Writting my dreams

HI all,
Im quite new to the forum and the site,its an very intresting site i could register on,i had new information i was searching for,but i had a problem that i have tried every techniques here but none of them work,just one after noon nap secceed by luck,i dont know why,then after it i tried four night sleep and four after noon naps but i couldnt recall anything execpt one imjage or two,a phrase or something told in the dream,a sound…really my recall to dreams are weak on the other hand the afternoon that i had succeed on,i had listened to some supplying music and make some relaxing exercises then slept ,after i woke up i recalled the dream tottally,and i remember many dreams tottally after i got to be intrested in LD and OBE and AP.(there is also one from child hood i know :eek: )so why i cant remember my dreams anymore,i had a dream journal i dont find anything to write in it,exept there are four dreams in it only,so please can anybody tell me whats going on?
how can i recall my dreams?
i just want to first recall all my dreams then i will practice LD,also,sometimes i dont remember anything when i woke up,and remember tiny images ,i dont know whats going on really im now too frustrated to continue practicing i have tried every single techniques on this site and other sites but i fail to recall my dreams :sad:

Have you read the whole remembering dreams topic in the first steps forum?


  1. tell yourself you will dream and remember your dreams before going to sleep
  2. lie still when you first wake and give yourself time to try to recapture any memories of your dreams
  3. write down anything you get into your dj… it could be small fragments of dreams, images, feelings … just write everything you get (sometimes when writing other things will be remembered too)

:wave: welcome to the LD4all forum

thanks moogle i will try that,but i have tried to tell my self to remember but without any results i will try to write any thing i will remember and maybe i can recapture any thing else

i have tried what you have told me moogle but,something wierd really happened,after i kept telling my self to remember my dreams and wake up after each one to write it in my DJ,i kept waking up several times but not becasue of the dream but for some sounds,i think the three imes i woke up it was in the middle of dreams,when i woke up i didnt remember anything except some images and some sounds from the dreams thats all i couldnt recall a full dream,then i have tried again at night with the same results,i guess i will try to take now an after noon nap and see what will happen if i didnt succeed i will get too frustrated :sad:

Then write down those images you saw, what sounds you heard, when you wake up, dont jump right out of bed lay down in the same spot and try and replay the events of the dream in your mind, focus on the images or sounds and try to think what else went on during it.

You might be able to write down and explain one image or sound tonight, but tommorow night you will be able to explain two images, or two sounds, and you begin to piece those images together in to ellaborate dreams.

Eventually you will be able to recall full dreams, and probably even multiple dreams a night. My only word of advice is to just keep practicing, keep writing in your DJ, you can do it.