Learning to fly

Today I flew using a jetpack. It worked fine until I thought I could jump from a building and use the jetpack to land softly. Simple plan. But I couldn’t activate it and woke up when I hit the ground.

plans on trying Bruno/Q’s idea

I’ve had an old guy teach me to fly, not that I’m that good yet. I can fly extremely well in NDs, but as soon as lucidity hits, I’m grounded. :neutral: Mikeh’s helped me fly before, though.

I love my SG. ^^

Thanks, moogle.

I think I got this idea from a guide/tutorial on Dreamviews somewhere, but I always picture, for a moment, what the landscape would look like from above.

I think it has something to do with the human subconscious/brain having problems processing an image by itself…

Yeah I would advise not thinking about it very much. In my second LD I was in some house talking to a guy and after a while I was just like Screw This and I dove through the window and started flying away. I didn’t really think about it at all.

I love flying in my dreams. I want to fly so badly in real life that there have been several time when I fly in a dream that I think I have finally done it for real!

I have two different techniques that I use. One is a running start followed by a forward dive. This gets me coasting about 3 feet off the ground; and I usually go 50 feet or so before slowly landing. :tryfly:

The other technique is levitating. I just think myself up in the air. I usually have some lateral mobility, but I still don’t like to get too high.

Flying is also one of my Dream Signs. If I find myself flying, I know I’m dreaming.

I haven’t had a real LD or at least a long one…because when i was flying (in my normal dream) i realised and as soon as i said to myself i was having an ld i fell from the sky …then i lost lucidity and started flying again…arrrgggh so annoying

Last night I had my first real LD!!! :partying_face:

After I realized I was dreaming I tried flying for the first time, and all I did was fall flat on my face, (and it actually hurt :eek: ) However, I could make super human jumps really easily. I think my problem was that I would concentrate really hard, (like close my eyes and think nothing but flying) and then try to lift off.

Also after realizing I was’nt getting anywhere concentrating on flying, I tried to materialize a jetpack on my back and I found that I could’nt do that either. Is that a skill that gets better with practice?

I picked up flying in dreams when I first jumped off a swing from a hill–I sort of floated and never came down–it was an amazing, and scary feeling–hard to put into words because it seemed so real. You know that feeling I’m talking about? :smile:

And now–now I sometimes feel like I can fly IRL. It’s so cool. :cool:

Interesting to see people’s learning to fly experiences :smile:

I actually had a series of dreams where I would try to learn to fly - I would climb up on trees, roofs of houses, etc, and try to float across to another one. From there I would have practice flying dreams too. It’s become an ingrained skill now, lucky me :content:

Here’s a nifty website with incubation techniques and flying techniques. It is a nice little guide for you novice dream pilots out there.

I have the opposite problem as some of you: I tend to fly incredibly fast and lose control. Turning becomes difficult sometimes. It’s probably because of my technique: I fly like superman, except I imagine a burst of energy coming from my legs and pushing me ahead. I basically turn myself into a rocket. :smile: Anyone else out there have this problem?

I have also shapeshifted into birds or dragons before, or just grew a set of wings. Some people have trouble shapeshifting, though. The thing with that is, I am such a big fan of shapeshifting that I have developed a couple techniques that seem to work pretty well. Anyway, I tend to fly slower and keep control better when I shapeshift. Even then, that is not always the case.

Yeah I, too, did have some problems with flying like Treader said. I tend to get out of control and slammed down back on the ground(lol), sometimes I even got thrown into outer space and into darkness. Not fun.

Watching Spiderman gave me an idea to land. When I got rocketed away, I’d do the sort of gesture Spiderman did when he wants to stick onto things. Works fine by me.

Later I’ve learnt to really fly. The trick is imagining you are floating, as if the air is water. Most of the time being unable to fly means you think it is impossible to do that. Nothing is impossible in an LD, tell yourself that.

Had problem breathing underwater in LD before, I thought I was gonna drown for sure :eek:

Yes, a lot of LD’ers couldn’t fly when they first tried and they learnt to do it.

It definitely comes with practice. The hardest thing is to build up the confidence that if you jump off that building, you are gonna fly and not free fall. I too, had problems in the beginning with flying, but now fly with no problems, and in fact do it in 95% of my LDs to some extent or another.

dont actually try to fly just know you can fly so do it you shouldnt have to think about it

I’ve never actually flown yet, I’ve actually never even really tried. I’ve thought of it, though. The main problem I’ve had is getting out of whatever building I’m in. I usually try to go through a window or the roof or something, but that never works. I guess I should try something else.

I’ve jumped really far in several LDs, as the jumping ability just seems to be something that comes naturally to me in dreams. I’ve also hovered a little, once. When I came down I asked a DC if she could teach me to fly, but she said no and I woke up.

Don’t some of you have problems in gaining altitude? It’s my main problem while flying and it seems that most of the time I can’t go higher than a certain limit. :tryfly:

Flying in my dreams is a very common thing- I use that particular ability to escape from someone in my nightmares. I’ve never tried flying in LD though, just ND. I usually just flap my hands until I’m about 3-4 feet off the ground. I don’t believe that I’ve got much higher than this. Maybe one or two times, no more.
Oh yeah! I’ve used birds and mythical creatures to fly higher. Seems to be more effective. :grin:

My problem is that i can only fly very close to the ground or high above the clouds. :eek:
Anyone else having the same problem as me?

I think I’m going to try to fly even higher next time I have a LD. I’m going to take a space trip, maybe I’ll try visiting the moon or why not the sun? :happy:

I have flown two different ways. The easiest is when i have a lucid dream i say, “If this is a dream then let me fly”(This also works for anything else i have tried, just subsitute fly with what you want). The other is when i became lucid for a few seconds, and what i think is my spirit guide, told me to fly, and with out even thinking about it i flew and pretty high to. But the antagonist in my dream pulled me down and i forgot it was a dream.