
dont mind snow that much but absolutely dislike winters.
and if snow was warm and cosy id love it!:)like a cloud

I love snow!! Especially the really powdery stuff, and the snowman making snow! :dream:

But there are days where I could do without the snow.

For example last week, there was a really big blizzard. And then the snow turned into freezing rain. Everything was covered in ice (I had to punch the ice off of the lock on my door to get back inside).

Of course all the schools got cancelled except for mine. I probably wouldn’t have gone if it wasn’t for my spanish exam that I had to write that morning!

So I started making my way to school, I found out the bus was delayed for an hour! I had no other way to get to class on time.

Blah Blah blah (several more incidents later, all snow reIated) and eventually I arrive at my exam 40 minutes late and get 20 minutes to write it. :eek:

Hehe we had an exchange student from Brazil in our class last year, he had a pretty rough winter, especially the week the temperature dropped to like minus 20-25 celsius. :razz:

Well, we have snow here in Sweden too :content:
Yesterday, there was almost no snow left but then it snowed all day :razz:

I remember that in november 1995 I think it snowed so much about or more than 50 cm I think so that the schools closed.

But I like snow especially when it’s “kramsnö”=(hug-snow)
“kramsnö” is the type of snow you can form into snowballs.

We’ve continued getting heavy snow today, we’re coming up on about 1 meter in total now I think, and the forecasts calls for at least another 50cm or so through the rest of the week.

This is definately the most snow I’ve ever seen in my entire life, and it’s all come down in about 36 hours! :eek: In some areas police have rescued people from their cars stuck in the snow, and cars have been gridlocked so long that they’ve run out of gas. According to the internet edition of VG, Norway’s largest newspaper, Oslo is also getting it’s worst snowfall in almost 40 years.

For the first time I can ever remember, some schools in the area have asked the youngest children to stay at home today, out of concern for their safety.

I’ll see if I can get some pictures later.

I like snow :tongue:. Unfortunantly, here in New Jersey, we havent gotten very much snow this winter. :sigh: But, there was enough to ski. :mrgreen: I don’t think we’ll be getting any more snow this winter. Oh well.

*Ysim likes the cold :content:

I love snow too. We’ve not seen much here in Detroit for a long time, though this winter started out looking promising.

Being half Finn, I guess it’s in my blood. I am not comfortable when it is hot or humid, and I have trouble sleeping. Give me cold and snow and I feel GOOD.

If I had a way to earn a living in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, I’d be up as far as you can go up there - up in the “rabbit’s ear.” They have good winters up there. The saying goes that there’s only a few months of bad skiing up in the Copper Country.

You just reminded me of a lost dream in asking about snow! On my way to the JD to get it recorded.

I love snow. I love snow, rain, hail, blizzards… you name it, anything wild and/or cold! I love skiing and iceskating (and now Kiri too…!! :razz: ). The only problem is, we don’t get snow where I live, EVER.

Thinking of going to Japan next year, though, so perhaps I’ll have an opportunity then.

Youv’e never seen snow!!!OMG!I love snow! I only get to see like every3 years though…but Snow is the best!(That sucks bruno!)

I love the snow, but I don’t like it when it get’s too cold. This week has been very cold :down:
It also hasn’t snowed in a week or so, but we’ve had a lot of snow this year to begin with so that’s alright. I’ll take some pictures for you guys if you like :yes:

Ya, I guess its in my blood too. I’m mostly, Norwegian, Swedish, English, Irish, Scotish, and Native American. Save for the last one, all of those are pretty cold places (atleast compared to where I live now, NJ). I think I’m also Greek, Gremen, Danish, and possibly French. My friend started calling me Europe in a blender :tongue:

Alright, thank you :razz:

I’m going to see snow (eventually), I’ll keep you guys up to date on that quest!

Here in Lebanon it snows all winter on the mountains, but very very very rarely on the cost. Last time it snowed on the coast in my hometown was like 15 years ago. This year it did snow in Beirut. Although i go there to univ, on that very day, i was not in beirut :sad: how disappointing…
It has been some years since i last saw snow, coz i havent been going to the mountains… snow is beautiful… i dont care if people complain about it :razz: it’s beautiful!!

Being Native American covers a wild variety of climates. The Ottawa and Chippewa are just two native to the Great Lakes region… the latter tending to hang further north, historically.

In norway there are WAY TO MUCH snow right now !

After my taste

I love snow, but at the moment I’m getting bored with it. There has been snow here for about 3 months now.
This morning it snowed a lot, and the people say that this has been one of the longest winters in Sweden in like 20 years or something.

I was freezing my hands of today when I tried to eat some bread outside, I had to take off my gloves.

It’s snowing right now as I type this. The snowflakes are nice and small and fluffy, that’s my favorite kind of snow :yes:

I think my heritage was mostly Lenae Lenape (which would be right around this area). Although, I could be wrong…my family tree is confusing and half unknown :confused:

I’ve taken some pictures of the snow we’ve gotten here over the last week:

My mother’s car, completely buried under the snow

Part of our yard, completely filled with snow almost as high as me (6 feet)

Roof cave-out

Our terrace and part of our yard, seen from my bedroom on the 2nd floor

Our terrace after we cleared a path for our cat :razz:

In the middle of the pic, you’ll see two road signs almost completely buried by the snow

Buried trees

The snow out-rises the garages at my dad’s place

My dad’s front entrance, the way up is basically a big pile of snow

An overview picture, taken in about the opposite direction of the garage pic

My dad’s terrace, no less covered in snow

A set of stairs leading from my dad’s front entrance to the terrace entrance… not easy to use those stairs :razz:

An overview pic, part of the view from my bathroom window

An overview pic, taken from my dad’s kitchen

Wonderful winter trees covered in snow :cool_laugh: These are the same trees that can be seen to the far left in the previous pic

I hope you enjoyed them :happy:

wow … it looks so fluffeh! I’ve never seen so much snow like that ever … :eh: