Most beautiful Word?

Think it’s been said before but, melancholy.

Also, all time favourite word = onomatopoeia :wink:

lol. Wouldn’t it be Smallgreenvegetablegenitals bird?

“Cellar Door” is supposed to be the most beautiful word, based on the way it sounds; not the meaning of the word.
(Donnie Darko was a great movie, if you haven’t seen it I suggest you rent it.)

I would say that the most beautiful word is ‘free’. Whether you mean ‘Free beer’ or ‘Free speech’ I love it when things are free.

I guess so. I made that joke in my head, and I hence didn’t spell out “p-e-a-c-o-c-k.” It sound’s like “pee,” OK?

The most beautiful sounding word to me would have to be one in Mandarin - I love that language! :content:

“Racecar” because its spelled the sameway backwards.

racecar is a palindrome. Some more of these:

go hang a salami im a lasagna hog

sator arepo tenet opera rotas (which also is an anagram for “paternoster ao ao,” meaning “our father” in latin, and the a’s and o’s standing for “alpha and omega” twice)

i prefer pi

wont lovers revolt now

we panic in a pew

stack cats

i like the words “serene” and “serenity” i dunno why i think they are just nice words ^_~


Ahh yes oblivion and blasphemy, and Satan(say it low and evil)and Evil.

Carnival, Creation & Soul

My all time favourite word is Atavism. There is just no substitute for it.

and a search reveals this is the first time it’s ever been said on these forums!

i like ‘ethereal’, ‘palpable’, ‘ratamacue’ (a drum rudiment) and most french words :razz: i don’t know why, it’s just a beautiful, flowing language.


Catharsis. And I like experiencing catharsis too, so double reason to like the word. :cool:

“Nostalgia” :roll:


The word coddles some deviant… arousing emotion in me when I hear it. Almost a sadomasochistic feeling.

Also, “sanguine” and “angst…” and the feminine pronoun, “her.” (Especially when used in conjunction with “hurt.”)

Liquirish, Think I spelt it right.


I can’t explain it really.

Levity and Feign, They just sound awesome, and I love using them instead of happy or fake =D

sphinkter and nozzle infamy and pose