~Using Crystals for Lucid Dreaming~

okay, i got 6 new crystals from my holliday, 2 pieces of “mountaincrystal”(the one from isis-web.de/Esoterik/Steine/hamatit.jpg)
and some red crystal which i don’t know the name of

I bought moonstone the other day (and yes, I made sure it was moonstone…) and it did nothing for me. I even had it taped to my forehead.

Thats cause its all BS! lol duuuh. Its just a mind trick.

no it’s not, if i meditate with them i feel a definite current coming out of them

you should lay them on your body(i think the forehead is the most sensitive place) and just relax

and don’t TAPE it on there…

I have to, otherwise it’ll fall off. :eek:

I roll around in my sleep.

… you shouldn’t fall asleep with them on your head:P

Okee dokee.

Where should I put it?

Don’t we have a special truit for comments like these?

Crystals are definitely beneficial for dreams and relaxing (there are other things) When used “properly” (for lack of better words) they can be rewarding.

It’s too bad the person talking about the “charging” of the stones never came back. I’d like to know how they charged the one’s they used to do the charging with.

Mezergy, I think one of the points of putting them on you is to take them off just as you’ve relaxed enough to fall asleep.

i’ve fallen asleep once with a turqoise on my 3rd eye to see if it would make for better dreams. The result was that i dreamt of ilum wearing a turqoise colored sweater.

i’ve also fallen asleep with a lemurian crystal on my heart chakra, (unintentionally). my crystals tend to show up in my dreams once in a while, tonight i dreamt of 2 of them. Not that they say:“you are dreaming” though, maybe i should ask them to do so.

/me wonders if he should try falling asleep with one too:P*

i allways have them under my pillow though:p

I have only had one LD, and that one LD happened when I went out and bought two crystals. I kept the crystals under my pillow.

One of the crystals was a Blue Kyanite. The description that came with it (or a part of it) was “Good for enhancing sleep & for dream recall & understanding.”

The second crystal was a Fluorite. Its main ‘attribute’ is Focus. The description I was given with my crystal was: “Promotes intuition, understanding, and comprehension”

Bacically, the Kyanite would help me remember the dream and the Fluorite would help me become lucid. The second night that I put the crystals under my bed, I had my first LD. However, I have not had another one since.

hi vee,
i have a clear qart , the seller told me i can cleanse them under the sun but on other site, many ppl told me it will spoil it when expose to sun… so which one is true?

can i expose it to the sun? if yes, for how long?
can i wash it with regular house tape/pipe water?



Definately placebo :cool: But hey! the idea is having LD’s!! Its a good idea, im going to find myself a pendant.

I think its not the item you use that helps with lding. I think that since you told your mind that (whatever item) will help you with lding that you had more confidence and kinda tricked your mind into thinking that the item would help… Just a thought :wink:

Hi chong :smile:

yes, you can expose clear quartz to the sun :yes: Most of mine are in the windowsill day and night :smile:
Yes, you can wash it with regular water. I like to clean my crystals by smudging them (burning dried white sage and hold them in the smoke).

I think i’ll get myself a crystal and try it, it seems very interesting to me and could maybe give me something to concentrate on for meditation… Even if it doesn’t work, they still look pretty :grin: (Would be nice to put on display :content:).

Just a matter of which one to get :smile:

I lost my moonstone… D:

YAY true i once had a stone in my bed and cut myself with it :sad:

Oh my gosh, reading this thread is really putting me in the mood to go to a crystal/gemstone store.

Has anybody tried sleeping with angel aura crystal quartz or aqua aura crystal quartz (might have different names). Those are basically clear quartz that is fused with platinum or gold.

They are so beautiful that I feel they must be great for inducing vivid dreams.

I have a moonstone (wich helps me remember more dreams and boots the vividness of it), lapis lazuli danburite. None of them havegiven me any LD’s.