Competition Rankings for December

Please put me on the list with 1 LD. I have got a feeling that it will be my record month.

I had my first LD of this month.

I had my first 3 LDs for the month :happy: Do unigons get extra points?

lol damn… I want a unigons LD…

I had 2 LD’s this morning :content: … 3 in total for this month :happy:

I had some lucid moments this morning. I’ll put that as 0.5 LDs

Wolf - 1 :grin:

i was waiting for this topic i had one at dec 1st and this night had 5 distinct lds.
lol the last was even into something like SP.

Like some force was trying to roll me on my bed and lifted me up, strange.

I had my first LD for this month today morning.

Had 3 this morning :eh: :grin:

I haven’t entered the competition is so long… should i do it this month? :smile:
none so far…

ok, got one last night.
total = 1.

1 more, very vivid and clear… :smile:

What happened to my lucidity? Still none.

another one. total = 2.

One for me so far… There will be more.

Make that two, I just took a afternoon nap, and…blam. It was short, but a ld.

2 for me

1 LD for me :smile:

Make that another.

EDIT: i just remembered that i had 2 LDs instead of one. so total = 4.