Immortality through Lucid Dreams.

Yeah…a bullet through the head would probably limit your LDing capabilities. :wink:

I don’t think that’s true. I’ve had many LD’s using the “get shot in the face teqnique”. :tongue:

But yes, you’re right. All this is assuming your brain is intact, and now that you mention it, free from dementia and other degenerative diseases of the brain.

The closest way to try is trying to make a LD longer(while alive)…
But, I cant even get a LD xD

Shot in the face technique, you crazy guy you. That was pretty funny. Well, it took long enough for someone to come up with such an obvious experiment Machician. Good job.

When we’re dreaming, our memory of past dream events can be really bad. So when the scene jumps to something else, maybe a few days or weeks into the future we won’t feel as if any time has gone by because we’ve forgotten everything before this moment.

I believe dreams can be prolonged a certain amount, but there must be a limit :confused:

I don’t know if there is a limit. If there is one thing I have learned from LD’s, it is that there are no limits, just lack of practice. I am not talking about physically prolonging a dream, by the way. I am talking about making it feel longer in your head.

mmm i have started to read enough about this to really start thinking about it. Do i think it is possible to extend time to an infinate time just after the body dies? no.

i think that you could make it feel like you are lasting a long time, but there would be a limit to it. Even with advanced techs, i think that seeing the brain isnt gettnig anypower, eventually it will die like verything else, and so too will your dreaming. As dreaming takes power just like everything else.

But atm i am fence sitting in a way as well. I have never acutlaly extended time a lot in dreams, i have a little but never a lot, so until i can atempt it i wont actually take a place here, but i am in two thoughts i guess.

  1. you could live forever in your mind after death, as your body shuts down your brain goes into shock, chemicals are released that are only released twice in your life, once at birth once at death, and then boom you are in a lucid dream, the “after life” where you live in that state for 10 minutes real time but in your dream time it is eternity.

  2. you can only live in that state until your brain runs out of power, either thats going to be 10 minutes, or faster because you are fireing a lot more chemials around a lot more power is used to create an infinate amount of thoughts and in this process you actually “kill” your self a lot quicker then you would if u didnt.

wow i am glad that this cant be proved till death this is going to be a quesiton that is going to haunt me. THANKS GUYS!!! :ohno: :dark: :rip:

In addition we don’t know what is after life , maybe its more interesting then Dreaming.

I could never see why people don’t want to die. This may sound weird, but because of the questions we have brought up here, and many others, I want to die. Not right now, and not for a long time, but I look forward to it, I just wanna see what happens.

Totally! It’s fascinating to think of because our physcial bodies can make it hard for us to be in contact with our intuitive selves, but once it’s gone we’ll suddenly understand so many things that we couldn’t see before.
If anything, death’s kind of exciting, it’s pain I’m not too fond of.

Or we won’t learn any of the answers because we will cease to exist in any form; in which case we won’t care because we will cease to exist in any form… I’m not saying that is what happens when you die…but there is always the what if…

And in that case it seems scary but when you think of it…It wont matter because you wouldn’t have any thoughts or feelings… lol… let me know how you feel about this…wouldn’t it suck to not exist…but at the same time not suck…

There’s a movie about this. Including lucid dreaming. It’s called Waking Life and has got this awesome retroscopic (???) looking. Check it out.

That’s one reason to get good at LDing. To give yourself an afterlife of your own design.

Personally, I’m not really of any faith. I believe that we either just stop being or that somehow we can become reincarnated. I’ve never believed in an actual afterlife but having a lucid dream during death would be cool.

But, as your mind is slowing down to a complete shut down, wouldn’t you actually process data slower, so any dream you have wouldn’t even seem like ten minutes… although, again, if you’re actively usiong you’re brain (as in you are concious withing your dream) wouldn’t that prompt a fuller supply of oxygen to your brain allowing you to work at full capacity. And leading on from that, wouldn’t you be using all the left over oxygen to do so and thus be coming closer to your brains shut down more quickly.

I started rambling and I confused myself. I’m still debating whether or not you could make your dream longer or whether it would be a shorter dream because of the fact you’re dying. :confused:

Those are good points :ok:

I’m still quite skeptical about this kind of dream actually feeling very long. But then, i’m not an advanced lucid dreamer so i’m not sure how much is posssible. I read once that tests had shown the brain waves of people in dream sleep were very similar to those of people with amnesia.

Can anyone tell me what research this is? The only place I can find any mention of it is in Waking Life and LD4All.

im not usually the one to be putting down theorys but you dont dream for 90 min after you fall asleep

How do you know that you have not died already and things are getting progressively more and more unreal, until you attain lucidity and transition into a new body?


the Buddhists call the dreamlike state between births the bardo. if you can attain awareness that you have died, you can prevent any subsequent birth (which is what you absolutely want!) . The Tibetan Book of the Dead states that you can meditate in the bardo effortlessly, even if you don’t know how, in order to get back to the first bardo of pure light… all things in their unmanifested, pure form.

To stay there is to be enlightened… to not stay there is to harbor attachments to the physical, to the sensory.

it is basically like this: When you are dreaming, you can get sidetracked really easily away from your goals, and it can create a huge train of distractions til lucidity is lost.

well… when you are lucid, actually, you shouldn’t dream at all… you should do nothing other than do nothing… plop down and reconnect to the source.

this is immortality, especially if you happen to have died and are aware.

It is of utmost importance not to interact with the bardo at all… if you see people making love and join in, this is generally a way directly back into the womb, to be born again! There are clear signs for you to see what you will come back is.

if you are seeing terrifying things, this is not something to worry about, consider them as manifestations of God, and visualize a loved one with you, or a spiritual figure such as Christ… sincerely intend to return to the source and merge with it.

if you do come back to the living world, and stay away from source, it is imperative to do so absolutely objectively without bias or judgement, this way it is possible to select a favorable new life, where you will have many benefits and a good time.

partially, the Tibetan Book of the Dead seems intended for psychedelic usage, to take yourself through the ego-death journey so that you can rebirth yourself right here in this life, and it is suggested that you can choose one of many personalities, such as a brilliant thinker, a “warrior” , a “learner” and things like that (warrior in a good way, not like, a soldier or a fighter, just a strong will I think) but that you are not supposed to be biased, you are supposed to simply choose, based upon faith in the highest divine wisdom to lead you to a good life.

so I don’t know, if this applies outside of the psychedelic experience (though death is psychedelic, as is the dreamstate!) such as if you are really choosing a new body, how that works.

but it’s best to just be a passive observer, pray fervently for the best, and try to stay in source. if you feel like you don’t want to, or can’t stay in source, then go with love, and vibrate at the highest possible love for all of humanity, pray eagerly to God to help you into the best life possible, that you may work toward liberation. … ence.shtml


Let’s get a bit… cooky here.
I remember what I was before this life. I can’t be sure of the validity of these memories, and if they are just my imagination… but I’ll tell you what I recall.

I recall a sense of schism between infant and me, as if I was observing infant and not inhabiting its body. However I feel this is sort of untrue, as I sort of feel like you are still “in” infants body, somehow… and experiencing what it does.

I recall somehow directing my consciousness to persist in utmost lucidity of the fact that I had just come from somewhere else, though I was still a baby.

I had this sensation before watching a home movie… however recently I saw this home movie of me as a fairly newborn, and my mother was telling me to say hi :smile: I tried! I tried to talk to them. You could see me moving my vocal chords but nothing would come out. It was as if I was well aware of exactly what was going on… but … goodness me I was just a little baby, the baby didn’t know how to talk yet.

my mom commented on the video saying it was like I wanted to talk already, but couldn’t.

now… before the body, I may remember the light, but it’s mainly just imagination. I seem to remember encountering two people and wanting to learn martial arts from them. They said they would teach me. I only remember this AFTER running into my tai chi course, and the two figures in it, so it could be imagination.

I seem to remember a sense of freedom, flight, and motion, and observance, as things came into fruition.

I seem to remember circumcision as being a terrible event for me, though this may be my negativity imagining the act… if this is a real memory, it was largely a symbolic and “psychedelic” suffering… sort as if the pain was seen in visual symbol, for my consciousness to react to.

i do not recall birth but… my imagination would like to say i was not “present” for it, perhaps a deity let me not have to go through it consciously… perhaps this involved Jesus? I am very hazy and sort of making this up…


I lost my train of thought.

Okay. I remember the TV. The TV is a very psychedelic form of communication (sad to say being used for very bad things in this world, mainly, but good things too here and there, it depends on what you tune into) … I remember that I used to stare at it and I was in this vast purplish sea of communication, very trippy, just flowing along with it… it like bubbled out from the TV, and I was aware that “soon” I would have to stop using this ability… but I planted the need and want to go back to it…

as far as I know I have not retained an ability to go back to it… but I do feel that media is communicating TO me in very… direct ways… often times not good, but it’s just a reflection of my internal state, and sometimes has important messages for me.


well that’s about it really. i could say that i remember past lives, but not really, it’s like I imagine them, or access shared collective memory… I can’t point out something and say THAT WAS ME… more like I just see connections.

like i recall being a football announcer and being ready to purchase acid, but did this happen, or am I remembering someone else’s memories? Probably the latter…

because I “remember” being people who are alive right now, and feel a sense of “hmmm that’s familiar”.

but man oh man.
you just want to be free. don’t play around in the bardo, just work your best at being free, don’t be deceived by heavenly realms… either. you want eternal freedom, eternal life, eternal bliss, eternal salvatoin. don’t settle for less… to the Buddhists the heaven realms are only temporary stays.

to the Christians its another story. Jesus is probably more than trustable and could probably be reached out to during the DMT trip of death, acting as a shepherd to herald you into peace.

I hope so.

and finally i have no idea what I’m talking about, this could be all fiction, but it exists as “memory” blurred with “imagination” in my mind, and seems real enough.

So yeah, dreams can help you… I’m sure they can. work very hard while you’re awake to. manifest unconditional love even for your enemies as Jesus says, that way you will always be at peace no matter what… and will be moving upward towards divinity.

also consider that life could be a broader collective dream, and if you gain mastery of the understandings of it you may be able to manifest any kind of “life” you want in the present moment… with some restrictions sure… but… want a soulmate? tune into the desire and hold onto it with love… want a good home? do the same…

and don’t take me as authority. i’m just regurgitating information!

Connections that may not come from past lives, rather from the oneness of all people.

This is something everyone has to find out themselves. And if it is possible it would acually suck, knowing that after this dream you wont be alive on earth anymore.

That’s true. You will probably be so upset that you are leaving the people you love, you might even lose lucidity…
Its really weird… life, death… (I will have the first one, thank you!) :tongue: