what is the 1st dream you remember?

My first dream that I remember was when I was 4 or 5. Im outside my house, however there’s a stone wall instead of a fence. I walk on it, and in front of me I see a truck dumping trash on our yard. I ask them to stop, but they simply respond “We though this was the city dump” and drive off.

That dream had me confused for days.

laughs and points Six, five, four!

Mine would be of falling off my porch(never happened), and it was a recurring dream… Dunno maybe it was just a long distance to a little kid?


i remember 2 dreams from very early in my childhood. i would have been 5-7, before grade 1 in school im not too sure of the age.

i used to listen to treasure island on audio cassette. i remember being on an island with a big cliff and i remember falling, seeing a pirate ship in the distance, and waking up.

i do not know if this dream happened before or after this next one that i remember.

i remember flying through a shopping mall. very slow sort of swimming kind of flying. i remember waking up and thinking how cool it was, going back to sleep and being in the same shopping mall and then trying to fly again and succeeding.

these are the earliest dreams that i rememember. i never had any nightmares, while iv been “Scared” in dreams i can honestly say iv never had a true nightmare once.

Well, the first dream I can remember is also my only ever nightmare (If you don’t count this weird sleep paralysis thing I had) I remember to this date. I must have been very young, about 3-4 years old, and it was in my old lounge. I was sitting on the floor playing, and the hands of this old clock we used to have started spinning round very fast in opposite directions. The sky darkened, and there was lightning everywhere. Then, this imaginary evil aunt arrived, and electrocuted my Mum, who was sitting on the sofa unaware, then she turned to me, cackled, then I woke up.

After that for a couple of weeks I can remember having this SP type thing (Because they were so long ago I don’t remember if they were dreams or not, if they were dreams, they are the most real I ever had). When I woke up, I felt completely paralysed, but I could just stagger across my bedroom, but I was really disorientated, then I tried screaming but no sound came out. I am not sure what to class this as, as although I felt paralysed and kinda was, I could still move a little bit, so it may have been a dream. I know this last paragraph may seem a bit off-topic but it was triggered by this first dream, I believe.


The first one I can recall was a nightmare (I guess those ones are always more memorable) when I was about 6 or so.
I was in my basement and this ninja was throwing those ninja stars at me. After some skillful dodging by yours truly, I managed to run upstairs and find my mom and her friend talking by the front door. I was frantic at this point and tried to tell them someone was trying to kill me. But they couldn’t see me or hear me. It was like I was invisible or I felt that way … I can kind of see where that was coming from.

My earliest dream is either(i don’t remember which came first, only that they were from long ago) one where I was at my kitchen counter with 2 characters from a soap oprea my mom used to watch. There was a huge scorpion on the counter, about 2 feet long, and one of them squashed it, and they both carried it over my head and put it in the sink.

The other is one where I would be at the top of my staircase, and I was small, so my arms could not reach both railings at the same time, but in the dream, the streched and reached both and I slid down the stairs holding both railings. When I woke up I always thought it was real!

The first dream I can remember is one I had when I was… I dunno, about five, maybe six.

It was a weird nightmare, it was where Tom from the Tom & Jerry cartoons was trying to hit Jerry with his puke, which was dark purple, and all the while he was swelling like a balloon.

It scared/disturbed me, I remember waking up with really wide eyes.

Now, it just sounds weird. O_o

The first dream I recall was a nightmare as well… it wasn’t very scary, but very vivid. I was maybe… 7 I think.

There was this evil woman chasing me, she was going to kill me or something, and I was hiding under a chair, thinking that she couldn’t find me there. And then this mini-bus with all my classmates came along the road, and they told me to jump in, and I could get away from the evil lady. :slight_smile:

Funny how that one dream stuck to my mind… I remember having lots of other dreams at that time, but THIS is the only one I remember.

When I was 4 years old I was in Hospital and once I had a dream in which I was in home.

The very first fragment of a dream I remember, happened when I must have been about 4 (maybe younger).

It was in black and white and I remember being in this really small room packed with large cages, and I looked into one of the cages and my dog, Snoopy, that I had at the time was in the cage. I was really sad for him. :cry:

My first dream that I can remember:

I dreamt I was in my bedroom and got up to look out the window. outside I saw these H U G E black monsters with red eyes and red mouths. They towered above the trees outside. Below them were little tiny policemen with butterfly-type nets trying to catch this gigantic monsters. I went dowstairs to alert my family and saw our dog, Molly, sitting by the entertainment center on her side. I looked closer and saw that a square flap of fur was cut on her fur, exposing her skin. I looked up and into my “dream eyes” (the eyes that I as observing the dream in) and said to the sleeping me “The (insert monsters name I can’t remember) did this!”

Weird. :eek:

The earliest dream I can remember was from when I was around 4 or 5 or so. I was at a playground sliding down a slide and both of my parents were there and everyone looked so happy it was… kinda weird now that I think about it.

The first dream I remember having was when I was around 5 or so.

It was kind of a weird dream…I was at a halloween party(I think) and two people, one dressed as a fried egg, and one as a piece of bacon are trying to get me. They push down my mom and there is no one to help me…I remember climbing on top of the ‘egg’ and that’s when it gets foggy :content:

It’s kind of funny, but I’m not surprised at the type of dream it was, I often had(and have) alot of nightmares. :smile:


The first dream I ever remember having was from when (i`m guessing) I was about 4? Anyways it was a dream I had several times for about a year. I was falling towards a map and everything around me seemed cartoonish almost like peter pan or something like that (I watched cartoons all the time being a little kid) Well I would eventually hit the map at the end of the dream and would wake up.

Strange thing is that I would wake up on the floor next to my bed.

You were just falling from your bed and dreaming at the same time that you were falling , thats funny…

This might be from when I was 4 or 6 or something, I really don’t remember. I think I had several dreams similar to this one, which is maybe why I can remember it.

Outside a bunch of warehouse-like buildings I saw two copies of my dad, distinguishable only by their differently-colored shirts. I was really scared because I didn’t know who was the real one.
Then all my siblings and I were in our car with my older sister driving, but I was a bit frantic because she didn’t really know how to drive. She hit a button with an airplane icon on it, and the car became more airplane-like. We were speeding down an empty highway and preparing for takeoff, and that’s all I remember.

Two dreams come to my mind as “firsts.” I think the nightmare is the earlier one, but I’m not sure how old I was for either of these.

I was at my grandmother’s house and there was a closet that didn’t exist IRL. The door burst open and a canister vacuum waved its hose and attacked me. I woke with a sucking feeling in my stomach. The fear in this dream remains vivid to this day.

In the other, I was floating face down in a river with many bends and turns. The water was crystal-clear and I saw fish in the water and crabs on the sandy bottom. It was so beautiful that I wanted to know what it meant. I even looked it up in an article about dreams in a magazine, but found the “river=life as a journey” meaning unsatisfying. Since I could read, I guess I was 8-10. I think this is the one that made me care about my dreams.

I can remember My first dream… I was about five or so. I am in a doctors office alone. My parents are talking to the doctor in the other room so I decide to spy on them. They were talking about how I was dying of a deadly disease and were going to “humane-ly” put me out of my misery by feeding me a poisonous pink pop-tart. When they offered the pop-tart to me I ran for my life. THE END

I can remember my frist dream from when i was about 4 or 5.
I’m not sure which of these dreams were my first though, but it was one of these 2.

I am in my back yard, and am stuck in a huge black witches pot thingy. And the wicked with of the west from the wizard of oz is laughing at me. I am screaming for my mom to help me, but nothing comes out. I had that dream recurring about 3 or 4 times.

The other dream i can remember from when i was about 4 or 5, was as follows:

I am in my bed very scared, and the stereotypical dracula figure comes into my room, and comes over to bite my neck, i run into my mom’s room, and hide in her bed, but as i try to grab her for comfort, she is not there. DRAcula grabs me, and then i wake up. ITs kind of wierd because i still have this dream, it doesnt scare me at all anymore, but its just wierd that i have had the same dream for roughly 12 years now.