What have you SEEN while in SP?

a plastic dude and a rabid fan

great, I’m gonna be known as the “fan lady” pretty soon.

(not really)

Never saw a plastic dude, as Fan Lady did ( :tongue: ) but I saw one of my teddy bear ( :grin: ) on my chest and barking at me…

I once saw giant spider crawling on my walls…

A couples times I saw a man with a black mask trying to strangle me. ( Now THIS was frightening ).

I saw a weird robot who told me quote " This is the last time I come here…" :eh:

That’s for the visual hallucinations I had. I have much more auditive ones, basically most of the time a voice thretaening me to kill me or such or simply a groar ( very realistic :scared: )

I don’t usually see much while experiencing SP. However, I did have one singularly frightening auditory experience. I was awakening from a dream that involved a female announcer on a loud speaker. As I awoke, I continued to hear her voice, seemingly booming from a school down the street. She said, “Please remain calm. We are having a difficult time.” (I took this last sentence to mean “We are having technical difficulties.”) Suddenly, my whole body seized up and that last sentence began repeating over and over again like a broken record. I knew I was experiencing SP and that there was little to be afraid of. But an involuntary sense of irrational horror flooded my whole body and I couldn’t even scream. That shook me up a little. :happy:

I agree with what you say about alien abductions. I have had quite a few SP experiences myself and i also think there is a remarkable similarity to the alien abduction cases.
I think that your beleif system will greatly affect your SP experience/hallucinations or the following dream.

What i have heard during SP is this: wind blowing in my ears"happens in the beginning of most of my experiences", changing radio static, laughing, screams, music"usually very beautiful" and sometimes even voices. It is rare that i see anything with my eyes open, but i saw my old cat jumping at me, a small boy standing next to my bed and some random smaller visual disturbances.

I also think that oobe experiences is also all in your mind and that it is also a direct cause of SP as the alien abductions. I have had SP where i was laying bed and then suddently i floated up from my bed, which meant that i was now in a lucid dream.

If i was religious and believed in the occult, then i guess i would have an experience similar to the old hag.

The most common SP hallucination for me was always the “black shadow”. It looked like a standing shadow in my room, and it would come slowly closer and closer, while I couldn’t move! It has been a long time since that hallucination has appeared, fortunately.

Lately, a more common one has been just the sound of somebody approaching my bed. The feeling or sound of a cat in my bed is also common, especially if it is after a lucid dream.

When I was a child, I would sometimes wake up in SP, and my room would look differently! For example, the door could be missing or the lamp would only make a weak, brownish light.

Ok, I had an interesting SP since I wasn’t in bed, yet standing up. I was in my kitchen and I back up to bump into someone behind me, I think its my friend, but I turn around, and its some guy with an angry face, teeth showing, a buzz cut and an orange shirt. :help: I froze, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t scream. He grabbed me and started to take me outside to my back yard. I woke up still with the feeling of SP wich slowly faded away.

Maybe this isn’t a form of SP, if not, I would like to know what happened :smile:

Answers appreciated!

I saw my room turn blue once (I usually hear things rather than see them).

Mmmm Omega that would be kinda wierd to see. Infact everyones SP visions/audio hallucinations are kinda creepy.

Well I’ve only had SP once and I hope I never had it again. It seems like a common trend to hear/see scary/uncomfortable things and in a paralysed state of mind its not good at all.

Sweet dreams.

I have had some quite enjoyable SPs as well. Infact most of my SP’s now are great, since i now know exactly what they are and thus arent afraid anymore. SP is a very suggestive state, so if you expect something to happen, then it will most likely happen.

Well, I must not have been expecting anything to happen because, well, nothing happened, besides not being able to move and nearly “choking” to death. I feel like such a boring person when I read about all these SP things with space demons and god knows what.

EDIT: Sorry for bumping a dead topic, I didn’t see the date of the last post ^^;

I’ve been reading through this site, and people seem to do well with SP. I’ve had SP for ever since I can remember and It has always terrified me! I just try and scream and I can’t. I try to crawl out of bed to get to someone and I can’t. I freak out and when I wake up, I’m shaking and breathing hard.

Can anyone tell me why I have such a bad experience with SP? What benifits are there to this condition?

sorry, I didn’t see the big SP topic on the top lol. My bad.

I think it might be your mindset and i guess you also didnt really know what it was until recently?? It scared me to death the first times as well when i didnt know that there was nothing to be scared of.
If you think negative and expect it to be bad, then your subconscious will most likely automaticly meet your expectations. So if you fear that the devil comes for you, then it will most likely do so. You should try to learn to not be scared, even if you for example see something scary, as it is all created by your mind. When you become less scared you will notice that the SP’s themself turn more pleasant as well.

Edit: And the main benefits are that you can very easily enter a lucid dream from that state. If i find myself in SP, then i can enter a dream in less than a minute sometimes without losing consciousness.

In SP, parts of your brain is already in “sleep mode”. It is easier to wild from SP than from a completely awake state. Some people imagine “rolling” out of their bed in SP, and start a lucid dream this way.

For me, SP is a gift. If it happens while falling asleep, it means that I am finally falling asleep (this usually happens after insomnia periods), and will be in a dream soon. On the other hand, I get SP after waking up by will from a bad dream, and then it means that I am finally waking up!

Being unable to move is uncomfortable, and probably hits one of our primal fear instincts. It is completely harmless though. Just knowing what it is can make the experience easier to stand. :cool:

Thank you both. This helps alot. I always thought it was a bad experience for everyone! I’ve read that its actually a medical condition as well. I guess thats why I thought it was bad. I haven’t gotten it in years, but now I know if I do get it, I’ll try and get into a lucid dream.

It tickles when I have it, hehe. I always look forward to it, maybe thats why it doesnt hurt.

I’ve never had SP after a dream, only before it. And nothing bad has ever happened, weirdly. I just accept that I’m going to sleep soon, and if the worst comes to the worst, it’s possible to urge yourself out of it.

What have you seen/heard? Usually just the door open and light outside is what I see. I’ve heard screams in SP also.

But how about what have you tasted? I’ve had SP once where I tasted chocolate.

Someone saying my name.

Did you see the person or just heard it? Spooky :scared: