LD terms in your language

hmmm nah Lubo then :grin:



LD = Klar drømming
RC = Virkelighetssjekk/Realitetstest
FA = Falsk oppvåkning
OBE = Ut-av-kroppen-opplevelse
FM = Falskt minne

Wolf = Ulv
BlackAngel = Sort Engel
Dreamaddict = Drømmeavhengig
Josh Redstone = Josh Rødstein
Holy Reality = Hellig virkelighet
TimeLess Soul = Tidløs Sjel
Dark Matter = Mørk Materie
Fear = Redsel
Inch = Tomme
The Nameless One = Den navnløse
stranger = Fremmede
sirius)(black (now, this is a tricky one. Black is “sort/svart” in norwegian, but in the norwegian translation of HP, Sirius Black is called Sirius Svaart)
Sleepy = trøtt
worm = Mark
The Golden King of Avalon = Den gyldne konge av Avalon
spacecheese = Romost
Hebrew2 = Hebreer2
whispa = Hviska ( :razz:)
Keys and Clocks = Nøkler og Klokker
freedom88 = frihet88
Hate = Hat
lost…for a while = Tapt…for en stund

Yeah, I know. I stole some of these from Cid and corrected them. So what.

Okay, it’s time for some finnish :tongue:

LD - Selkouni
RC - Todellisuustesti
DR - Unimuisti
FA - Valeherääminen
FM - Valemuisti
LD4all - SU kaikille
AP - Astraaliprojektio
AB - Astraalikeho
OBE - Ulkona kehosta-kokemus or Irtautuminen kehosta-kokemus
NDE - Liki kuolemaa-kokemus
WBTB - Hereiltä takaisin sänkyyn
DJ - Unipäiväkirja
DS - Unienne
HI - Hypnagoogiset kuvat
IWL - Valvetilassa ? :confused:

I didn’t translate basic terms like WILD, MILD, DILD…
'Cause I haven’t yet seen any translation of those and I prefer to them as they are in english. I don’t even want to translate them :wink:

Wolf - Susi
BlackAngel - MustaEnkeli
DreamAddict - UniRiippuvainen or UniAddikti
Josh Redstone - Josh Punakivi
holy reality - pyhä todellisuus
TimeLess_Soul - Ajaton_Sielu
Dark Matter - Pimeä Aine
fear - pelko
Inch - Tuuma
stranger - muukalainen
sirius)(black - sirius)(musta
sleepy - uninen
worm - mato
The Golden King of Avalon - Avalonin Kultainen Kuningas
spacecheese - Avaruusjuusto

And last Have a good night! - Hyvää yötä!

Extraño :content: :grin:

Ok, some Estonian coming now (somehow similar to Finnish) :tongue:

LD - selge/kirgas unenägu
RC - reaalsuse kontroll/test
FA - võlts ärkamine
FM - võlts/väär mälu
MILD - mõistuses esile kutsutud selge unenägu
WILD - ärkvelolekus esile kutsutud selge unenägu
AP - astraalprojektsioon
AB - astraalkeha
OBE - kehaväline kogemus
NDE - surmalähedane kogemus
DJ - unenäopäevik

Wolf - hunt
BlackAngel - must ingel
DreamAddict - unenägudest sõltuvuses olija
Josh Redstone - Josh Punakivi
holy reality - püha reaalsus
TimeLess_Soul - ajatu hing
Dark Matter - must mateeria
fear - hirm
Inch - toll
The Nameless One - Nimetu
stranger - võõras
sirius)(black - sirius)(must
sleepy - unine
worm - vagel/ussike
The Golden King of Avalon - Avaloni kuldne kuningas
spacecheese - kosmosejuust :grin:

And just to show how closely Finnish is related to Estonian,
Have a good night! - Head ööd! :tongue:

Some more users

kitkat_neko - kitkat_katt
Stormthunder - Stormåska
astralfog - Astralgroda
NotGuest - InteGäst
Garlic - Vitlök
Iluminada - Upplyst
Dream_Of_Hope - Dröm_Om_Hopp
indifferent - likgiltig
infinitycascade - oändlighetskaskad
freedom88 - Frihet88
SkyDreamer - HimmelDrömmare
DeadManWalking - DödManGående
Unforgiven Killer - Oförlåten Mördare
spaceotter - rymdutter
bluemoonwillow - blåmånpil
Dust Mote - Dammkorn
saddleback - sadelrygg

Is it ok if i revive this topic ?

Lucid Dream = Klartraum
Queen SD = Königin Träumt-Noch :rofl:
DarkRaven= DunklerRabe
Nightmare= Alptraum (there is an old german word thats related to “nightmare” and means same the thing : Nachtmaar aka alp which means a demonic Being which sits on a dreamers chest bringing bad dreams)
The Nameless one = Der Namenlose
NDE = Nahtod Erfahrung
You Just lost the Game ! = Du hast gerade Das Spiel verloren !
working class hero = Held der arbeitsklasse
Slinking_Ferret = Schleichendes_Frettchen


I see no Polish here :smile:

LD - świadomy sen
RC - test rzeczywistości
DR - pamięć snów
FA - fałszywe przebudzenie
FM - fałszywe wspomnienie
MILD - pamięciowe wywoływanie świadomych snów (but usually we just say MILD).
WILD - Uhh… Hard to translate, we just call it WILD
IWL - na jawie
LD4all - ŚŚ dla wszystkich
AP - projekcja astralna
AB - ciało astralne
OBE - doświadczenie poza ciałem
NDE - no idea how to translate this

Wolf - Wilk (Wolb - Wilb? Wilg?)
BlackAngel - CzarnyAnioł
DreamAddict - UzależnionyOdSnów
holy reality - święta rzeczywistość
TimeLess_Soul - Bezczasowa_Dusza
Dark Matter - Ciemna Materia
fear - strach
Inch - Cal
The Nameless One - Bezimienny
stranger - nieznajomy
sirius)(black - syriusz)(czarny
sleepy - śpiący/senny
worm - robak
The Golden King of Avalon - Złoty Król Avalonu
spacecheese - przestrzennyser

Aww… I only speak English… :sad: I wish i knew german that’s an awesome language… or japanese…

Brazilian Portuguese

Formal versions usually followed by an informal (that is to say, current within my group of friends and nowhere else that I know of).

LD - Sonho lúcido (SL), or just lúcido.
RC - Teste de realidade (TR), or beliscão (“pinch”).
DR - Lembrança do sonho (LS?), or refluxo (“reflux”).
FA - Despertar no sonho (DS, “In-dream awakening”), or sonhar que acorda (“dream of waking”).
FM - Memória falsa (MF), or porquessim (something along the lines of “why not”: “I was Argentine whynot”; can be used as adjective or noun: “he was my whynot father”, “I had a whynot of being a Victorian gentleman”).
MILD - simply MILD, or mnemônico (“mnemonic”).
WILD - simply WILD, or hipnótico (“hypnotic”).
IWL - Na vida real (NVR), or simply na real (omitting “life”).
LD4all - LD4all (usually pronounced with the lousiest accent possible).
AP - Projeção astral (PA).
AB - Corpo astral (CA).
OBE - I’ve no idea.
NDE - Experiência de quasemorte (EQM).

Wolf - Lobo. (Wolb = Bobo? :tongue:)
BlackAngel - AnjoNegro.
DreamAddict - Sonhômano.
Josh Redstone - Josh Pedraroxa.
holy reality - realidade sacra.
TimeLess_Soul - Alma_Atemporal.
Dark Matter - Matéria escura.
fear - medo.
Inch - Polegada.
The Nameless One - O Inomeável.
stranger - esquisito.
sirius)(black - sirius)(black …or sírio)(preto.
sleepy - soneca.
worm - verme.
The Golden King of Avalon - Rei Áureo de Avalon.
spacecheese - queijo do espaço.
Dreamboy - Sonhante.
WillOfTheEye - VontadeDoOlho
Basilus West - Basilo Oeste
bluedolphin87 - golfinhazul87
Dreaming Parent - Velho Sonhando.
IvanTheCat - IvanOGato
FireHorse - Mbaitatá (not to be confused with Mboitatá, which means FireSnake).
Jack Rabbit - Coelho Jacó.
€®@nß3rr¥Dµdè - €á®@Dø0x1Cõ€ő
broken-sword88 - espada-quebrada88.
Avenger - Vingador.
Sleepyhead - Cabeçassonolenta.
Feed_my_brain - Alimente_meu_cérebro.
kitkat_neko - gatinha_kitkat.
Stormthunder - Trovoada.
astralfog - névoastral.
NotGuest - NãoConvidado.
Garlic - Alho.
Iluminada - Iluminada.
Dream_Of_Hope - Sonhe_Paz.
indifferent - indiferente.
infinitycascade - cascatassenfim.
freedom88 - liberdade88.
SkyDreamer - AeroSonhador.
DeadManWalking - CadáverAmbulante.
Unforgiven Killer - Matador Impiedoso.
spaceotter - lontradoespaço.
bluemoonwillow - salgueiroluazul.
Dust Mote - Grão de Pó.
saddleback - selado.

how about some japanese? - 一部の日本について&#1 2399;どうですか?

lucid dream - 明晰夢
reality check - 現実をチェック
dream recall - 夢を思い出す
false awakening - 虚偽の目覚め
false memory - 偽りの記憶
wake induced lucid dream - 明晰夢を誘発される&#3 5226;醒
in waking life - 人生覚醒
ld4all - ld4all (no translation)
astral projection - 幽体離脱
astral body - 霊体-
out of body experince - 体をexperince (dont know the word for experince)
near death experince - 近く死experince (again dont know the word for experince)

i am not japanese i am english i just used a translation site hehe - 私はただ私は英語を&#2 6085;本語に翻訳サイト&#1243 4;使用hehe午前

thanks for reading this - これを読んでいただ&#1 2365;ありがとうござい&#1241 4;す

edit: some letters got turned into numbers for some reason :grrr:

for me , all of them look like numbers …

FA = Falsches Erwachen
AP = Astral Projektion :razz:
OOBE = Ausserkörperliche Erfahrung
HH= Hypnagoge Halluzinationen or Hypnagoge Bilder
AB = Astral Körper
TwilightDreamer = Zwielicht träumer
WinterDepths = WinterTiefe(n) … :eek:

[spoiler]Dark Matter - Matéria escura.
what use translating his name if he isnt even known under that name anymore ? plus left ld4all already …]

Ah, sakoda, du bist ein deutch-sprecher :clap:

Id translate LD-terms if it wasnt that the one who started this topic already done it :cry:

Some more names:

Working class hero= arbetsklasshjälte
Eyelids= Ögonlock :roll:
Sureal= Overklig
stormthunder= stormåska :dark:
Amused himself to death= skrattade ihjäl sig (not really)

At least you can try to guess the language :razz:

german hehe

Roade ihjäl sig borde det väl vara? :razz:

Roade sig till döds, perhaps?

That reminds me of a Soviet Russian song, I think it was called Den Döde.

Working class hero = Herói trabalhador.
Eyelids = Cílios.
Amused himself to death = Divertiu-se à morte.
Ghostie = Fantasminha.

Quuipo = Qüípo. (Although the umlaut is deprecated as of January 2009).

Maybe that, but it can be skrattade too :tongue:

Swedish :content:

Hallström, in your first post you forgot DILD= Dröminducerad Klardröm (DIKD)
WBTB= Vakna Och Återigen Somna (VOÅS)
SP= Sömnparalys (SP)
DO= Åskådare Utan Kropp (ÅUK)
SC= UnderMedvetna (UM)


ldkid= KDunge :razz:

EDIT: I forgot, slinking ferrtet= Smitande Ekorre :razz:

:cry: i was so sure :cry: