The BIG Fav thing to do in a LD topic - Part V

You know what? Your list intrigues me so much, I’m going to comment on each one… :mrgreen:

  1. Sounds cool. You could also make laws for that world. You decide what is possible and impossible.
  2. I wonder what it would taste like… Maybe nothing?
  3. To be expected, I suppose. That’s all I’ll say.
  4. That’s weird. Yet fun. Maybe because it breaks social barriers is the reason it can be enjoyable.
  5. I love the books, so that’s cool. Not sure I’d want to though.
  6. I guess it depends… It may feel different for different people.
  7. I would do it to show off/amaze DC’s.
  8. That… would… rock.
  9. Just for the shock value, huh?
  10. Let the evil within go wild. Then go with it. You’ll scare yourself. :wink:
  11. Umm… moving on.
  12. I heard those experiences are enjoyable as well.
  13. Umm… Too formal for me… I’d rather have them running and screaming.
  14. Fun. But it might be fun combining it with #3 - you never know…:eh:
  15. You, sir, sicken me… I’m so envious.

Wow, all posts after him have been erased.

Anyways, I’d like to go out of my body and in my garden and fly up to space. That would be awesome.

why yes i am quite the sick individual :smile:
i read your list and i decided that it has potential :tongue:

and bye the way just cause your 13 dosent mean you cant have sex lol

I’m aware. However, there are those who would think it wrong.
So I feel the explanation was needed, to an extent. :happy:

And… About my list… I only listed less than half the things I wanted to do, as I thought keeping most of those things to myself would be a good idea…

Good riddance. And this topic has been merged… :eek:

As for the rest of the message… that’s so random I don’t know what to say. Well… Have fun…

here’s my list

  • fly

  • have sex with keira knightly

  • meet bob marley and go up on stage with him and sing redemption song togather :tongue:

this one can go on my list exept instead of singing your going to be taking drugs with him and some other new ones are

meet jim morrison and john lennon


be “touched” by the flying spagetti monster

i dont really think taking drugs is good even in dreams and if its a dream cant you just make yourself high naturaly? :cool:

anyway singing with him will be better i think lol

Ditto. Though I don’t know who this person is, I just don’t see the point of drugs - in RL and LD. I’d rather spend my time doing something more important, like blowing up Paris, or maybe New Jersey. :mrgreen: (And aren’t drug-related posts against forum rules? :scared: )

[mod]Yes, they are. And chatspeak too. :angry: [/mod]
[color=blue]Did I chatspeak? If so, sorry.:shy: -Voldrek[/color]

maybe blow thing from paris hilton you mean? :wink:

I just recently started trying to have lucid dreams again (I think I’ve had some really good progress in remembering my night dreams lately, since I haven’t remembered any for years), but this is one of the biggest things I wanted to try to do when I had a lucid dream. But I wanted to know, has anybody had success with this?

When I was younger, about 8-10 years old, and first realized I was having lucid dreams, I didn’t know much about what they were, but I tried to use them to “find a way into the real world from my LD” which I guess you could kind of call an out of body experience.

But now I’d like to try to learn more about my subconscious mind. Until I find out more of how to do that, some fun things I’d like to try in LDs are:

Create my own city/world

Fly (but this is mostly something simple to start my LDs with.)

Explore my dreamworld

Meet my SG

And it seems most people have similar interests. Great people do think alike! :content:

I had my first lucid dream with control last night. I think I managed pretty good. I recieved a note from my subconsious adressing me with my name(although I was trying to conjure a .357, lol) and I spin-changed at least 4 times(very cool) and I almost had sex(the dream was fading and I got distracted). Plus I flew, levitated and created an object! I want to try:

  • Creating any of my drawings “IRL”

  • Having sssssssssex!

  • Painting reality

  • swimming in an alien ocean

EDIT: OK, sorry wissam. I didn’t pay attention to the five pages before this one. :neutral:

Ok everyone look. This is called ‘The Big Fav thing to do in a LD’ topic. It means you list, the Favourite things you like to do, not things you want to do! So, if you’ve flown in a dream, you can say ‘my favorite thing to do, would be to fly, it’s fun and i feel a rush’ etc.

IF, you want to write what you ‘want’ to do in a LD, look for another topic, that is meant for that!

Now to make this thread right again, I think the best thing to do in a LD, is to teleport. I did that by creating an ‘electronic web’ to the door, jumping in and yelling my location :mrgreen:

I try my hardest not to use web’s or mirrors etc to teleport. Remember that it’s all a dream and you’ll be able to teleport just by thinking it! I don’t have a lot of LD’s but when I am really lucid I like to comfront fears. They are usually different ones but I like to tackles things that would scare me in real life, ones that I know I might be facing sometime soon.

Sometimes I have wardrobe fun! If only I was a fashion designer in RL, I could get a lot of inspiration!

I scratched the colore off of my eyes once, and smushed my face in.

I still havnt got around to doing the stunts Im wanting to do, Its harder then you think to fall from the sky, and hit ground. If anyone has anymore stunt ideas let me know.

As much fun as extravagance is, I like the simple things more.

  1. Flying
  2. wandering
  3. walking on water (for DCs)
  4. umm. Intercourse.
  5. talking to DCs

These are the things I want to do:

  • Put in a random CD and hear what kind of music my mind makes (and then try to remember later if it was good)
  • Watch a movie/read a book
  • Fly (I did it in my first LD a couple years ago. Amazing)
  • Eat food; primarily: cheese cake, some sort of salad or soup, and then Pad Thai
  • Re-enact my favorite computer game, or create my own
  • Walk through a random city and buy (steal) lots of stuff, then have interesting conversations with people in the local cafes
  • Draw/paint something
  • Go to a comedy club and see if the stand-up jokes are funny
  • Drive a car at a ridiculously high speed straight into a building
  • Deep-sea diving, and then sky diving
  • Post what I want to do in a “Fav. thing to do in dreams” post without getting yelled at by wissam
  • Sex.

I think it’d be pretty funny to enter a book or movie, then tell all the characters the ending, they’d be like “wtf???”

and witness a celebrity boxing match to the death between some fat politician and ghenkis khan

Erhem. I would convince the DC that I am God and that they should build me a thron and worship me.

Make-out with a complet (but incredibly attractive) strange right in the middle of the road.

Go to a rave/really wild party

Get worshipped some more

Visit and underwater world and ride on huge sea horses

Meet my SG, of course

Uhm… nothing says ‘I love you’ like rough wall sex :tongue:

Grow really long fingernails and poke peopel from a distance with them

Jump down from a really high building

Oddly enough I’ve never had the urge to fly in a dream and I can’t remember ever having one where I did. But I guess I’ll try that out some day too.