The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD topic - Part V

What I intend to do, when I get that elusive first LD i-n-p-o:

-Create gigantic flying ships (think Skies of Arcadia and similar) and stage huge aerial battles.

-Walk out on a vast, empty field, with only grass and clear, sky as far as the eye can see. Then, drawing a deep breath, raising my hands and start creating a world Fantasia-style. (That old Disney movie where Mcikey stole the wand, and then the brooms came etc etc)

-Recreate the sci-fi world I´ve created for a comic, along with all the concepts (think 50m high trucks, giant submarines, mammoth battles between aliens and humans, gigantic energy cannons and so on…yes, I AM obsessed with large machinery)

-Recreate previously mentioned mammoth sci-fi battle with myself as a soldier, complete with the machanical suit and big automatic rifles…and open up one big can of whoop-ass :wink:
Of course there would be interaction on a larger scale, aerial bombings, tanks and artillery hammering away. Chaos.

-Another mammoth battle, but a fantasy themed one…with big magic, otherworldly creatures, mighty champions and of course…One BIG dose of Metal to top it off :tongue:

-Using magic to play with nature, the sky and the oceans. Think massive lightshows :tongue:

-Create an underwater city

-Try particular kinds of vehicles, like ultra-fast cars and fighter jets

-Become “one” with the music - hard to explain what I mean, but a friend of mine who is quite adept at lucid dreaming tried this once when I asked him to, and he said it was one of the most powerful experiences he´s ever had.

-Take on another form - anything and everything from cats and birds to werewolves and dragons :wink: especially a dolphin is something I look forward to.

-Do spiritual research - meet guides, look into past lives etc.

-Experiment with different ways of making myself “more powerful” - that is, “surging” myself to become stronger, faster and so on.

-Basically play God with the universe, creating whatever I want with the sway of a finger - an artist´s wet dream :tongue:

Sword duels, flying, playing with a starry winter sky, play out a film noir story complete with narration and all, explore vast fantasy and sci-fi worlds, re-enact certain games, try out andvanced levels of martial arts, play out stories I´ve written to see how I should continue them, meeting (and battling) characters I´ve created etc etc…

I could fill a book :tongue:

I remember when I was little that I would bring my fingers close to my eyes and imagine that I was squishing stuff. Playing with perspective like that would be fun to do in LD’s

Sounds interesting! I wanna try it. :happy: I wonder how I’ll go about doing this…

I fused with someone once. That was kind of funny.

Even though I haven’t had many lucid dreams, I still have some favourite things to do in them.

  1. Have sex with any DC that walks by me
  2. Attack people
  3. Have 360 vision and an ability to see everything from a bird’s eye view

Right let’s see

  1. Kill my most hated enemy JOSH VARTY! I hate him so much! (Now if only i could do it in real life)

2.Have passionate sex with hot women

3.summon up an army of daemons and destroy humanity!

4.kill myself to see what happens

5.Walk through a mirror

6.transform into animals and/or mythical creatures

7.Become a ghost and haunt a house

8.Eat at the finest restaurant imaginable

9.Duel with swords or fists

10.get into a bar fight

11.turn invisible and scare people in a shopping centre

12.go through my memory and watch a production of Les Miserables again

The list goes on and on so i’m not posting it all here… yet.

  1. Use different superpowers to impress my friends
  2. Makeout with my crush
  3. Mess with DC’s
  4. Make an auto exhaust flame thrower
  5. Nuke the whitehouse
  6. Fight in a war
  7. Look into past lives
  1. Transform into a dragon.
  2. Burninate pedestrians.
  3. Fly.
  4. Get rid of my fear of the water.
  5. Talk to my SC.
  6. Talk to my RP characters.
  7. BE my main RP character. XD
  8. See the worlds my subconscious can make. ^^

What I want to do in a LD ^^:

  1. shared dreaming and prove it!
  2. astral travel
  3. telling a DC he has to make me lucid all the time
  4. Transform in animals, anime’s etc…
  5. Discover the ocean
  6. swimming with dolphins
  7. Meet Shakira :happy: :content:
    :cool: look at past lives
  8. have powers like telekinesis etc…
  9. I want to have hundred lessons chemistry, it’s my favorite subject :tongue:
  10. Colour my hair and see how I look like :tongue:
  11. Play inside Ps2 games haha
    13)kill a girl from my school
  12. Go to Hogwarts
  13. and euh pirates of the caribbean
  14. Redo my favorite dream :tongue:
  15. Become famous
  16. Become a witch
  17. Go to DBZ, I like Gohan
  18. Pokemon too :content:
  19. overcome my arachnofobia (fiercly afraid of spiders) It controls my life :cry:
  20. Meet my SG
  21. eat sushi :cool:
  22. make my own movie
  23. Kiss with my teacher chemistry
  1. Fly (In the Neo style :tongue: )
  2. Meet my Dream Guide
  3. Talking to my DCs and messing with them a bit
  4. Fight Superman
  5. Create a pill that makes me last longer in LD
  6. Make some DCs that are film characters, eg. Gandalf, Sauron, Snape
  7. Become a Jedi :content:
    :cool: Become an Evil Superman (I stole that idea off someone on here I think)
  8. Morph
  9. Create a half troll half elf
  10. Change my appearance into something strange
  11. Give myself wings, preferably metal ones
  12. Get a guy eaten by tigers, I really don’t like the guy in mind
  13. Go to Hogwarts and Minas Tirith
  14. Defend Minas Tirith and Helm’s Deep
  15. Redo my favorite dream
  16. Go vampire hunting with Angel and Buffy
  17. Perform on stage for a massive audience, I’d perform The Tide or Who’s David
  18. Be invisible in the zoo so I can go to the animals upclose
  19. Have a life like Pokemon to defend me
  20. Fly to another world or teleport there and explore it
  21. Have a really long LD
  22. Eat some strange things, like a hammer
  23. Live in the Harry Potter world and go to school with them throughout the books :happy: :happy: :happy:
  24. Have sex with my French teacher and IT teacher (I love them :razz: )
  25. Out play a professional in their sport
  26. Be in the battle in the Troy
  27. Be part of the X-Men, I’m not sure what my power would be
  28. Walk into Mordor by myself and kill everyone
  29. Set off a bomb in a street and be the only survivor
  30. Ride on a Dragon
  31. Have a Dragon as a DC who comes with me everywhere called Eudoras
  32. Witness the death of Jesus Christ
  33. Watch the following fights:
  • God V. Satan
  • Mace Windu V. Darth Maul
  • Anakin Skywalker V. Darth Maul
  • Aragorn V. Sauron
  • Aragorn V. Witch-King
  • Jack Sparrow V. Will Turner that ends in a death
  • Maximus from Gladiator V. Achilles from Troy
  • Hector from Troy V. William Wallace from Braveheart
  • Chris from Charmed V. Wyatt from Charmed
  • A Bear V. A Polar Bear
  • A Balrog V. An Ent
  • A dragon V. Spiderman
  1. Create my own World
  2. Have a headquarters where I can go in any LD
  3. Swim in a pool of milk
  4. Swim in a pool of Pepsi

That’s it for now.

  • Kill my Dream Guide
  • Kill my subconcious
  • Infiltrate Anna Kournikova’s house, and rape her. But, she will like it… she can’t resist.

You’re just as evil as me, aren’t you. :eek: :devil:

I’d like to add eating people to my list if it’s not already there.

Some great ideas. Mine, in order:

  1. Fly
  2. Have a conversation with a DC (I have heard they may know more then you)
  3. Meet my SG or Dream Guide
  4. Have a date to improve social skills
  5. Morph/Modify my Apperance
  6. Drive really really fast (although I have done it in a ND)
  7. Create my own Dream World (later because I hear it is harder, and I want to do the first stuff first)
  8. Ask a DC where stuff I lost is or something else i can;t remember
  9. Create a dream mansion
  10. Run the ultimate computer copreration (sounds weird, I am a Youth Entrepeneur) (I just butchered that word).
  11. Outperform all my friends in everything.

I would like to…

  1. Ask my SG soooo many important questions about lots of topics
  2. Improve my golf game
  3. Have much fun with a room full of anime characters :wink:
  4. Talk to very smart DC

Aslo one time…I had a ND that I had a virtual reality box and i did what i wanted with it (be a pro boxer, fight in a war, etc.) And I have to admit…Fighting in WW2 was a very exciting experience, I would like to do that again…

Unfortunately I have only had one LD and all I could do in it before I woke up was jump off of a huge building. :sad:

In my first LDs, I want to…

  1. Morph things!
  2. Fly
  3. …into the Sun
  4. Umm, I think you know :wink:
  5. Blow up my old school :happy:

I just had my first LD today morning and I was flying :smile: At first I had problems with controlling the flight but I imagined I have jet shoes and it was easy then :smile:

Other things I would like to do:

  1. I think you know :razz:
  2. Change my body
  3. Show off to friends
  4. Explore the Solar System
  5. Talk with DC’s
  6. Create a DC to help me have LD’s

No further ideas at the moment :razz:

I would like to

  1. See how it feels to be a man…
  2. Have a romantic candlelit dinner with my idol… (ahem)
  3. Swim underground…
  4. Create giant castles floating in the sky…
  5. Fly around.
  6. Explore space…

I’m not sure about all the action stuff people want to do, what’s motion like in an LD anyway? And is flying really that cool?

I think I’d rather just explore my dream world, check out what my mind creates. Or find the most surreal and perfect retreat in nature and rreelllaaxxx.

  1. Transform into various animals (Done)
  2. Time travel (I’ve LD-ed into the future, but not the past)
  3. Fly
  4. Swim
  5. Be in various TV shows
  6. Play Civ, reality style :smile:
  7. Listen to music (Done, melodies are always prettier if you’re LDing)
    :cool: Try to recover some memories from the past

Um, that’s all I can think of for now, so yeah.

Another thing I’d like to add to my list. (And OMG it’s not violent!)

Break into a song like a Disney movie. If you’re lucky, other DC’s will start singing along with you and you’ll get music playing in the background too!

That sounds awesome. And I hate cheesy music… :eh:

At any rate, I have quite a list… Please understand this before I start. In RL, I am but a 13 year-old kid. However, In the second life I invision my self to have when I start having LDs - I will no longer be 13. I will be whatever I want to be. I will do what I want to do. Don’t judge me by this list - I’m only human. Understand? (By the way, this is no particular order.)

  1. Flying over a different planet.
  2. Transformation into a tiger. It just HAS to rock.
  3. Getting sent to the Guillotine and then escaping.
  4. Declaring War on all DC-kind… :plotting:
  5. Using God-Like powers to win that war…
  6. Sex… (If you think it wrong - you obviously need to read^)
  7. Going up to a famous person at a concert and kicking them.
  8. Dying… (Just once - to see what it’s like.)
  9. Getting a mansion that I custom-created.
  10. Ninja-School… :cool:
  11. Summoning my fears and turning them into cookies.
  12. Eating some cookies, if you know what I mean…
  13. Meeting a spirit guide.
  14. Changing all water in the world into ice…
  15. Destroying a futuristic settlement.
  16. Driving a car. Or a jet. Either one.
  17. Going to a resutrant and ordering everything on the menu. (Then throwing it all at someone)
  18. Making me small and playing and playing in a large cake.
  19. Going to a bank and stealing EVERYTHING.
  20. Traveling via Portal. (Sounds like fun…)

And that’s just 20 things… :twirl: