommé
stranger - L’étranger
sirius)(black - sirius)(noir
sleepy - Dormeur
worm - Ver
The Golden King of Avalon - Le roi doré d’ Avalon
spacecheese - Fromage de l’espace


fromage de l’espace :lol: That sounds so funny

hmm you forgot wolb :tongue: loub? :grin:

lol, yeeahh “loub” sounds about right… :content:

Time for norwegian to sneak in… :cool:

LD = Klardrømming (My opinion…)
RC = Virkelighetssjekk/Realitetstest
FA = Falsk oppvåkning
WILD = Likvåke-innledet klar-drøm
MILD = Mnemonisk induksjon av klar-drøm
O(O)BE = Ut(-av)-Kropp-Opplevelse
FM = Falsk(t) minne

Wolf = Ulv
BlackAngel = SvartEngel (Svart Engel)
Dreamaddict = Drømmenarkoman
Josh Redstone = Josh Rødstein
Holy Reality = Hellig virkelighet/Realitet
TimeLess Soul = TidLøs Sjel
Dark Matter = Mørk Materiale
Fear = Redsel/Frykt
Inch = Tomme (measuring unit)
The Nameless One = Den navnløse
stranger = Fremmede
sirius)(black = sirius)(svart (from Harry Potter: Sirius Black - Sirius Svaart)
sleepy = Søvnig
worm = Mark (“Makk”, in my dialect)
The Golden King of Avalon = Den gyldne konge av Avalon
spacecheese = Romost


Q, you forgot these!

LD - Lucide Droom (LD)
RC - Werkelijkheids Controlle (WC) <= Lol
DR - Droom Herinnering? (DH)
FA - Valse Ontwaking (VO)
FM - Valse Geheugen (VG)
MILD - ??? Geinduceerde Lucide Droom (?GLD)
WILD - Wakker Geïniteerde/Geinduceerde Lucide Droom (WGLD)
IWL - In Wakkere Toestand? (IWT)
LD4all - LD voor iedereen (www.ldvooriedereen.nl)
AP - Astrale Projectie (AP)
AB - Astraal Lichaam (AL)
OBE - uittreding :razz:/Buiten Lichaam Ervaring (BLE)
NDE - Bijna Dood Ervaring (BDE)

correct me if I am wrong

lol Fadem, yes, i thought ppl can go to ld4all.nl to read the dutch stuff :tongue: (and I’m lazy :grin: ) :thumbs: fadem.

i always translate RC: Realiteits Test, or Realiteits Check, to keep the RC acronym :smile:

It’s Welsh time~ (Despite what you might think, it is a real language.)

LD - Breuddwyd Eglur (BE)
RC - Yswiriad Gwirionedd (YG)
DR - Côf yr Breuddwyd (CB) [with or without the circumflex]
FA - Ymdeffrad Ffug (YF)
FM - Ffug Cofadwriaeth (FC)
MILD - Breuddwyd Eglur a’i ymdwyllo gan mantra (BEYM)
WILD - Breuddwyd Eglur a’i ymdwyllo trwy ymddefriad (BEYY)
IWL - Ym mywyd deffro (YMD)
LD4all - BE i pawb (www.BEipawb.co.uk)
AP - Tafluniad Serol (TS)
AB - Corff Serol (CS)
OBE - Profiad adcorfforol (PAC)
NDE - Profiad-bron-marwolaeth (PBM)
WBTB - Deffro yn ôl i’r gwely (DOG)
DJ - Dyddiadur Breuddwyd (DB)
DILD - Breuddwyd Eglur a’i ymdwyllo mewn breuddwyd (BEYB)
DS - Arwydd Breuddwydiol (AB)
HI - Delweddaeth Swynol (DS)

Wolf - Blaidd (Wolb - Blaib )
BlackAngel - Angel-Ddu (pronounced angel and not anjel)
DreamAddict - BreuddwygGaeth
Josh Redstone - Josh Cochfaen
holy reality - Wirinondeb Sanctaidd
TimeLess_Soul - Enaid di-Amser
Dark Matter - Matter Tywyll
fear - Ofn
Inch - Modfedd
The Nameless One - Yr Un di-Enw
stranger - Estron
sirius)(black - sirius)(Ddu
sleepy - Blinedig (Also meaning “tiring” XD)
worm - pryf
The Golden King of Avalon - Yr Brenin Aur o Avalon
spacecheese - Caws o’r gofod
Kaitou - Lleidr Dirgel

Ld4all = KdForAlle



That’s right. In a stupid way… :lol:

Lol, Ik dacht in eerste instantie aan spacekaas, soort van spacecake maar dan in kaasvorm :rofl:

I know a few other ones (dutch):
WBTB - Wakker-terug-naar-bed (WTNB, but we use WBTB on dutch forum)
DJ - Droom Dagboek (DD)
DILD - Droom geïniteerde Lucide Droom (DGLD)
DS - Droomsignaal (DS)
HI - Hypnagogische Hallucinaties (HI)

:sad: :cry: why didnt I make the list?

WBTB - Vakna-tillbaka-till-sängen (VTTS)
DJ/DD - Drömjournal/Drömdagbok
DILD - Dröminitierad klardröm (DIKD)
DS - Drömtecken (DT)
HI - Hypnagogiska bilder (HB)

And some more users:

Dreamboy - Drömpojke
Weasel - vessla
Santa - Tomten
WillOfTheEye - ÖgatsVilja
Basilus West - Basilus Väst
bluedolphin87 - blådelfin87
Dreaming Parent - Drömmande Förälder
IvanTheCat - KattenIvan
FireHorse - EldHäst
Jack Rabbit - Jack Kanin
€®@nß3rr¥Dµdè - t®@nßär$nµßß3
broken-sword88 - brutet-svärd88
TapeGun - TejpPistol
Avenger - Hämnare
Sleepyhead - Sömntuta
Feed_my_brain - Mata_min_hjärna

Ok, let’s add Italian…

LD - Sogno lucido
RC - Controllo di/alla realtà
DR - Memoria dei sogni
FA - Falso risveglio
FM - Ricordo falso
MILD - Induzione mnemonica dei sogni lucidi
WILD - Sogno lucido indotto da svegli
IWL - Nella vita da svegli
LD4all - Sogni lucidi per tutti
AP - Proiezione astrale
AB - Corpo astrale
OBE - Esperienza extracorporea
NDE - Esperienza di pre-morte (literal transl.: esperienza di quasi-morte)

Wolf - lupo
BlackAngel - angelo nero
DreamAddict - sognodipendente
Josh Redstone - Josh Pietrarossa
holy reality - santa/sacra realtà
TimeLess_Soul - anima senza tempo
Dark Matter - materia oscura
fear - paura
Inch - pollice
The Nameless One - L’ innominato / Il senzanome
stranger - straniero
sirius)(black - sirius)(nero
sleepy - assonnato
worm - verme
The Golden King of Avalon - il re d’ oro di avalon
spacecheese - formaggio spaziale
Dreamboy - ragazzo dei sogni
WillOfTheEye - volontà dell’ occhio
Basilus West - Basilus ovest
bluedolphin87 - delfinoblu87
Dreaming Parent - genitore sognante
IvanTheCat - Ivan il gatto
FireHorse - cavallo di fuoco
Jack Rabbit - Jack coniglio
broken-sword88 - spada-rotta88
Avenger - vendicatore/vendicatrice
Sleepyhead - testa assonnata
Feed_my_brain - nutri_il_mio_cervello

lol blackangel :lmao: maybe spacecheese is the kind of cheese to eat to induce LD’s :grin:



More Welsh:

Dreamboy - Breuddwyd-bachgen
Weasel - Gwenci
Santa - Siôn Corn
WillOfTheEye - Ewyllys-yr-Llygad
Basilus West - Basilus Gorllewyn
bluedolphin87 - dolffin-glas87
Dreaming Parent - Rhiant Breuddwydio
IvanTheCat - Iwan-Yr-Gath
FireHorse - Ceffyltân
Jack Rabbit - Jack Cwiningen
€®@nß3rr¥Dµdè - €®@nc3ir¥nDµdè
broken-sword88 - MalCledd88
TapeGun - GwnTâp
Avenger - DialCamwr
Sleepyhead - Pengŵsglyd
Feed_my_brain - Bwydo’m_Ymenydd
† Träumend † - † Breuddwydio †

Haha Hallstrom; it was funny to translated with all these strange characters… :content:

I thought spanish was already done but im wrong so It’s time for Spanish ( :bored: im not from mexico/spain :bored: )
Spanish is more or less between portuguese and italian:

In my humble oppinion

WBTB - Despertar (y) Volver a (la) cama (DVAC)
WILD-Sueño lucido inducído despierto. (SLID)
MILD- Sueño lucido inducído mnemónicamente (SLIM)
LD4all- SLParatodos (couldn’t make it the same in spanish)
DJ - Diario (de) sueños (DS)
LD - Sueño lucido (SL)
RC - Chequeo (de) Realidad (CR)
DR - Recuerdo (de) sueño (RS)
FA - Despertar falso (DF)
AP - projección astral ¶
AB - Cuerpo Astral (CA)
OBE - Experiencia fuera del cuerpo (EFDC)
NDE - Experiencia cercana a la muerte (ECALM)

Wolf - lobo
BlackAngel - angel negro
DreamAddict - adicto al sueño
Josh Redstone - Josh piedra roja
holy reality - realidad santa
TimeLess_Soul - alma sin tiempo
Dark Matter - materia oscura
fear - miedo
Inch -pulgada
The Nameless One - El sinnombre
stranger - estraño
sirius)(black - sirius)(negro
sleepy - soñoliento
worm - gusano
The Golden King of Avalon - El rey dorado de Avalón
spacecheese - quesoespacial
Dreamboy - chico sueño
WillOfTheEye - Voluntad del ojo
Basilus West - Basilus oeste
bluedolphin87 - delfín ázul87
Dreaming Parent - Padre(madre) soñando
IvanTheCat - Ivan el gato
FireHorse - caballo de fuego
Jack Rabbit - Jack conejo
broken-sword88 - espada rota88
Avenger - vengador
Sleepyhead - cabeza soñolienta
Feed_my_brain - alimenta mi cerebro

Lol .

The first thing i think about is LOTR ! :thumbs: