The biggest number of LDs in one night

Re-entry technique works also for me. If I wake up after a lucid dream, I know that I can have another. And I have :smile:
But 2 is my record

I still haven’t had one… :cry:

Hang in there dreamwalker496, it doesn’t lucid dream it lucid pours. Sometimes when they come they all come at once.

I had some nights, or early mornings, usually on a weekend when I sleep in late that I have had a few LDs in a row. 3 or 4 being the maxiumum I believe :smile:

how the hell can you people be getting lucid so much!!! :confused:
i keep trying and have yet to ever have a single one!!!
then i see people who get it on their first try :cry: tis not fair!!!

only one a night :sad:…but ive been having them almost everyother night now :smile:

4 in a row here, happened a few times as FA marathon

I have had 2 LDs in 1 night.

It was good!

ConstantDreamer :grin:


I remember a night when I had about four in a row, most of them ending with FAs in which I woke up somewhere really strange (on a bus, STANDING UP in the middle of a store) and thus realised that I was dreaming. None of them were very productive, as I spent most of them running around, trying to convince people that I was dreaming, and asking DCs if they had seen someone I was trying to find. I never did find him. Those DCs were particularly unhelpful.

i had five one night, kept reentering an old childhood nightmare and always recognized it and became lucid

I remembered this one time I LDed, woke up, went back to sleep, then LDed again. That’s two I counted, specifically because they were in different sleep cycles. If they were to be broken up I’d probably have had a lot more…

my record is 4 in one night. these were all completely seperate dreams, and some had normal dreams inbetween them or were normal dreams in which i became lucid.

this was not using any techniques in particular (because i dont use any), i just become lucid in normal dreams.

Lately I haven’t had any LD’s.

I’ve made it into a poll now.
The best I have done is two LDs in one night in 2 separate sleeping cycles.

no problem, I voted. :smile: In the past I’ve had Ld’s but can’t remember how many so I just went with the very first option.

I voted too. Creating a poll is a good idea. :smile:

Wow, forgot about this topic. I have a new number. 10.5 LD’s in one night which was way back in March.

So far, I’ve got a maximum of one per night. :sad: Oh well, at least I’ve become lucid in the first place. I hope to boost my frequency now.

heey everyone! im newb here… ><

been LDing for awhile (before i even knew it was called lucid dreaimg… >< )

how some of you guys LD alot! How can you tell how many you have? I dunno coz most of the time my dreams mesh together soo is that consider one dream? and then when you wake up and and fall asleep and LD again thats consider the 2nd one?

hehe sligthly confused…haha

i think most of my dreams are LD (or im mimicing what Lding is False Lucid Dreaming? iis that whats its called?)

Hey Kern :wave: nice to have you around the forums. It would be cool to here some of your LD’s in the Diary section, now you know what they are :content:

Usually when I have a load of LD’s, they tend to have clear starts and finishes (not always… but mostly). For example, i’d have a long LD, but I’d lose control and it would turn into a normal dream, or i’d wake up; if I regain control or go back to sleep and have a LD, that would be my second. Anyways thats just how I count my LD’s lol

Hope to see you around :content: