Dreams about sex,kissing...yup part II

I have waited a long time before posting this question.

Ok, As of Dec 1st I have had 20 LD’s. I have been practicing LD’ing for over a year. I no longer consider myself a Newbie.

Yet, Sex in my LD’s is an issue for me (as it is for most). On many occasions, once I become lucid (or shortly there after) the urge for sex overwhelms me. Once I find a likely DC to engage in sexual activity, I wake up. I do want to engage in LD sex and I feel that once I have mastered engaging in LD sex without waking it will be less of a concern and I can concentrate on other LD pursuits.

So, what I’m seeking is some definitive advice from those LD veterans who can successfully engage in LD sex without waking. I’m not looking for a “quick fix”; I’m looking for a process that I can follow.

So for the LD Vets on this board: What is the best way to begin pursuing LD sex? How did you become successful at engaging in LD sex without waking? What steps did you take? Has the overwhelming urge for LD sex subsided now that you know you can do it any time you wish?

I merged your topic into this thread. There are some posts about sex without waking in it.

As for me, it’s really difficult not to wake up because of the adrenaline rush.

I’ve had a fair amount of experience with sex in LDs and I find it to be a big problem as I wake up. Though unlike other’s I don’t wake up at the beginning or just before I wake up at the climax and a few times yes, I have woken up to find I need to change my underwear.

Just recently I’ve managed to fight my seemingly neverending lust for sex. Now I’ll see a hot chick and I’ll think about it but tell myself there’s so much else I should be doing, so now instead of me coming on to the girl she’s always trying to do things to me with me pushing her away.

Sometimes though the damn DCs make me feel bad (yeah, sure that’s the reason :tongue: ) and I eventually give in even though I know better.

I read at some point in this topic something about Leos and for anyone who’s interested I am a Leo.

You say you’re a Leo, then I assume you’re talking about horoscope and that stuff.

I’m btw an Aquarius.

Try evoking a dark goddess of antiquity…

Maybe you will pick “something” up.

“In HER is all power given” - A.C.




hmm I dunno if there are any tips for LD sex. I never had problem with it. Only one tho, I never reach the climax :sad: Sometimes I do it for so long that I get bored lol. But otherwise its just great.

Try to make the girl do you stuff instead of doing it yourself, that way you can relax. I always command them, its better.

But the waking up thing, I can’t really help.

quote : yeah it sucks for light sleepers, I’d recommend you didn’t try sex until you’ve got a little more control… makes for a nice waste of an LD.

Um I feel really alienated here. I have dreams with sexual content, sometimes I’m straight and sometimes I’m not or like I’m a man and not a woman or it’s with an object some weird reason I don’t know but It’s not anything that I like intend to do with anyone or anything and I don’t have a want for it but I do dream it and I call those my nightmares, and you can’t exactly tell people not to dream about it and to wait for Ld’s becuase you know, people want LD’s to avoid random sex like that in the first place and second that was just really rude when you said that becuase it’s not like I intend to have those dreams. It scares the crud outta me when I have dreams like that. And I don’t even feel comfortable writing them down. You can’t just say that someone with a ND tried to have an LD and then yell at them like they done something bad, thanks a bunch for making me feel like I’m stupid. I was searching all over just to see if anyone felt the same or had dreams like that, and I come across a forum like this just to be told off like I’m some freak or something, wow what a nice feeling.

Um… I’ve had a few LD’s of sex and they were wonderful and extremely realistic. They felt so real. I’ve never had the problem with waking up during them though. That seems to be a big problem here.

wyvern, i too have never have the problem of wakin up. as in real life im very far from being premature :wink:, so i usually get bored after a while in the dream and do something else. i have never had an orgasm in a dream before.

out of my last 4 ld’s i have had sex in 2 of them. in the first one the girl i was having sex with turned into a pile of clothes halfway through :eek: ! and the second one we got interrupted.

sometimes, VERY RARELY i will have a sexual encounter in a dream that is not lucid. but it doesnt happen a lot. you can see my dream journal in my sig for what i actually do dream about.

Hehe, sorry to refer back to the beginning of the topic but I’m curious about the B3-vitamin Niacin, and the other sex inducing vitamins that Jay mentioned… does anyone have a clue where to get these, and do they make you hornier in RL aswell? :happy:

Well you can get vitamins at a pharmacy, or perhaps a grocery store.

I havn’t mastered my regular LD’s so i think i’ll wait for my sex dreams, even though i am a rather deep sleeper.

:slight_smile: I had some good sex LD’s last night. I even decided to switch genders.

Oh yeah, you people that have problems waking up during sex, rub your hands on the other person. It works.

:lol: TheClown’s scoring big with some clothing! You dawg, you! I sure hope you know how to treat a sock right.

I don’t need to have full on sex during these LD’s, but I just want some nice tits to squeeze. :wink: BTW, when you do stuff like that, does it feel real? And I also dont want to wake up wet of ya know what I mean…

If it didn’t feel real, I wouldn’t do it! :tongue:

i seem to have dreams about either action stuff or sexual related things :tongue: though i dont record my sexual related dreams, i have them quite often

It’s like, who cares. If it really bothers you, have a shower or something after.

Its strange the sex dreams because when I was young and virgin it was exactly the same like now. Its not a thing that dont work well in dream.

Why is it I can have sex in NDs and not wake up even when I orgasm, but in LDs I always wake up in the 1st minute of sex? Sometimes in dreams I can’t even feel sex or i can barly feel it. :cry: I will try to control my breathing and see if it helps…