Toilets/bathrooms in dreams

Just a few months ago I wet my bed because of a toilet dream. But most of the time I use the toilet, I wake up dry.

I also remember a dream from a long time ago about a giant toilet designed especially for sumo wrestlers. It was about the size of a hot tub.

The last time that i encountered a bathroom the toilet was very clean. The bathroom, however, was flooded with shoes. I’m talking stacks. This was in my grandmother’s bathroom and there is a limit to just how many shoes a woman can own, haha!
I was tripping over them and fell, ouch!

I have so many dreams with toilets in them, that I am going to have to start to do RCs everytime I see a toilet or even think about one! :eek:

The ever so frustrating dream of the bathroom haunted me about a week ago.

I always have this incredible urge to pee. The one’s that make you feel that if you touch your lower belly you can actually see your bladder. That’s how bad I had to go and then someone decides to make my bathroom an open room with no doors, DCs that just hang around and encourage you to pee b/c no one cares and someone decided to set up their matress on the tub.

I hate bathroom dreams. But I laugh every morning after I have one.

Today i dreamt about toilets and Lisa Kudrow…

Maybe toilets and the cast of FRIENDS are related! :grin:

Argh! It happens to me all too often. I am amazed I have always woken up dry.

Lights in bathrooms NEVER work for me. Bathrooms are always dark and if I happen to be in a shower, it’s always flooded…

The only dream I can recall with toilets or showers was this one from when I was about 10… I was in a brick room and all on the ceiling were hanging toilets… Thank god they were empty… :eek:

A few nights ago, I dreamt of some public toilets. There were lots of cubicles - atleast 10, most of them engaged. At the end of the room i saw some cubicles with the doors open. But there were no toilets inside them, just a stone tiled floor. They were empty and apparently ladies would sometimes use these when the toilets were busy. :eek:

When I dream about toilets, my dream won’t allow me to get into one (this usually because in WL I need to go badly)

In my dreams, the toilets are just… normal. Recently during a FA, I went to the bathroom and it was clean. Maybe it’s just one of those things which is different for each person shrugs.

Whenever i dream of a toilet it is either rediculously large, or extremely tiny. Maybe this reflects how bad i have to go! :tongue:

I’ve only ever seen a toilet in my dreams once, when I was about 8 or so. I found a decent one, and then flushed myself down it to see where it would take me… Too bad I don’t remember where it took me. :tongue:

I don’t think I’ve ever went to a bathroom in my dreams before…

For me in a dream pretty much anything that holds water is a restroom. I don’t often dream about restrooms but when i do they are always in highly public areas and exposed on all sides, I remember once finding a small fountain in the middle of an open air market place and waking up before actually getting to use it, the idea I think is kinda like using a tree in RL, guess I am just not very picky and very confident in my dreams.

I generally wake up when searching for a bathroom in dreams.

that was a terrifying experience… I was going, and turned lucid, and just went, “uh oh, probably doing this in RL”

I wasn’t. Phew.

The last time I went to the bathroom in a dream, someone kept trying to barge in while I was going pee. Eventually I just blockaded the door and went. No pee in real life, so good times.

I tend to find that the restrooms in my dreams are huge and maze-like. Last night I dreamt of a recurring misplaced restroom in my school (it frequently pops up where the lost and found is meant to be) which was out of order, but I managed to find a properly placed one and actually use it (a rare occurrence, iirc), only to wake up half way through (thankfully dry IRL :wink:).

Bathrooms in my dreams are the exact opposite. They are usually tiny and full of lots of people. One time a bathroom actually had a TV in it. :content:

I dont remember of having dreaming of bathroom. Usually I pee everywhere I want … lol