LD powers and things you managed to do

as far as i know all i can do is fly and teleport but thats all ive tryed to do and i cant walk through glass for some reason :tongue:

I don’t really do any of this–it’s not a conscious willing or anything–it just happens–automatic, like walking. Especially when I’m in trouble or something–like running from something that’s too fast, I get super-speed or take off flying–or jumping into a bad situation with no other way of escape, I teleport–[size=75]Nightcrawler-style, it’s sooo cool![/size]

I find transforming other things easier than changing my own body.

In my last ld there was some beautiful scenery and when it started to darken i managed to change the lighting by using my hands, like performing a magic spell. It was really effective. :wizard:

I’m dying to do telekinesis, haven’t had much success with that :no:

Gesturing your hands around allows me to perform some feats easily, such as telekinesis. This is how I do telekinesis, hope it would help :happy:

Flying- Had troubles at first. I was trying to take off like Superman and fell on my face and broke my teeth, and was still lucid enough to get up and try it again. I would sometimes just float and hover too, but now I fly like the Human Torch from the Fantastic 4. Super fast, and without limits.

Force- Yes, I can use “the force” and am able to push(or destroy) anything or anybody with a tremendous wave of energy from the palm of my hand.

Transformation- Did this once into an antelope to escape the fuzz. It is the only time I have done it though.

Conjuring- People, and objects no problem.

Breathing underwater- Very good at that, one of my favorite activities.

Teleport/Telekinesis- Teleporting and telekinesis are both possible for me but flying is more fun than teleporting IMO. Telekinesis might fit under my part- the force. I have also summoned objects to me as well.

Stopping bullets- One of my very first LDs, was a guy was chasing me and shooting at me and I thought “this is insane” and then went lucid, and was like “you can’t hurt me it’s MY dream!”. Then he started shooting at me and it was like the Matrix, the bullets were going so slow I just laughed at him and took the gun and bent it in half, then I woke up. Since that dream, I have on more than a few occasions stopped bullets from hitting me.

Teaching DC to do stuff- Now that is a great idea! I will have to try that next time I LD.

Jumping and super fast running- This is a lot of fun and I often do this as a compliment to flying.

Walking through walls- I usually explode them with my “force” or just blast through them like a tank, no finesse there.

Fun topic, gives some ideas for things to do in the next LD.

Flying:i can easily fly into ourter space and to the planets beyond in a short amount of time

Conjuring: well i made a lady and a bed once so im assuming i can make anything :tongue:

Transformation: never tried

Walking through solid objects:i only tried glass and when i tried to go through i heard voices and they distracted me so i got shot back into the room like the glass was a rubber band.

Telekinesis: never tried

Sharing dream skills with DC: never tried

What I’ve done:

Conjuring people - I’m not very good at this, but I have a feeling the person I try to find most often (Cell) just doesn’t like to come when there are other people. I’ve tried just making Some Person appear, meaning no one in particular, which worked better.

Conjuring things - Mostly clothes, in that annoying situation when you get lucid in a dream where you’re missing articles of clothing. One time I made pants grow out of my legs, which was rather strange.

Super jumping - In dreams, when I jump I almost always go about twenty feet. Besides being a lot of fun, it’s helped me get lucid once.

Floating - no, no flying yet, but I have hovered in the air for a while. When I came back down I asked a DC if she could teach me to fly, but she said no and I woke up.

Sticking myself through things - I haven’t really used this to my advantage yet, but it’s pretty cool anyway. I stuck my finger through my hand, and my hand through a glass door, but when I tried to jump through the roof I just sort of sunk through the bed I was standing on and got stuck.

haha this thread brings back memories of me trying to do things…and me failing. My only really really really good skill is flying. Because every single lucid dream that I’ve had (well most), I fly one way or another. I either start out the dream and I decide to fly, or I end the dream with a flight. I’ve gotten to the point where I can control where I go with my head, and I don’t need to be in any position at all to actually make myself go. I could be standing up and I would zoom by places. Its so much fun!!

I don’t think flying ever gets old…that feeling that you get when you shoot up miles high in the sky, and then zoom all the way back down…

yeah…anyways my other abilities arn’t so strong. I sometimes have trouble even walking through a mirror! So many times have I run and jumped and bang myself against it. lol it makes me feel like an idiot. After my little dryspell that I’m having right now…I hope to get some awesome powers goin on in my dreams :smile:

I’ve had 22 LD’s so far.

Flying: I mastered this pretty quickly. I always fly superman style.

Walking on water: I did this once in a dream.

Transforming: I have never transformed myself. I did transform an old woman into a young woman.

Controlling the weather: I have changed the weather with a wave of my hand.

Super Strength: I have used this before. I broke a DC’s arm with a slight squeeze and smashed a heavy wooden table easily

Telekinesis: I have done this a couple of times with small objects.

Moving through solid objects: I did this once. My intention was to enter a TV to get into the TV world. I unintentionally went through the TV and came out the other side.

Conjuring: I have conjured a woman in one dream.

Controlling DC’s: I have never attempted to completely control a DC (like a puppet), but I can impose my will on them when I want a DC to do something.


I can also summon a few friends…

And super-strength, of course! :tongue:

Fling: I have never had any trouble with this and do it in most of my LD’s.

Transforming: I have done this a few times, and twice unintentionally.

Breathing underwater, telekineses, super strength: Never tried.

Meh… That’s pretty much it. I haven’t had a decent LD in quite a while but the next time I do I’m going to try some of these. :smile:

:cool_laugh: What did that feel like?

I’ve walked on water too…and let me tell ya, it is unbelievable. For me, it felt like I was walking on jello or something. It was very very very strange. But, if I wanted to, I could jump right through it, and it would act like normal water. :unk: Definatly on the list of things that you must try.

Woah. I must try that, it sounds awsome. I just gotta break this damned dry spell… :shy:

lets see. most things i can do in a dream have happened in a ND. in a LD, i only managed flying and partial body distortions(pushing my hands through each other for example). so the most cool stuff i have done is in a ND. example:

flying like a jetpack was strapped to me, while having a CTF round in a kind of FPS type game, complete with a huge natural arena and exploding ordinance :smile:

running/jumping really, really fast. i can remember catching up to cars and jumping right on them while on the freeway, and i can remember jumping around real fast from building to building in an urban landscape. the time i did this the fastest, i was actually looking at myself in a black cloak jumping across rooftops, while i myself was inside one of the buildings, behind the window. the sense of speed i got there was insane. my clone prolly had to be moving at over 100, if not 200 kilometres an hour.

and then there is the obligatory stuff, like walking around like rambo, and shooting anything that moves, including the bullets, and all the lovey dovey stuff that is pretty much required in any normal teenager with working hormones.

thats what i can remember off the top of my head. will try to remember more later.


Walking on water was pretty cool. It didn’t feel quite solid, kind of like walking on a thick wet sponge. I could feel the warm water seeping into my shoes (I was walking on the surface of a heated pool). I had to “will” myself to stay on the surface.

Flying is a pretty common thing for me to do, too. I don’t have to be lucid to have the ability. I use flying as a form of transportation- whenever I need to go somewhere or escape, I try flying.
I also have the ability to walk through walls/mirrors and other solid objects, although, sometimes it can be a bit complicated (mirrors always seem to be half solid…kind of rubberish).
Summoning objects- very handy, indeed, although I’ve failed a couple of times. I guess I wasn’t lucid enough. Anyway, the biggest object I’ve managed to summon was a house.

So, what I’ve managed to do so far.

Telekinesis: not a problem, I’ve done that in dreams long before I started LDing :cool: I can also do pyrokinesis and other stuff using the same tech.

Flying: range from very good to barely able to lift off the ground…

Walking through walls: Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.

Conjuring: I’ve been able to make things/people appear and disappear but I haven’t done it too many times.

Transformation: Haven’t tried it. I’ve been a woman though in a LD, but that’s why I got lucid :tongue:

And I don’t get hurt by bullets in LDs since I know it’s not real and that they can’t hurt me :content:

In NDs I’ve done some cool stuff too.
Stop time
became invisible
kill a DC with the bullets he shot at me :razz:
I actually did all those in the same dream :cool:

Hey all, first time poster here.

Flying: I find this quite difficult at the best of times. It’s always been the same for me ever since i was a little kid, (I’m a natural LD’er) I get off the ground OK but then it’s like being a leaf on a gust of wind, sort of thing. i can control my general speed and direction, but i’ll always lose it after a few minutes and gently float down to the ground. i find that the only way around this is to use props, IE ill often make a space hopper appear, bouncing progressively higher on it until i’m practically flying, which seems to negate the above floating-leaf.

I’ve never tried any of the other stuff you mention, but youv’e given me some good ideas for the next time i become Lucid :cool: .

Flying- I’ve done this a few times. Failures were usually due to my subconscious not letting me, or weather conditions.

Controlling The Weather- I’ve dissipated tornadoes before, but I haven’t done this much. (Unless forcing the moon/sun to rise/set counts.)

Transformation- I’ve done this a few times, with most of my successes involving becoming reptillian in some way or another.

DC Summoning- Depends on the purpose. Cool people? Any day. (Night? :razz: ) Comic Book Characters that So Happen to Rock? In an instant. People for… Unique Purposes? 80% of the time, nope.