What do YOU want to do in a LD ?

Basilus West, I believe what the topic creator is trying to accomplish is to try and separate two significant parts of “what you do in LDs.” He feels that “Your fav thing to do in an LD” means you have had LDs before and are sharing your experiences. While this topic is “What do you want to do in an LD,” meaning what would you like to do, but have not done yet due to lack of an LD or something like that. I hope this clears it up. I believe this is what he is trying to say.

hehe i always wanted to do that, tried it once, but i couldn’t fly high enough i reached an ‘invisible ceiling’ :tongue:

I want to do the Quest!

You want to fly into space and burn to a crisp on re-entry, then? :slight_smile:

I wan’t to control reality and make the world better/worse

Do some studying of other languages possibly learning them.

Face my deepest fears that i diden’t even know i had.

Flt around destroying meteors.

I’ve always wanted to have a full scale zombie outbreak in a lucid dream. I’ve had a few little ones, but they’ve never lasted long enough to do anything.

My next goal is to become a reptile man :gni:

Here’s a list of what I’ve always wanted to do:

  1. Transform into numerous animals. I’ve always wanted to know how it is like to be in a snake’s body.
  2. Use futuristic weapons. Now isn’t it awesome to fire a laser pistol or a Rail Gun?
  3. See what happens when you go inside your shadow. Who knows what can be on the other side?
  4. Go on adventures in another “world”.

1.Complete this moon’s quest
2.Make out with a guy on the beach. (Don’t ask me why)
3.Become invisible

Ooooooo. That sounds like fun! I’ll get a shotgun, and I get to kill zombies! Boom, Headshot! Thanks for the idea. :content:

Zombie outbreaks or LDs?

Anyways, I hope to try telekinetic powers in my next LD. (assuming I can retain control this time :neutral:)

Ah sooo many to do… Haku pulls out 10ft long list

-Walk On/Control Water (Primary Goal at the moment)
-Use Temari’s fan to make tornadoes(character from Naruto)
-Use my “scepter” for magic(its actually a curtain rod IRL, lol)
-See what its like to cook a meal.
-Use my “Five-fingered palm strike” to kill somebody.
-Pull various small objects from my pockets.
-Spawn several RL friends and cause chaos
-Take more of those fantastic Lucid Pills!
-and many, many other things…

You might want to speed up your time frame a little bit. 4.5 billion seconds = 142.5 years.

I would like to:

-Emerse myself in fantasy worlds that I create before/during the dream.

-Get to “know” a dream character.

-Use LDs to solve real life problems.

The zombie outbreak. In my long LDs I just never think of zombies, they’re more philosophical and meaning seeking (which is fulfilling and all, but ever now and then you want to smash some undead :razz: )

anyway, I’d also really want to explore a tropical reef. I have a 75 gallon reef tank in my room, and I can just imagine how intensely vivid the colors would be in a dream :grin:

I forgot to add this, it’s only happened to me a few times, but i heart it because its so exhilirating. there is this dark shadow that sometimes cameos in my dreams, and its goal is to try and chase me and kill me. my goal? run :tongue: it usually takes place in the huge local shopping centre, and i always have cool acrobatic powers, do spectacular jumps off the top of the shopping centre, dodge human traffic, run along walls :content: . So i wanna do that, but also with a DC alongside me, so we can both run for our lives :cool:

ps. if anyones played prince of persia: warrior within, they’ll get a feel of what i mean. dahaka anyone? :wink:

I want to play out a story, like being an assassin in a dark noir city where it always rains or something exciting like that.

I also like to:
-Do the zombie horde thing, in a mall or city
-Be in some kind of “every man for himself” situation and run for my life ie. Being on the bottom deck of the Titanic while its sinking.
-Find my Spirit Guide
-Go through a city and do all the things I shouldn’t in real life i.e. drive erratically through the streets, start shootouts, destroy stuff with psychic powers, etc.

And of course

-Get it on :cool:

Well, I’ve already done a lot of the things I’ve wanted to do.

  1. All the Quests here
  2. Dream up a layout for my site.
  3. Become one with the music (as mentioned in the FAV thing to do in a LD thread)
  4. Meet the cast from Kingdom Hearts
  5. Eat people from LD4all :devil:
  6. Have a SD with someone on the forum

Being a fan of ‘Whose line is it anyway’ I’d like to participate in the show, or perhaps Drew Careys Green screen show, with live animations ofcourse.
Zombie holocaust or breakout would be cool. So far I’ve only killed zombies in one LD. With a chainsaw, Sliced up a head, there was no blood but very detailed slices of brain.
I love the Alien movies, wanna encounter them, and be one of them as well. I like monsters in general. demons. Horror. I want to study them. So that I can draw them.
Speaking of wich, I’d like to look at art.
I want to have mystical experiences. Different dimensions, realms and such. Deep space travel. Clear light dreams.
I want to experiment with perceptions.360 vision… or why not 0.000001 degree vision. I want to have more in depth conversations with DCs. And just observe and explore.
I came up with more than I planned. Oh yeah. I forgot, shoot guns.

I don’t have a very long list, but here’s what I do have (in no particular order:)

  1. Fly, of course.
  2. Use a couple to help overcome my fear of public speaking (I’m stuck with performance arts in school this year. :hide: )
  3. Use a couple more to help overcome my fear of heights (probably using flying to overcome fear so I can fly higher :tongue: )
  4. Uh, various kinds of evil things (I’m always nice IRL, but we just need some of both sometimes, right? :tempted: :devil: )
  5. And this one came from part a discussion of relativity in AP Physics this morning. Basically, command my dream Earth to stop spinning and watch the ensuing chaos. :gni:

Hehe, I apologize for the smiley overload, but you guys have the coolest ones I’ve seen.

And just in case 5 still needs a bit of explanation: Theoretically, if my dream earth was going say, 3000 mph, and it suddenly screeched to a halt, everything on the earth would fly out at 3000 mph due to inertia.

Oh boy… so many things I want to do…

-Meet my online friends in the US/Australia/etc
-Meet video game characters! :yay:
-Live in an awesome dream-mansion! :happy:
-Sex. Of course! :lol:
-Explore a world of beauty
-Explore a world of hell
-Visit places I haven’t been in years
-Become a god
-Ride/become a dragon
-Practice things like running/fighting/alertness/etc.
-Fight in a LotR style war
-Become invisible and girl-slap people.

That’s all I can remember for now… XD

I recently had one I know I’ll get flamed for; assasinating G W Bush. Really, it has nothing to do with politics, it’s just one of the least unlikely things you can ever do. It would feel really weird waking up…