Is this a good start?

Last night I tried a WBTB and only got a ND. I think I’m getting the hang of this. After I slept for 4 hours and woke up, I then browsed this site, the light from my monitor hurt my eyes and eventually made me more awake but then I went back to sleep. I browsed for 30 min. Should I sleep for more hours initially, stay up longer or shorter after I wake, and how do I prevent the hurt of my eyes from my monitor?

My advice would be to experiment for yourself, and see what lengths of time spent sleeping and waking produce the best results.
I also recommend not staying up for too long, many people say to spend an hour or so awake, but 20-30 minutes will work just fine. So far I think your on the right track :smile:

Dont just do WBTB add a little MILD in it , it work fine.

I don’t even stay up for the rare times I do WBTB. Usually it’s just Wake up > Check clock > Doze off in a WILD coma. :content:

The WBTB topic is here.

Josh is right. Experiment. Try new things, and don’t just do what others around you (virtually, anyway) have done.

Anyway, about the monitor. You could try turning another light in the room on. Perhaps a lamp right next to the computer. If that doesn’t help your eyes, then maybe dull the monitors lighting settings. Those are just some things I’ve tried, but what do I know? I’m no optometrist, after all.

I agree with Chilla, and after a while all of that could end up to be harmful to your eyes. You might want to keep a light on! :bulb:

Keep up the good work and may a LD come upon you…:happy: hope to read it soon

I would suggest,that you turn the computer off if the light hurts your eyes put some cloth over the moniter to dim the light. Your probably straining your eyes to keep them open as light usually tells your eyes, that it’s morning and you should wake up. I think your on the right track as far as the WILD if it’s working for you. At first you will probably only get DR if your not very good at recalling but can move into LD if you keep trying, I suggest meditation or something extra to go with the WILD. It helps with recalling and it helps with being aware in your dreams, this helped me have a LD one time and I didn’t even know what LD’s were. You can also use a notepad to just jot down notes and then turn your computer on and the notepad can be like an aid to help you remember your dreams, that way when you turn it back on, you can be like “what was my dream?” You look down at the notepad and go “Oh now I remember.” Keep up the good work.

I have to agree with everyone above.

If you are doing WBTB-WILD you don’t have to stay up very long at all. I will only stay up for 5 minutes at most with this method. You can go through the hypnogia very quickly with this. Anyway, that is what works for me.

If you are doing WBTB-MILD then you might want to stay up longer. At least 30 min to set your intention.

Now, if you are the type of person that can get to sleep quickly(I’m not) if you stay up for an hour that can have an extra advantage. According to Labarge by staying up for an hour you trick you brain into thinking you have slept longer than you actually did. This, according to Labarge, will allow you to have longer REM cycles than you normally would early in the night.

The only other thing I would recommend is that most people feel 6 hours of sleep works better. However, that has not been my experience. I think 4 hours is fine.

Anyway experiment and find what works for you.

Happy dreaming :smile: